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SIL Collection Manager job description and Workflow Procedures

Collection Manager Job Description

BHL Collection Manager:
Maintaining the Wikispaces Collections area of the BHL website for all members.
Working with Executive Directory of BHL, on ascertaining which titles maybe processed. Collection Manager must be informed of agreements being negotiated and the status of those agreements.

Smithsonian Institution Libraries Collection Manager:
Regular contact with the SIL BHL Coordinator on collection-related issues.
Works with Head of Natural History Libraries to determine the policies on scanning of formats, materials, and other issues.
Works with BHL Executive Director, SIL BHL Coordinator, and Head of Natural History Libraries to determine priorities and scanning workflow
Contacts branch librarian and technicians for information to keep a running list of serial titles to be scanned.
Contact point for the IA Technician on workflow needs including the need for more material to scan. Stays abreast of quantity of books in queue to be scanned. Aware of scheduling issues that might effect the material flow to and from the center making adjustments to the workflow procedures as needed.

Workflow Procedures
Routine Pulling -Monographs

IA technician will be instructed to call Collections Manager when more books are needed (though there should always be at least one cart full of books to scan).
BHL Technicians will generate picklist, pull items, select items in database, check them out to the SCRIBE borrower, and generate paper packing list for book cart and WonderFetch URL to send to scanner, per specific procedures linked here.
BHL Technicians works from the picklist and is aware of any special requests or handling that might be needed.
BHL Technicians transports book trucks to the scanning center
BHL Technicians informs the BHL Conservation team and Metadata team that materials are ready for review.
BHL Technicians handle the processing of materials deemed needing preservation treatment.
When scanning is complete, BHL Technicians will take carts back to location, check in all books, attach sticker, and update picklist database as per procedures.
SIL branch technician will reshelve items.

Routine Pulling - Serials
Same as above, unless Serials have post-1923 issues and SIL has permission to digitize, in which case, see below.

Special Pulling

(Require Different Handling Techniques)

Collection Manager tells IA technician that these are priority.
Collection Manager asks her/him how many she can do in a session
(Never leave the door open or leave them unattended)
Go to Rare Books Librarian
Rare Books Librarian will transport the books
End of the day Rare Books Librarian will clear out those that have been done.

Collection Manager will work with Curators, et al, to take care of special requests.
Collection Manager will ask selectors to use Martin’s checklist to ascertain scanability.
SI BHL Coordinator will determine intellectual property issues.
1. Not in collections that we’ve chosen
2. Post - 1923
If items are scannable and not on the picklist (post-1923, collection not in picklist, etc.) Collection Manager (or their designate) will fill out the picklist additions worksheet and submit to Keri. She will add to picklist database.
Collection Manager will ask Metadata Librarian to check the bid list to see whether title has been bid upon. If not, she will bid on it. If yes (???)
Collection Manager will tell Metadata Librarian and Book Conservators to check on them.
Selector and BHL Technician will repeat the above.

Tom Garnett -Executive Director
SIL BHL Coordinator - Martin Kalfatovic
Collection Manager -
Metadata Librarian - Suzanne Pilsk
Database Librarian - Keri Thompson
BHL Technicians - Conrad Ziyad, and soon to be others
Book Conservators - Eliza Gilligan, Vanessa Haight
Rare Book Librarians - Daria Wingreen, Leslie Overstreet