SIL 20130402
SIL BHL TaskForce
April 2, 2013
Attendees: Gilbert Borrego, Diane Shaw, Martin Kalfatovic, Daria Wingreen Mason, Bianca Crowley, Jackie Chapman, Suzanne Pilsk, Keri Thompson, Stefaan Hurts, Grace Costantino, Ann Juneau, Katie Wagner
We don't need a taskforce meeting anymore, but a digitization workflow meeting. This should bring in CHL and BHL, not just focused on BHL. Might have monthly workflow meeting to discuss general digitization issues. Would also bring in other library staff working to scan CHL stuff from their libraries. Would just be limited to the book scanning process right now, including metadata work.
Monthly BHL update meeting that would include pan-BHL issues and general BHL updates. Also discussions about how to engage with the larger Smithsonian community. Martin wants to talk to Ann and Gil about bringing natural and physical sciences staff me more involved in the franchise work of BHL.
So two meeting each month:
1) Digitization workflow meeting
2) BHL Update Meetings, talking more about pan-BHL things.
17 people attended. Somewhere around 200 images tagged. Partnered with Ocean Portal for this event, with a focus on tagging marine species. Held in the NH Library Training Rooms.
Gilbert and Jackie performing audit to track all BHL scanning things. Using Google spreadsheet to perform audit. Finding lots of things in Cullman waiting to be scanned. Some things scanned but just not indicated in the picklist. Some are with the contractors.
Suzanne coordinating workflow review for rare scanning. That group is meeting next week. We're also doing this audit to help refine our workflow for all of our scanning processes. Also defining what Erin, Gilbert, and Jackie are doing. Audit will track where books physically are and where they are in the process.
Erin also doing an audit for CHL.
Things we are scanning from Cullman right now need to be BHL related because we have more funds for BHL scanning. So, generally, anthropology should not be included in the Cullman scanning unless they are requests.
We do allow physical anthropology, and we have run a report for the things that are BHL related from anthropology. These are almost all scanned. At this point, what is left in Cullman are all folios. We will soon need more non-folios to scan. Generally, do not rescan an exact same copy of an edition if there are no additions. If they're the same edition but there are differences in the books, like marginalia or other differences, then do scan again.