This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

Partner Meta App

As of March 2014, BHL partners will use Internet Archive's "Partner Meta App" to pass ITEM or VOLUME metadata.
| PMA Requirements | Template | Resulting Item Metadata in BHL & IA | Handling Bound-withs | ARCHIVE

PMA Requirements

Open BHL PMA Requirements document


Download BHL PMA Template ( -- file will download as .XLS
Save As a .CSV
Then send to Internet Archive

Resulting Item Metadata in BHL & IA

[upload image of metadata shown for an item in BHL]

IA Meta.xml file: [link to item's metadata file in IA]

Handling Bound-withs

Individual pieces within bound-with volumes should be digitized separately, with separate catalog records passed for each piece. Bound-withs cannot be separated in BHL after they have been digitized as a single bound volume.

Example PMA with bound-withs

More background from 2009 Bound-withs


Wonderfetch is no longer in use, however background concerning Wonderfetch fields still helpful for understanding how to pass metadata to the Internet Archive

WonderFetch & the Internet Archive item level metadata file (foo_meta.xml)

See also: WonderFetch-Instructions (recipe for making your own WonderFetch URL either on an HTML page, or in an MS EXCEL/Open Office spreadsheet)
See also: Hints for troubleshooting WonderFetch problems
See also: IA Wonderfetch Instructions

WonderFetch is the term used for prepopulating the Internet Archives Biblio metadata forms, so named because it is more wonderful than regular z39.50 fetching. Using WonderFetch, BHL Partner libraries can populate fields with item-level (rather than title level) data that would not normally be populated as part of the standard IA process, and then store those values in the foo_meta.xml file alongside each scanned item in the IA repository.
Part of the impetus for implementing "WonderFetch" was not just to pass volume and issue information for serials (though that was the main impetus) -- but to also capture due diligence, rights, and licensing information related to each item. WonderFetch is a procedure developed by Steve at the IA, in conjunction with BHL staff, that uses URL parameter/value pairs to automatically fetch the title-level MARC record via Z39.50 while also passing item-level data such as enumeration (vol. 2 issue 14), chronology (April 1903) , and IP information (Permission to Digitize Granted by Rights Holder) directly to the Biblio software before scanning.

for additional definitions and usage of these fields see:
(you must have an Internet Archive login, and be logged in, to see this page)

The below fields are important for populating the item-level metadata record in Internet Archive (foo_meta.xml) particularly for bound serial volumes.
Below are the arguments each field takes, along with examples. The examples given are in fact the urls we will be using (for rights statement, e.g.)

Mandatory Fields - you MUST pass values to these fields
Collection (should always contain at minimum &b_c1=biodiversity)

Mandatory when applicable fields: you must pass values to these fields when data exists for them.
Possible Copyright Status
License Type
Negotiated Rights
Due Dilligence

Instructions on Constructing your Wonderfetch link

List of All fields available in foo_meta.xml file, with descriptions, and WonderFetch arguments where relevent

Description: Unique identified assigned by IA to scanned object
Prepopulatable: No, assigned by IA at time of ZQuery during scanning

Description: Title of item being scanned.
Prepopulatable: Yes, but generally populated through ZQuery. MARC 245

Description: Volume of item being scanned.
Prepopulatable: Yes. Mandatory for monographs and serials that have volume information. NOTE: leave off "v"." vol" or "volume" in order to correctly order the volumes of a particular title. The "Vol." label will be supplied in the portal.
WonderFetch parameter: &b_v=
example: &b_v=v9%201907 (use 9 1907 for vol. 9, 1907)

Description: Year assigned to Book being scanned
Prepopulatable: Yes. Not mandatory but Strongly Encouraged for serials or items from monographic series.
WonderFetch parameter: &year=
example: &year=1907

Description: Creator of Book being scanned. MARC 100 and 110
Prepopulatable: No, populated through Z39.50 Fetch

Description: Subject(s) of Book being scanned. MARC 650
Prepopulatable: No, populated through Z39.50 Fetch

Description: Taken from MARC 500
Prepopulatable: No, populated through Z39.50 Fetch

Description: Taken from MARC 260 |b
Prepopulatable: No, populated through Z39.50 Fetch

Description:Taken from MARC 260 |c
Prepopulatable: No, populated through Z39.50 Fetch

Description: Taken from MARC 008
Prepopulatable: No, populated through Z39.50 Fetch

Description:defaults to Not in Copyright
parameter: &pcs=
example: To make this field blank, pass a URLencoded "space" in this parameter,. &pcs=%20

Description: Organization responsible for funding scanning
Prepopulatable: Yes. Mandatory
WonderFetch parameter: &b_p=
example: &b_p=Biodiversity%20Heritage%20Library

Description: Library contributing the item for scanning, the holding library.
Prepopulatable: Yes. Mandatory.
WonderFetch parameter:: &b_l=
example: &b_l=Smithsonian%20Institution%20Libraries

Description: Scanning Center where the book was scanned. Please note, this field is Case Sensitive. Contact Internet Archive if you are not sure of the proper name for your scanning center.
Prepopulatable: Yes. Mandatory.
parameter:: &b_n=
example: &b_n=Boston

Description: "texts" for books.
Prepopulatable: no need to pre-populate

Description: Collection(s) into which Book will be sorted. Biodiversity should always be the collection. Libraries who have their own collections may populate that as the secondary collection.
Prepopulatable: Yes. Mandatory
WonderFetch parameter: &b_c1= (c1 indicates primary collection)
example: &b_c1=biodiversity
for multiple collections: &b_c1=biodiversity&b_c2=Smithsonian

Description: THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY THE CALL NUMBER! This field is reserved for the unique identifier used to facilitate the Z39.50 fetch
Prepopulatable: Yes. Mandatory
WonderFetch parameter:: &z_d=
example: &z_d=39088009080136

Description: Unique identifier for item in Contributor library's catalog.
Prepopulatable: Yes. Mandatory
WonderFetch parameter:: &b_ib=
example: &b_ib=i12345

Description: Unique identifier for title in Contributor library's catalog. This identifier may be chosen at the library's discretion
Prepopulatable: Yes
WonderFetch parameter:: &tid=
example: &tid=b12345

Description: URL for item via IA portal.
Prepopulatable: No.

Description: Creative Commons License assigned to Book scanned.
Prepopulatable: Yes
WonderFetch parameter:: "&lic="...
acceptable values for this field include:
&lic= by =>
&lic= by-nc =>
&lic= by-nd =>
&lic= by-sa =>
&lic= by-nc-nd =>
&lic= by-nc-sa =>

Description: URL to Negotiated Rights for a Book scanned while still in Copyright. Current practice is to point to one generic rights statement page.
Prepopulatable: Yes
WonderFetch parameter:: "&rights="
example: &rights=

in the future we could pass other values, pointing to other pages.
[nr2] =>
[nr3] =>

Description: URL to Due Diligence statement for a Book scanned while still in Copyright.
Prepopulatable: Yes
WonderFetch parameter:: &dd=
examples: &dd=dd-bhl =>
[dd2] => http://dd/2
[dd3] => http://dd/3
Note: nr2, nr3, dd2, dd3, etc. are for demonstration purposes, and could be made to reflect valid URLs for particular institutions moving forward.

To create WonderFetch links from your data, start with one of 2 base URLs, and then add all the mandatory field parameters and your data.

If your books are being loaded (that is, if the metadata fetch is occurring) on a SCRIBE machine and your scanner is using the WonderFetch packing list while at the SCRIBE itself, use as the base URL.. This is for folks who have their "own" SCRIBE or "TSP".

If you send your books to a large scanning center, such as Boston, New Jersey, Toronto, San Francisco, etc. your book metadata will be "pre-loaded" or "batch loaded" on another computer before being scanned. In this case use as the base URL. Using this URL allows Archive staff to only fetch your metadata and create the foo_meta.xml and marcxml records, and queue the book for scanning at a SCRIBE.

For example, SIL can scan at their local SCRIBE station ("TSP") in the NMNH, and those WonderFetch URLs look like: &z_e=Smithsonian%20Institution&b_v=9%201907&b_cn=no&z_c=local&z_d=39088009080136&b_ib=39088009080136

When SIL sends books to the Fedscan facility at the Library of Congress, books are "pre-loaded" so our WonderFetch URL looks like: . . (URL text truncated)

WonderFetch Hints**
  1. To eliminate the "Not in Copyright" default in the "Possible Copyright Status" field, add the argument "&pcs=%20". You will need to do this when adding anything in the license type, rights, or due diligence fields. The "%20" replaces the default with a blank space.
  2. If the WonderFetch is not working, check the MARC record for additional letters or numbers in front of the OCLC number. These characters may need to be included for the fetch to work properly. Example: 035 |o (OCLoC) ocm12345678 in the bib record. The WonderFetch would be "ocm12345678" not "12345678"
  3. If the WonderFetch is not working, check to see if your bib record contains multiple OCLC numbers. Verify that the OCLC number in the picklist is consistent with your Z39.50 set-up. At MBLWHOI, we have OCLC numbers in the 010 and 035 fields, sometimes multiple numbers in each.
  4. The word "Volume" is automatically put in the volume field by IA. If possible, delete "v.", "vol.", "volume", etc. from your picklist to avoid duplication.

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