Pagination ST Plan
Brainstorming for Short Term Intern Pagination Pilot
Pagination module works well enough as is for a pilot intern project.
Potential things we need to support the pilot:
- documentation/user guide on how to use the paginator
- "virtual" or live training sessions w/ Grace & Erin
- list of priority books to paginate
- Likely best to avoid paginating doozies such as books that do not have articulated pages [like Concoligica Iconica] to begin with and focus on those books that simply need plate/figure/illustration pages articulated
- - I would completely agree with this suggestion. "Doozy" titles that might take all day to paginate one volume tend to be disheartening, and I think it is important to give interns a regular sense of accomplishment which is achieved through pagination of items that need less work. Thus, they "complete" several titles in one day, rather than just 1 in one day.
- - Dec 1, 2009 Another paginating doozy suggested by Tom Baione see also, Gemini issue BHLFEED-2519
Overview of current/planned internships:
Cal Academy: 1 intern able to dedicate some time to pagination as part of regular duties. Would like to recruit approx. 3 others to dedicate 2-5 hours/week if possible
MCZ: Currently have 4 part-time interns working the equivalent of 1 FTE
Nov 30, 2009 a future idea: at some point it might be interesting to establish an intern relationship with an online MLS program.
Nov 30, 2009 Great future idea. Today's students refining Tomorrow's digital libraries. :)
Dec 15, 2009 Erin and Matt have spoken about the possibility of expanding an intern project to students in online degree would we do this?. 2 ideas: solicit possible interns via the public facing Wiki...use web classroom type of software to organize a project for a student, with full directions and link outs to workspaces.
[Long Term Plan is to somehow insert pagination into our regular workflow. This is simply impossible to do at present with current resources.]
Priority Books
Google Analytics shows the following titles as the Top 10 for most hits:
VS. Source Identified
Nov 30, 2009This looks off to a sturdy start. I wonder, though, if we can get you some pagination documentation relatively soon, perhaps we can see how that goes. A Live training session might be a little too much work for an iterative process such as this. there's a whole lot of "repeat" involved. Its definitely something we could arrange, but lets see how if we can write up something that will work just as well. ?