This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

Oct 20 2014

Tech review meeting 10/20/14
Present: William, Trish, Mike, Bianca
Problem with server and BHL portal last week. Corrupted patch from Wed night – Thursday afternoon. Recovered/no data lost. What is protocol when there are tech issues.? What happens server goes down in middle of night? Another problem is message came from IT via skype (it should be email). We should put on our help wiki
Redirect for Citebank –Put in firewall and do redirect to a page in BHL. Should we have them click a link or do we autoredirect? We will auto-redirect with option to click a link. Mike L will setup a holding page and Mike W will redirect to that.
Abstracts/notes in BHL – discussion with collection committee today
BHL global – call with CONABIO. They want become a node and a member. Planning a workshop similar to what we did for Brazil as a kickoff meeting. They will work with other libraries within and outside Mexico City. National Library didn’t want to join but they are already part of SCIELO. SCIELO works with HTML. They work mostly with newer publications and get from publishers. Will sign this year and pay next year. Want to attend global meeting and members meeting.
Browse by contributor is done (on beta) just waiting for artwork from Grace. Bianca will send text for labels.
2 books uploaded this weekend to IA by Univ of Pretoria – no MARC files associated with them. Looks like uploaded via Scribe. Go to admin site and see the items missing MARC status. Bianca will investigate. Keep in mind they don’t have support within the library.

Art of Life
Flickr content – Martin talked with Robert from IA. IA won’t add any more metadata to Kalev’s uploads. BHL has to take initiative on this. Trish call Chris about our needs.
Kyle and Joel will work on moving content from IMA to SI.
Zooniverse/ConSciCom – Almost done Trish needs to identify 20-30 class types to send to them.
Cost share report – William is working on

Purposeful Gaming
Architecture for Managing multiple OCR versions – Trish asked could we write down the specific functionality we need a tool to do so we can send it around to different listservs for ideas? William and Mike will discuss this Wed
Tiltfactor won’t have next prototype ready for a few weeks.
Text to image linking – TILT2 Desmond had some partial results but hasn’t had time to work on further. Mike looked into other tools that Joe suggested. Doesn’t do quite what we want. We will contact him next week
Evaluating OCR for % of alphanumeric characters – William has some python scripts that could be evaluated.

Mining Biodiversity
Meeting with Altmetrics Friday to see how they are using the URIs. Mike didn’t get much out of it. William is concerned they don’t understand BHL needs in terms of entities discussed (item, page, etc). They are used to looking at data at a gross scale and conversations around our data is at a much smaller scale.
Focus groups completed last week.
Markup is delayed but needs to happen soon.
Ngram OCR corrections won’t happen til January