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November 19, 2012

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Tech Review Team Meeting
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Tech Review Team Meeting

Monday November 19, 2012 From 12noon Central / 1pm Eastern to 1pm Central / 2pm Eastern
Attendees:Trish Rose-Sandler, Mike Lichtenberg, William Ulate, Bianca Crowley

Location: Skype call (mobot.cbi)


Start Time
End Time
Description (if available)
Responsible(s) (if applicable)
Action Items (if applicable)
Deadline (if applicable)
Tech WorkPlan
Review Technical Workplan to note progress and tasks to look into.
BHL Development Priorities 2012-2013.pdf


Tech WorkPlan Review – William indicated he would like to review the Technical Workplan to check progress.
Trish asked about Connecting Content and Mike informed that he didn't attend their last meeting but most providers are done. Harvard had some content to upload but as far as he knows they were considering to use Macaw.
Trish mentioned Martin asked her to create a list on what content from Citebank should be incorporated into BHL and in what order. This is with the objective to decide if we need to bring it all or if we need to do it in stages. William asked if it would be better to think about types of content (like all Authors) but Trish explained Martin was referring more to what providers to prioritize.

Bianca asked about the status with BHL-Australia. It was mentioned that Simon had a personal emergency and needed to leave Melbourne. Ely is already looking into hiring another technical person to take on Simon's work.
William will forward the news as soon as we have them and ask 5 or 6 people to help with the beta testing (including Trish and Mike).

Action Item: William will ask for a date from our Australian colleagues.

Action Item: William will contact Joel to see if he has been able to get the changes implemented by our Brazil colleagues. William will check back with Joel.

Action Item: William will move tasks 55, 56 and 57 to January. Done!

NEH: – Trish informed about NEH: She indicated Chuck has decided she will be now the P.I. for the project.
She informed all is going according to plan. The only thing left for the Schema part is to get feedback from focus groups because Trish would like to get it from certain specialized groups that have not indicated any observations. It's still to be seen when the Schema should be finished to be used in the Classifier or the Tagging tool. Either way, changes are expected until early next year.

IMA has implemented 3 of the 4 algorithms and finishing the fourth. The assessment of the algorithm is planned for December.
Action Item: Trish will send email to Keri about Gilbert collaborating in the algorithm assessment.

It was decided to enhance existing tools and it was determined that Macaw would be the tool chosen. Waiting for Joel to indicate the timeline.
Action Item: William to ask Joel about timing

Integrating tagging applications - Communication with folks at Wikimedia and Wikipedia who are familiar with bulk uploads for info or things to look at and how to get metadata back out. And we still have to figure out about how to incorporate information into the BHL database.

Already talking to ArtStore.

DOIs: – Mike informed about the recent issues with a DOI duplication
Older literature can be catalogued as an article or monograph or both.
Crossref doesn't check if the title exists as Monograph or Article. Had conversations about the issue a year ago and had no response.
Recently, Crossref added new API services that could help. Timeline: TBD.

Bianca asked if we are assigning DOI's to non-BHL members too and if it is considered that both titles couls have a DOI assigned? Mike stated this is a now a valid use case and will look at it. Bianca clarified that it hasn't happened yet, though. Mike confirmed that we are assigning DOIs to non-BHL members content (but only monographs, not journals).
Action Item: Mike to look at the case of merging titles with different already assigned DOIs.

Action Item: William will find out about TL2.

William mentioned about BHL-EU / Impact project
Action Item: .Will forward the message about pro-iBiosphere

8.1. Improve OCR Text
Trish poiinted out that, from what she saw recently attending Conferences and looking for Gaming , she noted that there are some free tools that could do the transcription and should probably be considered for BHL.