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November 14, 2007 BHL Executive Committee Notes

BHL Executive Committee Minutes November 14, 2007

*MOORE Proposal for Automated Markup

Tom will speak with Jim Omura tomorrow. Tom had to come up with
ballpark estimates and Jim was not surprised. Tom also needs to connect
with American Math Society since they want whatever we do to work for
them as part of the proposal.

*NSF Data-Net proposal

Lots going on. This is a big opportunity--for long term preservation of
data sets and data. EOL (and by extension, BHL) are attractive partners for
this because of the scientific networking in EOL. Awards for
projects to benefit scientific research. Johns Hopkins, Cornell and
IA are all interested in partnering with us. We could offload some
extensive work to people who know about preservation. If we have to
work on it, it could distract us from our primary deliverable. If we
can find a good partner, we can save ourselves some work and save
duplicative work. Must work within the European networks as well. 5
awards of approximately 20 Million dollars. Could be a model like

*Architechture Meeting
Thorny is checking to see if he can attend architecture meeting.
Chris and Thorny will help with agenda.

*Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia meeting (oldest natural
history museum in US) Want to join BHL and maybe EOL. We have the
outlines of a process to accept a new member. We should have a criteria
list in addition to the bylaws, MOU. Tom will draft a document and
Cathy will review.

*Comfortable with 10% flexibility with $$

*COP-CDP meeting. Graham would like to get a speaker into each of
3 threads.

*Biodiversity Collections Index: our portal may not be ready yet.
Would like to have Chris weigh in. Tell Roger "We are working on a new
logo and as soon as we do, we will send it."

*Server at MOBOT is struggling. Perhaps need a splash page that
indicates that things are a bit slow while we are upgrading

*Cathy has a new programmer and demoed deduping for picklist. It
works really well and hope to have it vetted by end of this week for
everyone to use. Sending rare books (700). Internet Archive does not
understand serials! Need to make sure they pick up years and volume
numbers. Can't seem to sort by year. Barbara Preece wants one contract
for all 19 BLC libraries.

*Connie will continue to answer comments that come in from the BHL
Portal list. She will also track them.

*Connie noted that IA rejected the metadata wording that BHL agreed
should be in all contracts.

*Quarterly report due Dec 10. Tom will send a reporting sheet so that
we can all indicate what we have contributed.

*World Library Congress: Nancy Gwinn will coordinate.

*Cathy received first IA bill for NHM and MBL scanning.

***Google scanning begins in Ernst Mayr Library in late December.

Next conference call Nov 21, 2007 at 11 AM EST