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November 11, 2008 BHL Executive Committee Notes

BHL Executive Committee minutes November 11, 2008

Tom: update on MacArthur--working on outcomes bullets, gathering annecdotes about how BHL is being used. This will give Jim E raw material for EOLSC ultimately for MacArthur proposal. May not need to pull together a detailed budget for MacArthur--may only need a line item. Scanning and Digitization costs a lot more than any of us realized! Internet Archive will need to raise rates; we need a backup site; need more technicians; foldouts and other special case items; more money for meetings (institutional council, architecture and metadata and workflow meetings at a minimum).

Chris noted that the metadata meeting was great! He suggested that IC and scanning meeting should be at the same time with the technical meeting at some other time. Notes posted in real time and action items there!

Tom: Next IC meeting is in March. May be money for one more meeting. We need the face to face/social side for meetings. The other EOL components host more meetings than we do.

This outcomes work is separate from the strategic plan. There are 3 closely related efforts: MacArthur submission, Business plan for consultants and strategic plan for Institutional Council.

Tom said we can get content from CDL with a letter of reciprocity. How we get this content back into the de-duping tool? Chris is working on it. Tom would like to see a statistically relevant sample to see what we would get. Can we pull out the call numbers?

Tom, Cathy and Robert Miller have been having regular conference calls. Tom commented that Chris should join a regular BHL update call with IA (first Nov 13).
Article-ization: Xiao Nan Lu is not yet at the archive but there are immigration issues. IA probably needs help with the immigration issue. Tom suggested adding this to the agenda for the Nov 13 call with IA.

DSpace/Fedora have received a Mellon grant for "Duraspace".

BHL Europe-Chris has been reviewing documents and will be putting together architecture diagrams. Seems to take us in a different direction. Do any of our current proposals need to be modified with BHL Europe in mind. Need to be careful what we commit to. We should put money in MacArthur for building a tech. team. NHM could get funds to do distributed portal , bidding tool revision and development. There may be Asian efforts too and we have to work out a strategy that allows us to remain on course.

Chris: Need to learn about Taxonomic Digital Library at NHM. Rod Page is part of this. Meeting possibly in London in January. Discuss tools and how they can interoperate.

Chris has been working on grant proposals and project reports, including Moore Foundation Fedora report.

Next call: Next call Nov 25 at 11 AM EST, 10 AM CST, 4 PM GMT