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Meeting Notes 6_10_2010

Notes Staff Call 6/10/2010

Table of Contents

Action Items:
Survey Team:
Task group – bidlist to scanlist and monographs:
Task Group – advising for GRIB:
Email articulating Paginator Wishlist:
Add examples of scanned material with page insertions to wiki page:
Video Conferencing:
Survey summary:
Consultant Role at BHL-Vienna Meeting:
Scanlist and GRIB:
Portal Editing:
Multiple catalog records to one scan:
Pagination and Numbering:
Missing Pages Insertion:
New IA Procedures and Processing Document:
OCLC Synchronization Process:
ALA Events:
Conference Calling Stuff:
Other News:

Leader: Suzanne Pilsk
Notes: Grace Duke


Michelle A., Keri T., Diana D., Diana S., Diane R., Bianca L., Grace D., Erin T., Matt P., Jane S./Rita D. (systems librarian at NHM), Don W., John M., Joe DeVeer, Kevin N., Chris C., Suzanne P., Becky Morin

Action Items:

Survey Team:

(will take a look at survey results and provide our analysis of them): Bianca L., Connie R., Erin T., Don W., Jane S., Matt P.

Task group – bidlist to scanlist and monographs:

John F. (MBLWHOI), Michelle A., Grace D., Diana S., Suzanne P., Erin T., Keri T.

Task Group – advising for GRIB:

Bianca L., Matt P., Joe DeVeer, Jane S., Suzanne P., Keri T.

Email articulating Paginator Wishlist:

Chris C. to send to Bianca L. and Grace D.

Add examples of scanned material with page insertions to wiki page:

Grace D. to send link to SIL ListServ and EVERYONE to update with examples


Make sure IC is discussing our need to form a preservation, archival plan for our content in light of OCLC ingest

Video Conferencing:

EVERYONE to email Bianca L. or Suzanne P. about the video conferencing options/capabilities at their institutions


Bianca L. and Becky M. to talk about the option of using InterCall


Survey summary:

Bianca - presentation on survey at BHL-Vienna meeting; conclusion of findings presented. BHL “Classic” and “Global” are now working together to produce reports about the findings that are due to the European commission – BHL “Classic” will be helping to provide some results from our perspective. To get our results together, we will take a simple look at data (analysis already done by BHL-E but some findings are biased to European perspective). We will double check results. Bianca and Connie will work with SIL third party (organization that does surveys for SI questionnaires) to get advice on results and how to proceed with presenting findings. They need one or two other people to help – draft of our perspective on the findings is due before end of June. Working over next week and a half – Volunteers – Erin Thomas. If they need any extra input, they will send out emails to Don and Jane.

Consultant Role at BHL-Vienna Meeting:

Matt –lots of the work done at the meeting was consulting-like using our collective experience as staff to help them in their software development process, learning from our experiences. We helped them create workflow documents to assist them in creating GRIB - Global Reference Index to Biodiversity.

Suzanne – We helped them understand our workflows so they can understand their workflows.
They’d like us to help them with the new scanlist.

Scanlist and GRIB:

Matt – they took the bidlist, moved it to Vienna, (Wolfgang did work), and renamed it the scanlist. No changes to it now – it is functioning the same as it was before. They want to add monographs to scanlist and make it a larger tool that includes our records, their records, and the ingest records. It will be an interim tool, which will be followed by development of the GRIB (Global Reference Index to Biodiversity) – an all purpose larger tool (separate from the Scanlist-Bidlist) to handle every aspect of what BHL project will need to have handled by software.

Suzanne – Wolfgang is learning what de-duping is, what workflows are, and needs a group of people to be a sounding board as he approaches next steps for the scanlist. Scanlist is functioning, GRIB is not. BHL-E currently has no monographic de-duping tool.

John – Is this tool (GRIB) going to incorporate what they now call the scanlist, or will they be separate applications? Was there any talk of expected dates?

Suzanne – no dates were given. GRIB conversations are with vendor (Atos) who will do programming for them. This will happen while scanlist is functioning, but for now scanlist is all there is. Does not know if this scanlist will eventually feed into or become GRIB. What are our thoughts about it if they include monographs?

Bianca – they are releasing a prototype of GRIB by November. They want to get feedback from various libraries about it. Point people are Boris and Melita (just hired and only week old to BHL-E in Vienna). They are working to get GRIB developed. Boris is only on contract and leaving in Feb, so they’re hoping to get the prototype out before he leaves.

John – they are talking about delivering in Nov a ramped up scanning package that will cover entire workflow for BHL?

Bianca – GRIB’s main duty is to de-duplicate and assign GUIDs. This then shifts into the larger fabric of ingest and scanning. GRIB will be a de-duplication tool for all of BHL, present and future. All present and future library partner catalogs will go into this.

Matt – we kept them realistic – we made certain problems/scenarios clear to them based on our experiences. We highlighted exceptions in our experiences. BHL-E is much more software development centric. Our concentration is getting out there and doing the scanning.

Suzanne – now we have an opportunity to get help to work on the tools currently in place, re-sync them and improve them while still keeping them live. We have the opportunity to help them figure these things out. Two different steps we need to take: 1) We want to keep our tools working, improve the existing scanlist, and affect how they will put in monographs; and 2) advise on prototype GRIB. We need to separate these two functions out. Suzanne wants to figure out people on call who are interested in improving bidlist as it turns to scanlist and incorporating monographs and those who want to stay abreast of GRIB changes. We should develop smaller task groups for these two.

Task group – bidlist to scanlist and monographs: Bianca, John Furfey, London, Michelle Abeln, Grace Duke, Diana Shih, Suzanne Pilsk, Erin Thomas

Task Group – advising for GRIB: Bianca, Matt Person, Joe DeVeer, Jane Smith, Suzanne Pilsk

Groups will report back to the whole and will continue to explain developments.

Portal Editing:

Multiple catalog records to one scan:

How’s it going?
Diana Duncan – just finished all of Fieldiana.

Chris at Harvard also working on it ( U. of Kansas science bulletin).
Diana – still problems with the system that Mike is working on. For example, if you pull up the Marc record it may go to the wrong one because it just randomly assigns of the marc records associated with one of the items associated with a title. Mike knows this and is working on it.
Anyone interested in learning how to do this? Tutorial is available.

Don in NY expressed desire needs to know how. Grace/Bianca/Don touch base weekly, and so they will help.

Pagination and Numbering:

Chris – part of editing wishlist for pagination – when trying to fill in field descriptions, sometimes there are multiple plates and figures on one page, and the page is numbered. We need another field to apply more than one plate and page number to one page.

Bianca – please send email with question articulated in more detail. Grace and Bianca can take a look at it.

Missing Pages Insertion:

How are people dealing with resolving missing pages in their content?

Some people are just having the missing pages inserted. BHL doesn’t know that the new page is actually new data and the page identifiers point to the wrong pages. When you have something stitched in you need to look at it again because you may need to paginate the whole thing again. If we can tell Mike which titles have pages inserted he can look at them and try to see what’s happening and if an automated fix is possible.
Don - NYBG had this done, and they have a record of these titles that they can share with Mike.

Suzanne – Mike wants to know these titles so he can ingest these titles again and see if there’s a fix on the BHL portal side. We want to not have to repaginate but find a solution.
Joe – we’ve done this several times and they seem to be fine. Will give examples.

Don – what is going to be the process moving forward?

Bianca – all we need to do right now is supply titles for Mike.
Don – what we’ve encountered are a series of foldouts that are brittle and we told IA not to scan them. We will scan the foldouts ourselves and will have them inserted – orange bag.

Bianca – This will be a different procedure than what we’re talking about now.

Diana Duncan – Has a list, but is not sure what to do with it because they’re no longer scanning.

Grace – if anyone finds these things and are not scanning, send them to a scanning institution via FedEx account to have the pages inserted.

Diana Reilinger and Matt – they have had them inserted but often they just rescan the whole book.

Grace will send wiki page link to group to add titles for examples.

New IA Procedures and Processing Document:

Keri – The new document mostly just made things more explicit about their processes. They added new processes to the document that did not exist before. For example, the earlier document had nothing about foldouts. Now there is a whole section about it. The DPI for foldouts is awful, as seen in the document. They mention something about the watermark they are now adding. There were not a whole lot of other changes.

Bianca – for the WorldCat digital manifestation records, Joe, Chris and Bianca are working on fields that relate to how our records are included in the Digital Library Registry. It requires that we have a url as part of our digital manifestation record that points to our digital process standards. Bianca/Keri are looking into IA document to inform BHL standards document. Our standards for BHL currently don’t’ include IA standards and they need to be synced.

OCLC Synchronization Process:

Suzanne - We are currently trying to get records in OCLC with BHL holding records. Digital manifestation will be reflected in OCLC. We are following standards that we will keep available. These standards will discuss a mapping out what we want to get out of our existing records in BHL, and how we want them to look in OCLC. Mike is working on figuring out the fields he can get out of our MARC records in BHL.
Don – if we’ve promising to hold the URL for our scans in perpetuity, how does that impact storage and our ability to maintain storage – archiving?

Bianca – we’ve replicated all images and metadata at a storage system (mirrored server) at MBL.
Diana R – we will be able to use it for data mining. We do not think this is live, but it’s being discussed.

Bianca – part of whole global BHL is to create replicates of data in various parts of world.

Suzanne – Australia very keen on mirroring our data and keeping a separate storage of it. We need to verify with the IC that they are talking about this storage and archiving issue.

ALA Events:

Who is coming: Diana D., Matt P., Chris C., Jane S., maybe Don W.

Awards ceremony –It’s in the evening at 5:30 pm at Renaissance Hotel. Get there 20 minutes early

Monday – morning fest at SI NHM. Talking – Jane (BHL-E – Henning sent summary information – and what they’re doing locally); Matt and Suzanne (about workflow?); Connie and Bianca (collections); Grace (Gemini);

Conference Calling Stuff:

Suzanne – SI NHB had open house about our video conferencing capabilities. The use of these options requires that others have similar software.

Keri – there are three options; 1) skype 2) personal desktop setup with image and screen sharing 3) conference room to conference room

As long as anyone else has video conferencing capability through IP connection (not DNS based), you can open a hole in your firewall and you can conference each other.

Suzanne - Everyone needs to find out what the video conferencing capabilities at their home institutions are so we can try to video conference more. For those who don’t have it, we can organize calling options alongside video options. These video capabilities may be nice for the small task groups that are breaking out. This will also help for other meetings that we can’t get face-to-face funding funded for. Skype is not an optimal solution at SIL, but if we can get a little money from others for other solutions, we can get other options (solutions will be about $200).

Bianca – Tom is open to perhaps giving money to institutions that want to support these applications for BHL. Tom has expressed a desire to get video conferencing to support communications rather than needing to travel.
Becky – sent information about what CAS uses – InterCall. Not used yet for videoconferencing but it is capable of doing it. Not sure how it would work for BHL – if she can bill it back to BHL (from her account), it might be an option. Pricing is flexible and not that expensive. Need to find out how it works – if she can host and we just need webcam.

John – is videoconferencing for these kind of calls?

Bianca – we’ll look into it. It’s an option to explore.

Bianca will be in contact with Becky for further information. At SIL we could try to test this out.

Other News:

Becky – back from society for preservation of natural history collections – gave talk on BHL. Very well attended and got lots of questions and interest.

Joe –submitted article to Journal of Metadata. Not heard back yet.

NYBG still scanning.