This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

March 30 (Executive Committee)

30 March 2017

BHL Executive Committee Call

Dialing information:



  1. Upcoming call schedule (MRK)
    1. April 6 (Executive Committee) Canceled
    2. April 13 (Executive Committee) [Martin on holiday; Connie will confirm and generate an agenda if appropriate and initiate)
    3. April 20 (Staff) [Martin at Open Scholarship meeting; may be able to call in depending on schedule)
  2. Debrief / Recap of Annual Meetings (All)
    1. Executive Session Notes
      1. Doug will distribute BHL Executive Session notes to the BHL EC and they will be kept private under the control of the BHL Chair.
    2. Revision BHL Affiliates Fee Structure (Bylaws Appendix IV) -- Secretariat will draft for review by EC per terms of the Members vote
      1. Secretariat will redraft the Appendix IV and distrbute to EC with goal of finalizing and distributing to the BHL Members and Partners sometime in June
  3. Discussion of BHL China, BHL SciELO and granting limited Affiliate status (Connie)
    1. Motion to Grant Affiliate Status on Current Partners: To streamline the BHL organizational structure and recognize the historic partnership of BHL China and BHL SciELO it is moved that the BHL Members confer BHL Affiliate status on these organizations effective immediately. This status shall remain in effect until 31 December 2019. Included organizations may change status to Member on approval of the BHL EC and payment of appropriate dues at any time. They may continue as Affiliates at the conclusion of this period by payment of the appropriate Affiliate dues.
      Motion was proposed by Connie Rinaldo and Seconded by Doug Holland
  4. Committees
    1. Constitution of Membership Committee. Connie (as new Chair), will roll off the committee. The EC confirmed the current other members and will verify their commitment to continue their participation. EC selected Nancy Gwinn for the Membership Committee. CR would like to continue this discussion because I felt that it was too brief and not enough thought, plus Jane was not involved. I think it could be useful to have the past Membership Chair continue for at least 6 months for the rollover.
    2. Removal of Global Committee from Bylaws Appendix III
  5. Technical Update (MRK)
    1. Full text servers are on back order due to new (larger. 1.9tb) SSD configuration replacing the older (smaller, 1.6tb) configuration; summary of full text discussions from October available here; planning document here
    2. No word yet from BibAlex on work package proposal
    3. Planning for migration of the BHL blog from Blogger to a Smithsonian hosted version of WordPress is underway; Grace had selected a WordPress theme to use at the core; she and Joel are working on a migration plan; target is to launch by no later than October; in related news, the Tech Team has endorsed the concept of a "Developer Blog" to post more hardcore technical details (similar to other developer sites like Google, Apple, HathiTrust, etc.); this would have infrequent posts and be more in the lines of "news you can use"; appropriate platform TBD
    4. The RIS replacements for EndNote have been implemented and are live. The bibliography pages now have a RIS tab that is populated with RIS data; those tabs include the option to download the RIS data. In addition, there are two new API methods (GetTitleRIS and GetPartRIS). A process to create RIS exports is also in place. The first RIS exports will be created on April 1 (see example); thanks to Mike for expediting this
    5. Macaw problems have been resolved; combination of "unlikely events"; scratch space filling up (Joel is requesting additional space as well as assigning quotas to users)
    6. Joel is reopening the ticket to implement HTTPS on the BHL site; this was delayed during the initial launch at Smithsonian (and hadn't been implement at MBG); I've asked Joel to expedite this ASAP; SSL certificate is in place, need to work around some firewall issues that; playing with HTTPS/Firewall settings will cause disruptions to BHL access for 10-20 minutes at a time; will look to have solutions in place and then give a warning of when the outages will happen
    7. NHM loading NAS/RAID with BHL Europe data; 75% full as of 28 March; Chris Sleep (NHM) noted that the Imperial College IT work is being moved back so the formerly had cut off date of "end of March" is looser and there are "a couple extra months" to move the data
  6. Planning for 2018 Annual Meeting (MRK)
    1. Pinning down some dates to give to Members (possible weeks); the following weeks will be given to the LA hosts to verify availability and then Members will be presented with appropriate options to vote on via a Doodle poll:
      1. 12-16 March
      2. 19-23 March
      3. 26-30 March (Easter week, 25 March - 2 April; Passover Day 1, 31 March; State Holiday [Chavez Day, CA] 31 March)
    2. Carolyn is organizing a debriefing call with the NLB staff and Richard and Susan to give him a better sense of the event
    3. FYI: Current "Guidelines for Organizing a BHL Annual Meeting" are here
    4. Locking in cost estimates for Richard and Susan
  7. Other
    1. Communication channel for EC call notes
      1. MRK will send this draft link to the BHL EC; Doug as Secretary will then distribute the Notes to the BHL Members as an attached or cut/paste document
    2. CalAcademy is undergoing staffing changes and will be taking a hiatus from Gemini til further notice
    3. FYI: Cristiana Paşca Palmer assumes position as Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
    4. Smithsonian Libraries will be submitting a proposal to the CLIR Hidden Collections program next week. BHL partners on the Field Notes related proposal include: AMNH, ANSP, MCZ, MBG, IA, LACMNH, NYBG, and Smithsonian
    5. MRK invited to attend Inaugural Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 5-6 June 2017