March 24, 2009 BHL Executive Conference Call
BHL Executive Conference Call March 24, 2009 Minutes
Connie, Tom, Chris
Bianca and Tom had a conversation with the biosynthesis group about a conference on Millipedes in Munich; 2 journals may be available to digitize. Millipede group has a full bibliography of key millipede literature and will share. MSAccess format with web deliverable format. We will get both, built on ref manager style. 15,000 entries, 5000 have been digitized. Probably a tenth are pre-1923 (including books). Bianca and Tom demoed the article repository. Tom will send Chris the MSAccess database as soon as he gets it. TIFF page images. not linked to citations. Happy to share and deposit, as long as there is credit. Also have prepared 25-30 of the most important works that they would like to put on BHL priority list. Bianca will research what needs to be done and who has them.
Tom sent emails to ANSP and CalAcad letting them know that we will send them more questions.
David Kohn is submitting a proposal for digitizing Darwin's personal library including marginalia and annotations to joint NEH/JISC call for proposals. BHL proposal but for MOBOT and possibly NHM.
Next conference call March 31, 2009 11 AM EST, 10 AM CST, ?GMT