This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

Mar 3 2014

Tech Review 3/3/14
Present: Trish, Mike, William
Working on List of things to do for this year for tech team– will present at IC members meeting. Finishing the excel chart that lists our roles and percentages
William at members meeting in NYC Sat-Tuesday next week
Working on Blog post about Mining Biodiversity meeting in UK
Trish asked about her responsibiliites for MB. William trying to clarify with other team members. Project management document for project is closest info we have for who is working on what part of project but not that specific. Trish asked when is gold standard set needed? Gold standard set needed for mining Biodiversity after entities are extracted. There are existing marked up documents that could be used as part of gold standard set e.g. Centrali ?

Last week no Gemini issues
Sent out list of ids assignments for Art of Life for running across full corpus
Purposeful Gaming - Mike is evaluating tools from technical standpoint. Need John to look at ALA tool – Trish ask John
Mike off week of March 17-21st for kids spring break

Art of Life
Will ask Joel to clear records in Macaw so can test upload of Mike’s file
Working on presentations for Art of Life to be given at VRA conference next week
Trish out Wed-Sat next week for conference

Purposeful Gaming
Moved monthly Meeting to this week Wed 10am CST
Challenges with subcontract agreement and Harvard – may delay Harvard’s ability to hire transcribers. William asked Could MOBOT hire them and have Harvard manage? Trish not sure but something we could consider as last resort.
Trish how to followup with Tim Carrigan about wheather game company must be US based ?
RFP sent to Litzinger and Jiri -Bob responded with feedback