June 13 Conference Call: Australia and Singapore
Conference Call Line Information
Dialing information:
- If dialing from the US: 1 877 820 7829
- If dialing from UK: 0 800 358 8173
- If dialing from Australia: 1 800 547 099
- If dialing from Singapore: 800 616 3166
- If dialing from Mexico: 01 800 228 8149
- If dialing from France (Paris): 0 800 949 765
- If dialing from another international location, please see My Meeting Room instructions
Wai Yin Pryke, Ely Wallis, Connie Rinaldo, Martin Kalfatovic, Carolyn Sheffield
- Review discussion from May Members' Call. MRK and Connie reviewed all the items from the May call with Ely and Wai Yin.
- Call for topics for June Members' Call
- Discussion of Staff Call for Singapore and Australia. Bianca report.
- 6/1/17 @ 9pm
- Attendees: Bianca Crowley, BHL AU: Nicole Kearney, Cerise Howard, Jim Healey, BHL SG: Tin Seng Lim
- Introductions to start
- Nicole does promotion, collection management and community management for BHL AU, reports 15 organizations in group total now (great job!)
- Cerise is BHL digitization head (for past 5 yrs) and supervisor of 6-8 volunteer staff, works with Macaw as admin (like my login) but not super admin which is Peggy (like Joel’s login)
- Jim used to work as a volunteer, is IT consultant and helps with scanning equipment but does not do Macaw
- Tin started with BHL 2 weeks ago, librarian, primarily working with records for materials to be uploaded via Macaw
- BHL AU just acquired a new scanner and new CEO was impressed to be able to use it
- Reminder both BHL AU and BHL SG are operating their own local versions of Macaw software
- Everyone had reviewed the BHL Staff call notes in time for the call (excellent!) and had no questions. BC pointed out BHL Tech Team workspace in Gemini for review
- ✓set Tin Seng up with Gemini access so he can see this and add issues going forward
- Nicole has gone through backlog of Gemini issues (thank you!), Joe Coleman has moved on so can be removed from Gemini
- BHL AU has been trying to resolve a lot of issues with pages switched or flipped; they have tried to replace these pages via Macaw but something is causing whole new items to be generated at IA (and thus BHL) rather than just replacing existing items requires further manual editing work. BC recommended Peggy and Joel talk to see why this is happening as my understanding is that as a super admin you should be able to recall “completed” items in Macaw and set them back to “in progress" then digitization/upload staff can reorient or insert pages and resend the new page images under the same IA identifier to more automatically replace the content sent Nicole Macaw User Guide doc which details this workflow - it does require a super admin’s involvement so they’ll need Peggy’s help
- BHL SG has not encountered similar problems yet. ✓send Tin Seng Skype contact info for BC
- BHL AU suggests it would be useful for users to see the “contributor” of the original article content, as in those institutions that digitized the material rather than just the institutions contributing article metadata
- BC suggested they submit a Gemini request for Tech Team to consider this addition
- Goal is to have 1, *maybe* 2 more calls before BC goes on maternity leave
- Nicole interested in status of Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. [x] follow up with GBRMPA and Cc Nicole; BHL happy to have BHL AU continue discussions with them directly, they could become separate Affiliate or part of BHL AU, Affiliate would be nice but up to BHL AU; as long as they are involved that’s what’s important
- Check-in on purchase orders with Singapore. Invoice for Members' Meeting; Presenter at upcoming IBC mtg. Carolyn and Wai Yin confirmed that the paperwork is in process.
- Biodiversity Library of Southeast Asia: http://blsea.nus.edu.sg/en/home. The Secretariat and Wai Yin will follow up with the NUS librarian on the idea of uploading a single item to BHL and seeing how it looks and what type of usage it gets.
- Reminder that IFLA 2018 will be in KL, Malaysia. Opportunity to start planning a larger SE Asian opportunity for BHL there/then for those attending IFLA 2017? Connie, Nancy, and Wai Yin will all be attending IFLA 2017 and will try and get together to see if some sort of BHL activity can be arranged for IFLA 2018.
- BHL Technical meeting. Wai Yin confirmed that Sian Hock will be attending the BHL Technical meeting in September in Missouri.
- OR2017. Check-in on any key messages for Ely to deliver at OR2017 in two weeks? Paper is: "Creating a network of connections – how the Biodiversity Heritage Library adds social value to science"
- Image uploading to Flick. EOL harvest hasn't been working for several years. Any way we can influence getting this going again? MRK and Carolyn will check in with Grace to see what the status of this is.