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June 10, 2013

Tech Review meeting 6/10/13

Present: Trish, William, Mike

Trish update
Had meeting with Kyle, William, and MBL folks last week on the status of algorithm work
Will be starting some testing of algorithm on cluster - Friday Kyle sent 15k records to Anthony for him to import into the mongodb on the cluster
Processing of algorithms on IMA server – Kyle reported processing time shot back up to 200 secs per record but brought back down to 15-25 and has 9800 records left to process as of Friday morning (should be finished now). Hoping we can run the reports this week on the accuracy rates. Kyle is out this week but checking email and said show is colleague Gray how to run.

Reviewing the ACTION ITEM list from the face to face meeting to see what is complete and what is left to do.
Submitting some proposals for Art of Life – one to the Digital History and Philosophy of Science (digital HPS) meeting in Bloomington IN in September and VRA conference for next year in March. Had proposal accepted for Missouri Library conference that Doug and I will do. We will talk about how our open data is being used by researchers and the general public.

Mike update

William update
Dima’s program, GNRD, not working right so going back to TaxonFinder. Performance isn’t good enough for what we need. Have to wait until its more stable to put into production. We have a high demand for pages (9 per second) not sure if this is people or computers.
Grace resigning - Grace’s position will be filled.
Bianca wants to talk about moving Citebank content to BHL
Summer tasks – NEH work, Citebank
Link out to other titles and items in other systems – Mike says should be easy to add to title tables this functionality.

Citation Reconciliation –
VM to be done by IT – should be ready this week.
Bib Alexandrina – don’t seem interested in sharing their content
Replication of data – still hasn’t moved forward. Format has been agreed on (BHL Europe’s suggestion). Need to come up with a process for sharing metadata – options: 1) OAI-PMH 2) mongodb/couchdb 3) bittorrent

Assigning DOIs – martin says to keep assigning for monographs, new CrossRef API we should look into, we have 40k funds left which would quickly get eaten up by the remaining articles w/o DOIs, Mike will query how many articles we have w/o DOIs (query shows we have 70k articles w/o DOIs and 25k with DOIs). Problems with CrossRef - BHL Resources for which its been cataloged as both item and title
TEXT correction – what do we need? Users. What technology is appropriate for users to correct.
MacArthur is closing this month and then we will switch paying salaries for Trish and Mike to NEH funds.
Darren Patrick UMSL student, working in MOBOT library on project to digitize letters of Englemann. Content will live in BHL. Doug Invited us to meetings – 2:30pm on Tuesdays.
TDWG conference - Martin looking into doing a BHL session.
Folks from Africa got a letter from SANBI – want BHL Africa to be part of Eflora