This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

Jun 16 2014

Tech Review meeting 6/16/14
Present: Trish, William, Mike, Bianca

Impact of Projects on BHL document- Trish completed Art of Life and Purposeful Gaming docs. William forwarded to Martin. William is tweaking the Mining Biodiversity and Global names.
Uploading CItebank data – Trish will test OTS data this week and identify any problems.
BHL metadata documentation – need more clarity on what is needed and which document should be updated. Metadata section of document – do we focus on guidelines in general ? Bianca wants to know what are the metadata requirements in BHL and what metadata gets displayed in BHL for the required fields? We don’t have a document that explains the display part. The 500s and 300s are not being shown in display. IF we ignore something in the MARC it doesn’t go into the Adm section. Optional data – subjects, authors. The display info can be a part of the Digitization Specification or a separate document.- may be better as a separate document. Bianca says we have freedom to revamp the document as we need to based on the current practice
Status of Notes discussion – last email May 21st from Diana Shih. We have tabled for now until catalogers make a decision. IT needs to know what notes we should bring in and how to display.
Abstracts – we are bringing in abstract info from some segment content providers. Mike has done 2 mockups on abstracts for segments
OTS – about to import into BHL. We will not host these but link out. EC needs to clarify if they want all linkouts or do we need to get approval each time? William will confirm with EC on OTS.
Gemini upgrade done – everything looks fine but probably wont’ know for sure til we discover problems until we use it. Can probably turn feedback form tomorrow morning.
Trish will ask for volunteers for Art of Life classification work during Thursdays staff call.
Mining Biodiversity - we will need to go to the BHL community at some point and have them look at mockups of a semantic service and ask them how they would use it.

Art of Life
IFLA paper submitted
Need to ramp up Volunteers on classification – Trish to finish Macaw examples and then send request to BHL staff listserv . Trish has contacted Tom Baione at NHM for volunteers – waiting to hear back
Trish will send latest NEH report to Advisory Board and set up next meeting
Mike W has installed Samba – software to allow Unix to look at Windows drives and folders. This will help with exports from Macaw. Should be setup and permissions ready . Info sent to Joel and he should be able to export there.
BHL has now incorporated information about which pages have illustrations from the Art of Life algorithms. One limit – our current UI doesn’t show “illustration” if there is a page number. Mike will enhance the UI to allow the page type to show in addition to the page number. Formatting will look something like
Page 105 (Illustration)

Page 45 (Illustration, Text)
Kyle just responded he’s back from vacation and just got IA server up and running (another example of how IMA is not reliable and we need to take over the IA server to keep things running)

Purposeful Gaming
Gaming Bids - sent Tiltfactor questions – waiting to hear if they want a call

Mining Biodiversity
Meeting this week on Friday to talk about the social media report