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July 27, 2010 BHL Executive Committee notes

BHL Executive Conference Call July 27, 2010.

1. Thoughts on Cornell application:

Inst. Council calls were supposed to be informational but have evolved to decision-making. Not everyone can attend each call. Several people won't be on the August call--Nancy, Cal Acad, Sil, MOBOT, Connie. On the agenda is a new member--but established process has membership decision at meeting. Issues: We should have most members weigh in on a decision. Election and governance need to be clarified. The MOU runs out in one year.
ACTION: Tom will send out a doodle poll to schedule a phone call for considering Cornell's membership.

2. Budget status: Tom found some problems in the spreadsheet and while there will be some money for scanning, there is not much available for any new activities. The budget is tighter than Tom realized. Scanning money will be 130-140,000. We agreed on an IC call that members of the IC should self-fund for IC meeting.

3. Collections group with Bianca--analyzed IPNI and have list of items with more than 100 citations and know which are already in BHL. Something similar is happening with Zoology journals. Next step will be to identify libraries with the needed items. This will allow us to know up front who will be scanning and so assignment by subaward may be more possible. ACTION: Discuss at IC call.

4. Communication Plan: Chris noted that there was a request for a redesign/reengineering of the website. But we just gave money back to scanning that could have been used to re-engineer the website. Would need the logos for branding and presentation. Tom noted that global user interface and presentation are important but Chris and his team are in the thick of major developments that should not be delayed. There was never an allocation for communication plan.
Graham noted that we should have more clarity about what we will be doing after the meeting in Woods Hole. There are already established group priorities that are underway and it would be counterproductive to focus on a UI design.

5. Moving content around and keeping data safe: August meeting discussion. Communicate to IA scanning partners that we are taking content and sending around the world.

ACTION: Tom & Bianca will draft a letter for other IA scanning partners. "We are doing this because we place such high value on their content. Multiple copies all over the world should IA ever fail. Feel warm and fuzzy. Thank you for your participation in the BHL. " "Tell but don't ask" Toronto, CDL, NCSU...

ACTION: Chris can put out number of items by library.

6. Other: Next Call Aug 3

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Enter the "Meeting Room Number": *2105306* (make sure you enter the star key before and after the numbers)