This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

July 21 2014

Tech Review meeting 7/21/14
Present: Trish, William, Mike, Bianca, Guest: Mike Westmoreland, Joel Richard

Uploading CItebank data –
Amphibian and Reptile Conversation - done
American Mosquito Control Association - almost done
OTS – almost done
Without a contributor page as we had in Citebank or a way to browse or search on contributor there isn’t an easy way for contributors to discover just their content.

I did a search on “Amphibian and Reptile Conservation” in the General search box and it brought back 46 articles (the 31 I uploaded and then stuff from other contributors like Biostor). Is this a problem? As an admin I would love to have a way to search by contributor and Mike could add this functionality to the admin portal but do you see a need to search that way in the public view?

Could search by original publication but it will bring back all contributors of that publication
Contributed by field same as contributing library? Yes institutions/contributors table which is used for books and articles.
We used to have browse by contributor before the Australian redesign (they did not include it). How hard to reinstate? Might have to rework design of UI and do new images. Yuck. Is it used by many users? We determined it wasn’t used a lot but Being able to aggregate by contributor would be useful.
Report in adm can do report by contributor but doesn’t include segments.
Could do a collection by contributor but doesn’t include articles right now.
Could we make Pensoft a collection ? Yes but have to add segments functionality. Mike says not super easy either.
Decision: The change to admin side is much easier. Go with admin for now and if we get requests for this from users then we can reconsider.
Report called Items by Contributor (he will add titles, items and segments) . Trish and Bianca will email Mike with report requirements before he changes.

For Citebank content do we want to link to say “View article (external location)” or “Download article” ?
Here is an example
Bianca is leaning toward View article (external location) - probably better to be consistent with how we handle other content. Having external location is fine because it makes it clear it won’t showing in book viewer. Currently a download only article will also not get indexed for searching. Decision: Everyone agreed we will go with View article (external location)

BiosFlickr – 2 accounts in yahoo: field museum and biodiversitylibrary account. Both are pointing to Flickr stream. Bianca was trying to delete the field museum account but not having luck. Is it Ok to just login from biodiversity account? Yes. API access is via a key and not the yahoo passwords so shouldn’t be affected if the yahoo passwords are changed (Mike thinks).
Global Meeting – plan to have in Brazil 2015 in May 17th or 14th. I3B – Latin amer countries and Spain for biodiversity. Topic next year is literature. Workshop on Brazil in June. Invited William.
TDWG – moved to Sweden this year. Martin and Carolyn doing a workshop. Sophia wants to do a Dissemination workshop. Proposals are closed. No funding for an additional workshop
BHL Europe – still talk every week trying to keep BHL alive. Slow progress. Connie and William attend the meetings. Jiri, Patricia, Chris Sleep, Heimo, inviting Jane NHM to meetings. Jiri will be in DC in Sept to demo the exhibition software.

Art of Life
Classification volunteers – lots of problems saving in macaw
Summary from Joel - Trouble saving from a user in NY, Trish also had problems saving on Macaw via wireless
Joel also had issue logging in through sSH to Macaw server – up and down connectivity, and trouble connecting to website
Problems appearing only outside network
Mike W. report - Macaw has no drops but fromThePage does. Confirmed They are on different vm servers. Restarted both servers on Thursday. Mike W suggested Can do a package capture on Firewall. Could do some fine tuning with Joel
Mike W. asked could Joel try SSH this morning once we get off call ? Mike would like to do a capture of packets at firewall with Joel.
Could a backup or other activities be affecting this?
Joel says when connecting via the website not getting to server
Mike W said we could tune ICP in Linux – could change some default settings – need to optimize

Providing stats to Carolyn from Art of Life – Both Grace and Carolyn like the idea of the stats for Art of Life info being provided on the Growth stats of the admin panel. So we can put those as “Images identified” and “Images Classified” At some point we’ll want to add “images described” once we have them in Flickr and WC and folks have tagged them although I’m not sure yet at what point we consider it described – 1 tag, 3 tags??

IA server access – William got access to server but through Unix and not windows. Is key dependent on machine? Maybe Windows client is the issue. Can Mike try the same key? Blog post in IA that explains how to create the key. Mike and William will work on this.

Need to start testing uploading of classified images and metadata to Wikimedia Commons. Gaurav is available for next month and can help with extracting metadata back out.

Purposeful Gaming
Tiltfactor – still waiting for the contract from Tiltfactor. Kickoff meeting July 31st – waiting for confirmation
FromThePage – Ben sent some updates this week. Mike L hasn’t looked at yet. TCP issues, - probably source of problems but good to get Ben’s changes in. . Mike W will dig into VMWare and figure out why we have drops.

Mining Biodiversity
Working on Grace and Jen’s paperwork
Mikes paperwork for PO