This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

July 20 2015

7/20/15 Tech meeting
Mike, Trish, Bianca, Martin, William

BHL general
Fileserver issues ongoing – 1 of the SAN shelfs went down (none of them BHL) but since ours are part of that it affects us. Recovering still ongoing and will have to take server down again but don’t know any details of when.
PDF generator placing files on webserver temporarily Weekend ingest processes shut down for now. API user Hamid from Mining Biodiversity has been hitting server a lot. Mike is letting him know when he can hit the server and not. William says they already grabbed the OCR before and thought they had it all so not sure why they are doing again.
User changes for admin site will go to production first week of Aug when Mike’s back from vacation. Does not include logins via FB or Twitter for now. Joel will have to get approval for this. Will admin site be down at all? Should be minimal – Mike will do in evening when folks aren’t on. Most visible changes is resetting of passwords. Bianca will send out a note once we schedule it

DOI process – assigned to about 500 articles and working through some issues
Email – do we need another email besides Mike recommends a 2nd one at some point. Martin recommends an Outlook or Yahoo account. He will ask Carolyn to set this up for tech team and get back to tech team
Stop words list – did Mike get that? Mike did not get a list yet. Bianca will email to Mike soon.

AMNH harvest from OAI has problems with not displaying the volume information. If its coming from Dublin Core they may need to change it on their end. Bianca will setup meeting with Trish and Jen.
ARL and SHARES – help research institutions comply with open access requirements of federal government. SHARES website it harvesting the BHL data. Did anyone authorize them to harvest or talk to them? No. Discovery Tools Working Group is looking into how well its being harvested and will followup with them if there are issues. Could we get alerts when someone is trying to harvest our data? Mike says we could try to get some IP addresses and maybe track this a bit better. Web server logs might have this information
NAL harvest from IA to BHL concerns – they upload to IA then edit metadata later after uploading. What we have in BHL may not reflect what’s in IA. We don’t know how often or how much they make changes to know if we should worry about it. Robert Miller was in conversation with them about it but he is no longer at IA and those conversations were never resolved. Mike says Its not ideal to set up a separate routine for harvesting for them. Martin says we might want to make an exception since we harvest so much of their stuff. Martin will followup with them to see if NAL cares or is concerned.
Mining Biodiversity
Launch of altmetric and mytweeps on BHL portal
Riza generated new triples and relationships, put together guidelines and forwarded to me. We have Rod Page and Siobhan Leachman ready to do validate the relationships.
DISCUS widget wasn’t working – Evangelous will have an intern who could help fix the problem early August

Art of Life
Trish Working on final report for NEH – Grace, Carolyn, Joel and Mike have all been helping gather quantitative info for trish

Purposeful Gaming
Games are going well but not a lot of players yet – 150-180 per game. Need more publicity
Mike is getting output from games and incorporating back into OCR files but with server having problems Mike is waiting on those getting resolved first.
Bianca said it Would be good to announce we are incorporating output from games into portal
2 days week til October Trish working on an internal MOBOT project called World Flora. Means my hrs on MB will be reduced during that period. Martin would like an updated chart that shows everyone’s schedule at MOBOT and how long we are covered on which projects.
William’s work schedule – back full time
Move of BHL portal to SIL - Little delayed because we need our own dedicated db server to be setup. Everything else is going as planned.

TDWG attendees – Carolyn, Martin from SIL. William not sure if attending.

Mike is out all next week July 27th- 31st