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January 22, 2008 BHL Executive Committee Notes

January 22, 2008 BHL Executive Committee Conference Call

1. Debriefing from Chris about the SF Fedora and IA meetings.

Chris needs some time to answer questions. Editing metadata will be
available in BHL portal--really don't want to edit within IA. IA has a person to "curate" data in their quality assurance workflow. As soon as a book is scanned it is available but if there is an error, it could be taken down within 30 days. We have a 30 day window before it gets pulled into BHL. Be aware. Have to be sure this doesn't slow down the process but overall is fine and a good thing.

Jim Omura is retiring from the Moore Foundation so not much time to talk about automated markup proposal. Someone new is being
transitioned in. Tom will send Jim an email and remind him about automated markup and get some suggestions for next steps. Moore
Foundation director was in DC recently. Jim Edwards met with him. Automated markup can be a separate proposal or folded into EOL (?).

Chris needs to talk to Martin about next steps with Wonderfetch and pulling stats and page numbers. There was discussion about
centralizing wonderfetch at Smithsonian. BHL technology use behind the scenes is really exciting and useful. Need to offer tools on

Chris, Martin and Jay's paper to Code4lib is very good.

$13,000 for storage at BHL so that jpg 2000 files can be pulled for storage at MOBOT--is this enough for 12 months (not sure...). IA =
archival storage. Storage at MOBOT is for online display. Should MOBOT be additional site for content safeguarding? Should we all be
pulling content and holding redundantly? Maybe we don't all have to download individually. This is a long-range architecture discussion.
The entity of the BHL should have the megarepository--look and plan and seek funds for this. Federate/mirror etc. Up to individual
libraries as to whether they want to pull and store etc. Part of what we have been funded to do is to figure out the backup.

Pedabox is in grant for 2009. Moore might be able to fund more equipment (October).

2. Donat's proposal and response. (and sane allocation of development resources).

Tom will rework his notes and send his questions to Donat. Must be careful about how to allocate Chris's time. Donat and Paddy should talk since some of this is relevant to species pages.

3. Status of IMLS planning grant for rare book digitizing

Waiting for partner letters from AMNH, PAS, FMNH, NYBG and IA. Proposal nearly final and then just need budget (Harvard financial
working on it) and partner letters. MBL and BHL will supply endorsement letters.

4. PILA, CrossRef - BHL and EOL roles (please read the email and attachment)

Tom will tell Jim--we are fine with CrossRef, must join PILA (MBL is a member so one less signature. Cathy buys DOIs for Institutional
Repository). Jim has to get signatures from each of the EOL cornerstones. BHL will be removed from proposal since BHL will pursue another relationship with Cross-Ref.

5. BioOne Proposal for moving window.

BIOONE proposal is very exciting.

6. Strategy for approaching JSTOR.

Tom will be meeting with Heather Joseph (SPARC, formerly BIOONE) to strategize about JSTOR. For Bioone, JSTOR etc, we will need to
provide article level identifiers/access in addition to bibliographic access. Probably all of the BHL members have JSTOR subscription.
How many have contributed material (Harvard, MBL. MOBOT). 60-70 BHL relevant titles in JSTOR. 1999--15% discarded materials in JSTOR /
2003 29% discarded!

7. TED, Germany, etc.

Graham reports on plans-- Tom and Graham going to TED--will have a breakfast meeting with the TED participants to see if there is any way forward with offers from the Tedsters!.

No developments on German side but a little progress--spoke with Head of Museum. Econtent plus bid will be picked up by someone in Museum- probably Mark-Oliver Rödel.

Graham will have dinner with Wiley/Blackwell after Architecture meeting.

Meeting at Polish Club with publishing head of UK Geological Society--thinking about a geo-version of online literature. May be able to
pick up paleontology and geology.

Graham has funding for another digitizing staff member for the high quality overhead work. May go to a double shift on single machine to get the Malaysian work done.

8. NSF program--research coordination networks in Biology.

Chris should check it out and we should generate a proposal--maybe something clear at Architecture meeting. Deadline is June.
$50-100,000 available.

Next Call: Tuesday Jan 29 at 4 pm