Internet Archive Discussion Points
Internet Archive Discussion Points
At a meeting in San Francisco of Brewster Kahle (IA), Robert Miller (IA), Tom Garnett (BHL), Martin Kalfatovic (SIL/BHL), it was decided that BHL would provide a list of activies, etc. where the IA could improve its relationship with BHL (and other scanning partners). Please post things that you would like to see the IA do that would make our partnership work more effectively. I've started some general categories; feel free to add new ones or modify and just dump things into "other".
- Martin
- More thorough documentation of IA processes and workflow posted in an open and accessible place
- Publicaly accessible wiki/blog for hosting of documentation and ability for scanning partners to interact with the documentation
Scanning Process
- Standards for scanning
- Standardization of scanning across scanning facilities
- Consultation with scanning partners on changes in standards, hardware, software etc.