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Installation of LDAP server

This page describes the installation of the LDAP server on the development server, bhl-mandible (,

sudo apt-get install slapd ldap-utils

LDAP is now available with three directories for production, test and integration)

dc=bhl,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk (production)
dc=bhl-int,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk (integration)
dc=bhl-test,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk (test)

the three root accounts needed to connect and amend these directories are


all with the standard bhletech password

each directory has the following OU structure

dn: ou=content providers,dc=bhl,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk
description: holding ou for content provider groups

dn: ou=users,dc=bhl,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk
description: holding ou for users

a set of default accounts is added, one for each content provider , with a group for each content provider holding that user as a member, plus one group called all content providers holding them all:

(see ~bhladmin/dev/openldap/bhl/CP.ldif for the ugly but full version!)

There's a test provider in each of the three directories, 'test' with the password 'testme'


which you should be able to validate with..

    1. out of date from here on, needs to be cleaned up! Chris S

Setting up the basic initial directory structure
- create the file:

- Content of the file:

dn: dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk
objectclass: dcObject
objectclass: organization
o: BHL-Europe
dc: nhm

dn: cn=bhletech,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk
objectclass: organizationalRole
cn: bhletech

dn: ou=content providers,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk
objectclass: organizationalunit
ou: content providers
description: holding ou for content provider groups

dn: ou=users,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk
objectclass: organizationalunit
ou: users

Stopping the LDAP-Server:
/etc/init.d/slapd stop

LDAPadd command:
ldapadd -x -D "cn=bhletech,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk" -W -f bhl-initial.ldif

Start the LDAP-Server:
/etc/init.d/slapd start

Initial Content Provider setup:
- Create file with: vi bhl-CP.ldif

Structure of the file:

  1. sample user (one CP)
dn: cn=at-landoe,ou=users,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk
objectclass: inetorgperson
cn: at-landoe
userPassword: {CRYPT}***

  1. group for this provider
dn: cn=at-landoe,ou=content providers,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk
objectclass: groupofnames
cn: at-landoe
description: LANDOE PROVIDER
member: cn=at-landoe,ou=users,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk

  1. group for all providers

dn: cn=all providers,ou=content providers,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk
objectclass: groupofnames
cn: all providers
description: All Content Providers
member: cn=at-landoe,ou=users,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk
member: cn=at-nhmw,ou=users,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk
member: cn=be-nbgb,ou=users,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk

ldapadd -c -x -D "cn=bhletech,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk" -W -f bhl-CP.ldif

If needed to reset a User-password:
ldappasswd -x -D
"cn=bhletech,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk" -W -S "cn=test,ou=users,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk"

pw: bhluser

- ldapdelete -v -x -D "cn=admin,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk" -w bhl.ldap "cn=test,ou=users,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk"

anlegen der location in der apache-config-Datei(eg /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default):
<Location "/mint">
ProxyPass http://localhost:3000/mint
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:3000/mint
AuthName "BHL-Login"
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on
AuthLDAPURL ldap://,dc=nhm,dc=ac,dc=uk?cn
require valid-user