This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


Global BHL Project Activities

January 2010
8-14: BHL-China Project Collaboration Meeting with Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing, China

27-28: Meeting with JSTOR to discuss integration with

February 2010
3-5: Project Collaboration Meeting with BIREME. Sao Paulo, Brasil

22-26: BHL-Europe Technical Management Board Meeting. Berlin, Germany

March 2010
3-4: DuraCloud Pilot Partners Meeting. Cambridge, MA

22: BHL Institutional Council Meeting. New York, NY

25: PLoS Forum. San Francisco, CA

31: MfNH Meeting to discuss literature digitization. Paris, France

April 2010
1-2: SCOR/IODE/MBLWHOI Workshop on Data Citation & Curation. Paris, France

9-11: PLoS Systematics Hub Meeting. San Francisco, CA

26-30: AETFAT Congress. Antananarivo, Madagascar

May 2010
25-28: BHL-Europe Annual Review. Vienna, Austria

June 2010
1-4: BHL-Australia Project Collaboration Meeting. Melbourne & Canberra, Australia
BHL-Australia MoU signing:

27: BHL receives ALCTS Award for Outstanding Collaboration

28: BHL Presentation at American Library Association Annual Conference. Washington, DC.

July 2010
19: DuraCloud Pilot Partner Meeting. Washington, DC
20-22: NDIIPP Annual Conference. Washington, DC

August 2010
9: Meeting with JSTOR to continue integration with New York, NY. JSTOR Plant Science portal now linking to BHL for every species represented in BHL corpus.

September 2010
22-24: Global BHL Technical Workshop. Woods Hole, MA.

27-1 Oct: TDWG Annual Conference. Woods Hole, MA

October 2010

November 2010
8: Created a test set of BHL texts for evaluation in EU-funded IMPACT project, focusing on OCR improvement.

15-17: Chinese Academy of Sciences Meeting, Beijing, China.

30-3 Dec: BHL-Europe Content Provider and Technical Meeting. NHM London.

December 2010
1: BHL-Scielo launch in Brasil.
6: Citebank v.1.0 launch, using Drupal and Fedora

January 2011
13: Chris Freeland gave a presentation during the 4th Annual Global Plants Initiative in Panama, entitled “Biodiversity Heritage Library & JSTOR Plant Science”.

20: Phil Cryer presented on “BHL Process and Progress” during the Vibrant meeting in Paris

February 2011
2: BHL received funding from the Richard Lounsbery Foundation for the Life and Literature Conference to be held in Chicago November 14-15, 2011.

7 – 10: Trish Rose-Sandler presented BHL at the Code 4 Lib 2011 Conference in Bloomington, Indiana.

22: Chris Freeland gave a presentation during the Biosystematics Berlin 2011 Conference entitled “Digitization and enhancement of biodiversity literature through OCR, scientific names mapping and crowdsourcing”.

March 2011
1: Chris Freeland gave a presentation during the Digital Public Library of America workshop in Harvard, entitled “Digitized Public Domain Books”.
7-9: Chris Freeland attended the BHL Institutional Council meeting in Washington, DC. where the Proposal on Global Priorities for the 2011-2012 period was approved with congratulations.

9-10: Chris Freeland attended the 2011 IMLS WebWise Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. This years’ topic was on Libraries and Museums in the Digital World. Science, Technology, Engineering + Math (STEM) in Education, Learning, and Research.
May 2011
17: BHL-Europe has a new article, published in the International Innovation report:

20: On behalf of Tom Garnett, Director of the BHL, Mr. Graham Higley, head of library and information services at the Natural History Museum in London, accepted the 2010 John Thackray medal, which was awarded to the BHL in recognition of the past three years of work building its digital library.

24-27: Chris Freeland and William Ulate attended the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections annual conference in San Francisco, where BHL was offered a table in the vendor hall. Chris Freeland also presented a poster on the Engelmann’s project and attended the stand with William.

June 2011
7-10: Bianca Crowley and William Ulate attended the BHL-Europe Annual Review and shared with BHL-Europe colleagues on their common experiences, requirements and lessons learned.

8: William Ulate gave a talk during the BHL-Europe Annual Review to update participants on the advances of the Global BHL Project.

14-15: Chris Freeland attended the Technical Workshop of the Digital Public Library of America at the Associate Librarian for Library Services Office at the Library of Congress, which convened a small working group meeting to begin to make recommendations for the overall technical architecture of a Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) and to converge on a set of key technical principles upon which the DPLA should be built. Particularly, the objective was “to surface and identify concrete insights, including areas for future research; development and policy proposals; and other tangible outcomes .

14: Chris Freeland led an initial discussion on the overall goals and architecture of the DPLA. His presentation “DPLA Technologies: Foundations for Growth & Sustainability” at was used as the base for discussion during the first day of the meeting.

15: Chris Freeland worked together with participants at the end of the DPLA meeting to summarize the key takeaways from the workshop:

22: Charles Darwin’s Library, a BHL special collection that draws on original copies and surrogates from other libraries and provides full transcriptions of his annotations and marks, was released online. This collection is composed by a digital edition and virtual reconstruction of Charles Darwin’s 330 most heavily annotated books he owned by the moment of his death.
July 2011

23-30: Chris Freeland attended the International Botanical Congress 2011 in Melbourne, Australia. During the event, which concentrated more than 2100 participants, several botanists praised BHL during their talks.

25: During such International Botanical Congress 2011 in Melbourne, Australia, Chris Freeland helped co-organize the Symposium “Informatics tools for the semantic enhancement of taxonomic literature” with BHL-Australia team lead for Atlas of Living Australia, Dr. Elycia Wallis, from the Victoria Museum, who chaired the Symposium. The 150 to 200 attendees listened to renowned speakers on the area of tool development:

27: Chris Freeland met with staff from the Museum Victoria to coordinate on issues related to the BHL Australia project and its next steps and interactions with others BHL programs at a Global level.

Jul.-Sep.: William Ulate has tweeted on major Global BHL related events and news from most BHL Programs translated into several languages thanks to complimentary collaboration from other colleagues (see examples on Appendix 2).

August 2011
15-16: Chris Freeland and Jay Page presented at the first Planning Meeting in Hawaii of the recently awarded NSF-funded proposal “Advances in Bioinformatics:Innovation: Collaborative Research: The ‘Global Names Architecture,’ an infrastructure for unifying taxonomic databases and services for managers of biological information.” The meeting was also an opportunity to gather requirements to allow the Biodiversity Heritage Library's CiteBank, coupled with a scientific name 'usage bank', to create a document submission module to enable users to share key reference material in compliance with the “safe harbor” principles of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA).

30-Sep.2: Chris Freeland attended the BHL-Europe Public Core Review Meeting at the National Library of the Netherlands (KB), The Hague, The Netherlands. The progress of the BHL-Europe program was reviewed and discuss along with the latest BHL-Europe Web Portal design and new developments.

September 2011
29-Oct 1: Trish Rose-Sandler attended 2011 LITA National Forum: Rivers of Data, Currents of Change in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, where she presented “Building the New Open Linked Library” along with colleagues from the Smithsonian Institution.

October 2011
Sep.30-2: Chris Freeland and Cathy Norton attended a workshop in Phoenix, Arizona with the Biology of Aging group including Arizona State, the Marine Biology and the Biodiversity Heritage Library. This prove to be a special opportunity for the "contextualization of BHL" in the hands of new user groups from areas like Humanities, Philosophy and History of Science.

Oct.12: Chris Freeland met with William Gunn from Mendeley to explore options for collaboration with BHL in topics like the creation and use of a Canonical record for citations to help on the Global Citation disambiguation and the Short Citation Challenge presented to BHL by National History Collections in relation to the Electronic Publishing decision of their Nomenclatural Codes and the negotiation with copyright holders in the business model to implement Safe harbor or DCMA-compliance. They will not hold negotiated copyrighted material but they were very interested in BHL and they would like to tackle some of those issues by presenting Research Grants proposals for a joint project, but he will need to make the case within Mendeley.

Oct.16-21: Chris Freeland (thru. Wed) and William Ulate attended the TDWG 2011 Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. This year the primary theme of TDWG 2011 was “Digitization Methods, Technologies, and Standards for Biodiversity Collections” and several presentations from BHL programs staff on related topics and a number of other contributed talks and workshops, mentioned BHL as the source of relevant literature associated to their collections and the repository of citations for their respective biodiversity literature. Find the program at: and the presentation list at:

Oct.18: Chris Freeland participated in the Symposium: “Annotations: No longer just a slip of paper…” at the TDWG 2011 Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, where he presented the talk “Scribbles and Scraps: Darwin's Library and the Online Display of Annotated Biodiversity Literature”.

18: William Ulate presented in the Symposium “Global biodiversity informatics initiatives update” at the TDWG 2011 Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA a talk entitled ““BHL: Toward a Global, Sustainable Resource”

20-21: Chris Freeland attended the first Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) Plenary Meeting at The National Archives in Washington, DC, where Global BHL was praised as a good social model of participation to build a digital library, as both projects share common challenges to share distributed literature content.

28:Chris Freeland gave a presentation during the symposium “Anchoring Biodiversity Information: From Sherborn to the 21st century and beyond” sharing BHL experiences on digital preservation. His presentation, entitled “Approaches to preserving digitized taxonomic data: Prints, manuscripts & specimens” can be accessed at: only one of many that mentioned BHL as an important consolidated project. Others include “BHL-Europe: Tools and Services for Legacy Taxonomic Literature” presented by our BHL-E colleague Henning Scholz from Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and “Unlocking the Index Animalium: From paper slips to bytes and bits” presented by Suzanne Pilsk from Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Talks and posters are now online at

November 2011
2: The BHL's Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) were included in ProgrammableWeb, a site holding a directory of more than 2000 indexed, cross-referenced, and up-to-date open APIs and the applications people have built with them.

13: Second Global BHL Meeting. Chris Freeland and William Ulate attended this meeting at the Chicago Field Museum where representatives of all BHL Programs (except Bibliotheca Alexandrina) shared their progress during this last year. It was also discussed and reviewed the Vision of BHL as a global unified network where its member institutions share their leadership and coordinate within the nodes, engaging with other organizations related to the field to become the recognized reference tool for biodiversity literature. All participants agreed on more and better communications between the nodes and defined ways to coordinate this. A blog post with the outcomes of the meeting was later shared at: A Global BHL Principles Document has been approved and a it will be circulated soon; also a Global BHL Coordinating Committee was nominated with a representative of each BHL Voting Member. As part of next steps, the gBHL-CC, lead by Nancy Gwinn, will work to draft its by-laws and approve them as a transitory agreement before they meet again early next year (the exact date and place are still to be determined); apress release will be prepared and distributed and a website for Global BHL presence will be set by the January 2012.

14-15: Life and Literature Conference, Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois, USA. The meeting convened librarians, biologists, computer scientists, publishers, students, and other stakeholders who discussed for two days agenda for biodiversity literature digitizing and its networked environment for the next four to five years. The proposed break-out groups developed ideas and suggestions that provided the future framing for BHL (

16: Chris Freeland and William Ulate participated in the JRS African Digitization Workshop at the Field Museum, an event sponsored by the JRS Foundation, where nine African representatives from different fields (librarians, biologists, computer scientists, publishers and students) met six colleagues from the Biodiversity Heritage Library and other initiatives like EOL and Internet Archive, to discuss on African needs and objectives for Biodiversity Literature Digitization. Each African attendee was invited to give a brief 10-minutes presentation about their institution and projects that would relate to the next 5 years of the Biodiversity Heritage Library; the discussion that came afterwards defined the next steps to collaboratively identify the materials useful for African colleagues (including gray literature). After this, a proposal will be developed to generate this content with the proper Metadata and distributed through an adequate infrastucture, according to the African needs.

30: Chris Freeland attended the BHL-E Content Providers & Technical Review Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, where he presented on recent Global BHL Progress.

January 2012
17-20: Martin Kalfatovic and William Ulate attended the Global Encyclopedia of Life Content Summit in Isla Barro Colorado, Panama, where they participated and presented on behalf of BHL and Global BHL, respectively. Their presentations can be found at: and This was also an opportunity to do some outreach activities with representatives from Latin America (Mexico, Central and South America) to promote BHL and explore their needs and interests in become BHL partners, as indicated in a blog post about the Summit posted by Martin at

20-24: Chris Freeland and Suzanne Pilsk (from Smithsonian) attended ALA Midwinter Conference in Dallas, Texas and were asked to share their experiences as part of a panel. Chris presented on the experience of Assigning DOIs & other Identifiers to Legacy Literature: and Suzanne talked about Linked Open Data and the digitization process of Index Animalium and TL2 among other topics:

30: A new feature that enables easy addition of BHL books into a user’s Mendeley library was released. This new BHL functionality helps put the legacy literature into modern systems and provides an easy way to incorporate BHL materials into research activities, as explained by Chris Freeland on William Ulate also shared some tweets about the event in Spanish (see examples on Appendix 2).

February 2012
15: Following up on the Life and Literature Meeting and the JRS African Biodiversity Literature Digitalization Workshop in November 14th - 15th and November 16th, respectively, several African attendees were encouraged and advised on applying for funding to the JRS Call for Pre-proposals ( As a result, colleagues from 3 different institutions in African nations submitted pre-proposals to JRS. Also an additional pre-proposal was presented to JRS by BHL-US to support meeting with the African colleagues in South Africa and helping develop a full proposal to promote the Digitization of African Biodiversity Literature.

March 2012
12: During the SPARC Open Access Meeting 2012 in Kansas City, Missouri, Trish Rose-Sandler gave a short talk at the Innovation Fair, and also presented a poster entitled “Open Content and the BHL: Breathing New Life into Old Data” ( to showcase how the principles of BHL (Extensive, Global and Open) allow to provide and promote the appropriate reuse of its corpus.

21: A project proposal, titled “The Art of Life: Data Mining and Crowdsourcing the Identification and Description of Natural History Illustrations from the Biodiversity Heritage Library”, presented by Chris Freeland on behalf of the Missouri Botanical Garden, received $260,000 in funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities to identify and describe natural history illustrations from the digitized books and journals in the online Biodiversity Heritage Library. This project will develop software tools for automated identification and description of visual resources contained within the more than 100,000 volumes and 38 million pages of core historic literature made available through BHL digitization activities.

Appendix 1

Biodiversity Heritage Library: a global resource for open access scientific literature

Informatics tools for the semantic enhancement of taxonomic literature Symposium
International Botanical Congress 2011
Melbourne, Australia, July 25, 2011

Freeland, Chris1
1Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, USA

The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is an international consortium of more than thirty of the world’s leading natural history museum and botanical garden libraries, working together to digitize the public domain literature in their collections. BHL also works with rights holders within learned societies and other organizations to obtain permission to digitize their journal backfiles and monographs, enabling the inclusion of contemporary content in BHL while still publishing all materials via open access means. The digital images and derivative access files of scanned books produced through BHL digitization activities are freely available for download and reuse by anyone with an internet connection. In this way BHL provides new digital access to content that has previously only been available in bound form on library shelves, and does so with minimal restrictions. In addition to publishing the digital files representing a book, BHL has built services and APIs on top of its corpus that allow content to be enhanced through manual data entry and automated analyses. BHL provides interfaces for authorized librarians and users to edit bibliographic metadata for scanned books, including the ability to represent titles in ways that they have been referenced by scholars and various indices since Linnaeus’ publications in the 1750s and before. BHL has built and enhanced existing user interfaces for viewing the digitized books online, including services that enable third-party software developers to bundle BHL content within their own applications. BHL also employs the use of external services to enhance its registry, such as its incorporation of the TaxonFinder service from uBio that searches for and extracts all of the scientific names from the BHL corpus, providing users with an innovative names-based index to more than 250 years of scientific literature. BHL is leading a new initiative to mirror the digitized volumes in its collection at global scale and to bring in new content by partnering with large organizations and multi-national consortia that can provide content and infrastructure to BHL through their own mission-funded or grant-funded activities. Through these partnerships BHL is building an internationally replicated digital library of taxonomic works, serving students and scholars researching the world’s biodiversity as well as computer scientists and informaticians building new and novel algorithms for the semantic enhancement of scientific texts.

Appendix 2

A Few Examples of Tweets related to BHL translated to other languages for enhanced outreach:

For BHL-Europe in Spanish - Sent on Sep.18:
@BHLEurope co-patrocina "Desde Sherborn hasta el siglo 21 y más allá" @NHM_London Viernes 28 de Octubre 2011.

For BHL-Australia in Spanish - Sent on Sep.12:
@BioDivLibrary bien representado en #ANZSI2011 por @elyw!. Ver

For BHL-US in Spanish – Sent on Sep.1.:
Adivine ¿con cuántos libros empezó BHL? Luego conteste nuestra Trivia en Facebook!
¡Cambios en BHL: nuevo logo, botón p/ "Donar" y funcionalidad modernizada p/ medios sociales aumentando como usar y compartir contenido BHL!

For BHL’s Life and Literature Conference - Sent on Aug.12:
¿Algo qué decir sobre el futuro de la digitalización de biodiversidad? ¡Entonces presenta un poster en @Life_Lit!
For BHL-Egypt - Sent on Aug. 5
In Spanish:
@BioDivLibrary BHL-Egipto comparte su experiencia: vote x Generic Open-Src Solution 4 Managing Manuscripts from A-Z DLF
In English:
@BioDivLibrary BHL-Egypt sharing their experience 2:vote 4 Generic Open-Src Solution 4 Managing Manuscripts from A-Z DLF

For BHL’s Darwin’s Library launch - Sent on Jun 23
In Portuguese:
Como é isso para uma tendência, que mesmo #Darwin fala um pouco de espanhol? #português #BHL
In Spanish:
¿Qué tal la tendencia que hasta el mismo #Darwin hablaba un poco de Español? #español #BHL
In English:
How's that for a trend, that even #Darwin himself spoke some Spanish? Check Darwin's Library at #BHL

For BHL-Europe Coordinator interview:
In English:
For those wondering what's Global BHL project about, check this interview to our colleague, Dr. Henning Scholz, BHL-Europe Coordinator!
In Spanish:
Para quienes se preguntan ¿de qué se trata el proyecto BHL Global? ¡Vean esta entrevista a nuestro colega, el Dr. Henning Scholz, Coordinador de BHL-Europa!
In French:
Pour ceux qui se demandent ce que c'est le projet "BHL Globale", consultez l'interview de notre collègue, le Doc. Henning Scholz, coordinateur de BHL-Europe!
In Portuguese:
Pra quem esta se perguntando o que é o projeto BHL Global? Olhem esta entrevista ao nosso colega, o Dr. Henning Scholz, Coordinador BHL Europa

For BHL-Australia launch:
In English:
1. Proud to announce the launch the Australian node of the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)!
In Spanish:
1. Es un orgullo anunciar el lanzamiento del nodo australiano de la Biblioteca del Legado en Biodiversidad (BHL)!
In French:
1. Fier d'annoncer le lancement du nœud australien de la Bibliothèque du patrimoine sur la biodiversité (BHL)!

In English:
2. #BHLAu is now live at and blog post #bhlib #alau
In Spanish:
2. #BHLAu ahora está en vivo en y una entrada en el blog #bhlib #alau
In French:
2. .#BHLAu est en ligne ici et le blog est ici #bhlib #alau

In English:
3. #BHLAu launched! #bhlib #alau Congrats to @elyw & whole team for ++UI improvements
In Spanish:
3. Lanzamiento de #BHLAu! #bhlib #alau Felicitaciones a @elyw & todo el equipo por mejoras en la Interfaz de Usuario
In French:
3. #BHLAu lancé! #bhlib #alau Bravo à @elyw & toute l'équipe pour les améliorations de l'interface utilisateur

In English:
4. #BHLAu: 34,5M p. ~50K titles of #bhlib. Museum Victoria scans Au. books. Queensland & Western Au. Museums w/scanned journals #alau
In Spanish:
4. #BHLAu:34,5M p.=~50K titulos en #bhlib. Museo Victoria escanea libros de Au.Museos Queensland & Aus.del Oeste c/revistas digitalizadas #alau
In French:
4. #BHLAu:34,5M de pages=~50K titres de #bhlib. Musée Victoria numérise les livres australiens. les musées du Queensland et de l’ouest de l’Australie scannent les périodiques #alau

In English:
5. #BHLAu: web-based tool that gives researchers access to historical texts, original species desc. and a digital library
In Spanish:
5. #BHLAu: investigadores accesan textos históricos, especies originales y una biblioteca digital c/herramienta Web
In French:
5. Outils web qui donnent accès aux chercheurs à des texts historiques, des descrp. Originales d’espèces et à des bibliothèques digitales.

For launching Mendeley integration within BHL - Sent on Jan 31, 2012

In English:
1. @mendeley_com now integrated into @BioDivLibrary: #bhlib #mendeley
In Spanish:
1. RT @chrisfreeland: @mendeley_com está ahora integrado a @BioDivLibrary: #bhlib #mendeley

In English:
2. Mendeley and BHL: BHL has integrated a new feature that enables easy addition of BHL books into your Mendeley li...
In Spanish:
2. @mendeley_com y @biodivlib: #BHLib ha integrado una nueva función para agregar libros de BHL a su cuenta en Mendeley