This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

Exec meeting minutes June 12

June 12 -- Executive Committee Conference Call

On Call: Martin, Connie, Nancy, William, Susan
Martin suggested we review the tech priorities and discuss at next EC meeting. The Secretariat (Grace) will start as outreach person on the 16th. The Digging into Data grant partially pays for her salary. She will also help with the quarterly reports.
A meeting is scheduled with Cate Canarvi the new librarian at USGS -- meeting at the Smithsonian.
A blog post was created announcing the 1st Smithsonian field books ingested into the BHL portal with more coming in July.
Bouchard Declaration ( about open access) BHL has signed as a charter signatory.

Caroline and Martin going to ALA in Las Vegas
Suzanne Pilsk working to expose BHL to World Share
William working on 1 page "cheat sheets" for all tech grant projects
We don't have awards listed on the wiki and they should be... they may be buried in a blog post but not obvious.
Nancy is finishing a paper to present at IFLA Trish, Connie and Nancy prepared the presentation.
William-- announced that 1 million pages have been processed with a 10% (average) being images.
News from IA -- they are adding more power to the server running the Art of Life project. Purposeful gaming--Atlas of Living Australia already installed a transcription tool and started using it. RFP's out and proposals are being reviewed. Exozet, Tilt factory and others are on the wiki including one my Dr. Mary Flanagan at Dartmouth who develops educational games.
Mining biodiversity -- Canadians have produced a story on BHL Social Media which is open for feedback. looking to improve outreach using social media.
The portal-- change to author display underway --consulted with collections committee. Working with Cross ref to follow up on how to get DOI's for journal articles.

Pro i biosphere promoting use of text in other scientific realms...
Membership-- not heard anymore from NAL and need to follow up with Mark Sandler at the CIC.