Exec meeting minutes July 3
Executive Committee Conference Call -- July 3
On call: Martin, William, Susan, Connie
Martin attended ALA -- DPLA getting content from the New York Philharmonic via Content DM.
Connie participated in a Global BHL conference call discussing harmonizing BHL Europe content and avoiding copyright issues-- Still no plan of action but the subject resurfaced.
Proposal to TADWG --upcoming meeting moved from Kenya to Sweden. Martin heading up the literature component. The JRS foundation to fund a BHL workshop> Robert Miller (Internet Archive) installed scribes at University or Pretoria and took a side trip to meet the other BHL Africa group in Nairobi.
Strategic Planning Group --What are the goals of the group. Group should work on an overarching visionary statement that formulates the goals and objectives -- like an elevator speech. We need initiatives under the goals and they should correspond to a financial statement. Need to tweak sustainability statement.
Membership- committee will re-visit the application form and move more towards GBIF model creating a guided letter of intent--i.e with guided questions that specify information about collections, expertise and connections.
Discussion about mission creep--- will expand affiliates as much as possible -- will create a mailing list and will convene the membership committee to discuss levels of membership in September.
'Nancy will be at IFLA Aug. 18-22
Martin spoke with Sandra McIntire --Mountain West Digital consortium -- they have a price list for their fees and charge fees for services as well as lower levels of membership.
Carnegie Museum may be interested in joining BHL -- they sent Gemini request -- Anyone else?
William - explained the 1 pagers for each project that includes description, objectives and timeline for deliverables. Project includes 1. Global Names 2.Art of Life 3. Purposeful Gaming 4. Mining Biodiversity. 1 pagers being put in external wiki.