This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

Exec meeting minutes July 3

Executive Committee Conference Call -- July 3

On call: Martin, William, Susan, Connie

Martin attended ALA -- DPLA getting content from the New York Philharmonic via Content DM.

Connie participated in a Global BHL conference call discussing harmonizing BHL Europe content and avoiding copyright issues-- Still no plan of action but the subject resurfaced.
Proposal to TADWG --upcoming meeting moved from Kenya to Sweden. Martin heading up the literature component. The JRS foundation to fund a BHL workshop> Robert Miller (Internet Archive) installed scribes at University or Pretoria and took a side trip to meet the other BHL Africa group in Nairobi.

Strategic Planning Group --What are the goals of the group. Group should work on an overarching visionary statement that formulates the goals and objectives -- like an elevator speech. We need initiatives under the goals and they should correspond to a financial statement. Need to tweak sustainability statement.

Membership- committee will re-visit the application form and move more towards GBIF model creating a guided letter of intent--i.e with guided questions that specify information about collections, expertise and connections.
Discussion about mission creep--- will expand affiliates as much as possible -- will create a mailing list and will convene the membership committee to discuss levels of membership in September.
'Nancy will be at IFLA Aug. 18-22

Martin spoke with Sandra McIntire --Mountain West Digital consortium -- they have a price list for their fees and charge fees for services as well as lower levels of membership.
Carnegie Museum may be interested in joining BHL -- they sent Gemini request -- Anyone else?

William - explained the 1 pagers for each project that includes description, objectives and timeline for deliverables. Project includes 1. Global Names 2.Art of Life 3. Purposeful Gaming 4. Mining Biodiversity. 1 pagers being put in external wiki.