December 18, 2007 BHL Executive Committee Notes
BHL Executive Committee Minutes December, 18,2007
* Deputy Director role with IA--Cathy will take a leadership role working with Internet Archive.
* Update on German Discussions: Graham's notes: no funding stream that fits nicely with EOL was identified at the GSIS Kiel meeting which Jim Edwards attended; Chris presented at Botanical garden; Dutch, Germans, Chris and Graham talked about the best way to go forward. Good interaction and understanding of what has to be done; Should be able to get some money to manage the project in Europe; each country has to fund the scanning (Germans will be doing entomology and botany), Dutch also scanning. Dutch plan to give BHL files. Chris noted that we need to consider BHL architecture--all the potential ingest streams and where deposit--IA? Dutch and Brits will be happy to deposit in IA but possibly not Germans. Chris has a clear understanding of what we need to address upcoming architecture.
- Finalizing list of invitees to the BHL Architecture meeting.
Status Update.
Tom has hotel ready and room ready and will send out formal invites. Chris, 1 more from MOBOT, Martin, Tom, Graham, German rep, Patrick
Leary, Neil Thomsen, Sandy Payette, Thorny, Paddy?, Harvard, Christie, Connie, Cathy. This meets at the same time as TED and this may be a conflict. Does someone from BHL need to be available at TED (can't be onsite). Maybe should move architecture meeting to closer to the Directors' meeting. Connie and Tom will figure out logistics offline. Tom will check with Thorny and Sandy Payette.
* Rare book proposal status: Conference call with Connie, Judy W. , Doug H., Susan F., Larina from Phil., and Linda Fruh to put together an IMLS. IA very interested because she spoke with IMLS and NEH regarding a rare book digitization proposal. NEH and IMLS are interested because they have paid for lots of boutique scanning. Tom can't be a lead on this but can help. Judy and Connie will be meeting this afternoon. Doug had some excellent ideas--have to show something new like digitizing en masse. Doug can't take the lead because he doesn't have the time and MOBOT is currently funded by IMLS grant.
- BHL logo next steps: Martin suggested that we move forward with the voted possibilities and the exec. committee should make a decision and send to directors. Cathy Graham and Connie will decide and Connie will send out decision to directors.
- Report on "fuzzy" steering committee meeting @ Harvard... Connie and Cathy attended the informatics meeting for EOL; Jim Edwards report--talked mainly about meeting in Kiel; Page review resulted in lots of suggestions by Informatics Team; biggest hole was the lack of BHL; trying to manage expectations; Have accomplished a great deal--got money, got partners, got contracts, Jim hired; Lots to report to TED that may not involve splashy pages; Don't want to just repackage Fishbase; want genetic information too for TED launch; Steering Committee will have to address this. What is the deadline for BHL? How do we manage this? Need to have some ability to link content to pages and FEDORA would come next in priority list. Difficult to figure out what the real launch date--TED in Feb or May or Sept? Should BHL just focus on getting content into its own portal and if we need something for Feb, just take what is available. BHL is close--Tom will talk with Jim Edwards to define the expectations for BHL and if necessary will have a call with Paddy, Jim and Chris. Chris needs clear direction and will then make it happen. Graham noted that EOL has no proper project plan so deliverables are fuzzy.
- Cross Ref/DOI: Jim Edwards had discussion with Cross Ref and thinks we should use DOIs and may get a discount; EOL is now considering DOIs for the species pages. BHL has an offer for free ISBNs, Eric Mueller from Wikipedia has suggestions on how to get the cost down ion DOIs. The nature of our project may allow a
discount. We need to get a firm picture of how much it will cost.
- Bowker sent a proposed contract. Only want one document not one for each library--BHL can't sign a document since we are not
incorporated. Tom will consult with Fred von Lohmann.
- Webwise in March in Florida: Someone should attend Webwise. Tom will be talking with Jim Edwards. Not a high priority but keynote speaker is Jonathan Fanton from MacArthur. Want someone to be on a panel. Tom will be at the Tree of Life meeting.