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December 12


12 December 2013


Nancy Gwinn, Susan Fraser, Connie Rinaldo, Martin Kalfatovic, William Ulate


Connie reported that the Membership committee met via phone and approved the NHMLA application for affiliate membership. Additional information was need for the WUSTL application which Chris Freeland provided. The committee approved that application via e-mail. Connie will send recommendations to Membership to approve. Connie created a google doc for listing other potential "asks" and the group will compose a more formal letter of invitation to potential members and affiliates. The committee will prepare some guidelines when making contacts with interested parties. Glaring omission are Canadian institutions -- we will do some outreach.

Nancy spoke with Mike McDermott -- acting Librarian at USGS who is interested and supportive of BHL but lack funding to become members -- if 'reduction act" is eased they may be able to re-consider. They are interviewing for a new Librarian and once that position is filled they will bring it to the attention of the new Librarian. Nancy will also pursue further with Suzette Kimball, acting director since they already signed MOU and are considered affiliates --need to make sure they remain aware.
Martin met Lane Farley at Coalition Network Information meeting. She is still interested in pursuing relationships with BHL and U. of California Libraries.
Martin and Carolyn reviewed the Graphic collateral and have a contract for design and printing BHL material. 4 quarterly reports - 1 annual report - bookmarks and BHL Brochure. Does not include swag or letterhead. Martin will share his template for BHL letterhead with header and footer. Discussion of whether to include list of members on sidebar.

Bylaws revision - EC needs to resume discussion and finalize the bylaws to get them circulated to the membership. Meeting set for January 2. Susan will circulate most recent version to EC.
Discussion of the JSTOR plants proposal. Need to put the proposal in front of the membership. JSTOR will provide funding for intern to select and ingest content from BHL into JSTOR plants.

MOU's for Atlas of Living Australia expiring -- Global BHL bylaws are different from those MOU's for EOL and BHL. Working on model MOU for all Global committments.

William provided tech report (below) based on notes from Dec. 5 meeting.
He discussed 3rd party link-outs and indicated we were waiting for reaction from TDWG group. Identified trusted providers that we can harvest data from ---link-outs will open a separate window to allow researcher to easily return to BHL site. A harvester is now ready.
BHL Mexican node on hold -- until further developments internally but they would like to make CONABIO the basis for BHL Mexico.
Cornell talking about ingesting article metadata using Biostor. Rod Page interested in working on this.
Having some trouble with Global Name services which is note up to performance compliance. Currently coordinating with the developer to correct and maximize performance.
Art of Life project - currently scanning 200,000 pages of images but not optimized -- working with IA developers running algorithm to run faster. Currently running installation and testing results at Indianapolis Museum of Art.
NESCent Research Sprint meeting in North Carolina to be held Feb 4-7. BHL will be represented by John Mignault & Frances Webb-- partnering tech person with biologist to test databases to answer biological questions -- How compatible is the data and how much can be mined.
Brazil uploaded the first book to BHL but lacks data (marc record) so there is no pagination etc.

Notes from Dec. 5 (expanded)
01. - Australia Budget
A/ Approved Budget for William to attend gBHL Meeting in Australia: $ 5,150.00

02. - Meeting with Connie for Link Outs, when?
R/ Asked Connie for next steps.

03. - Cornell wants Article data.
a. - Quick and dirty: use BioStor.
b. - Definite:
i. - Modify Macaw
ii. - Import article info from IA to BHL DB
A/ Use Biostor. Contact Marty and Frances with the suggestion. Leave discussion for Macaw for Feb.
Update/ Started an email exchange with Marty, Frances and Mike. Proposed meeting (call) to evaluate alternatives.

04. - Rod Page wants:
a. - Link back to BioStor
A/ Ok. Mike has added that to the list (low priority)
b. - DOIs for Legacy Articles
A/ Good news, DOI's now $0.15. Should investigate EZID. Evaluate at Feb. Tech Meeting in St. Louis.
A/ William to find out room availability at the Academic Housing.
c. - Archive article information in PubMed
A/ Discuss in Feb Tech Meeting.

05. - Had a Meeting Thursday Dec. 5 with a Collections Committee subgroup for changes of displaying Authors in Summary page.
A/ Find out about Backstage: a Co. that does library authority clean up work.

06. - Delaying update Synchronizing changes with Australia after Atlas of Living Australia support in Feb. Changes in database will affect our synchronization. Right now changes were done manually by Simon who is no longer there. ALA will hopefully commit to support to do this next year .

07. - GNRDS Services: slow. Still working with Dmitry Mozzherin from MBL/EOL about this.
Update/ He'll return from China next week and look into the problem.

08. - NEH: Still running Algorithm on IA, 200K pgs. still not Optimized.
Update/ Had a meeting with Kyle, Indianapolis Museum of Art representative, and he will try a couple of options to optimize.
Update/ Contacted IA for suggestions on how to improve access to images.

09. - EOL:
a. - Invited Frances to EOL Research Sprint - still no answer
Update/ Frances answered back with more questions. William already responded her.
b. - Bocche. Attended the Call to suggest improvements to the current beta of EOL (codename: Bocche).

10. - Attend iDigBio Transcription Hackathon remotely - Week 16 - 20 Dec. 2013?
A/ Yes, approved.
Update/ At the IMLS team meeting, Connie suggested to include Joe DeVeer; Rob Guralnick confirmed us both. Austin Mast will send us updates.
Notes from Dec. 5

March Meeting
Martin suggest the annual tech meeting be held after the annual membership meeting in March.
Suggested format for the meeting and will send draft agenda soon
Connie updated that Chris Cardon funding ran out and his absence will seriously curtail BHL activities at MCZ..