December 10
Executive Committee
Thursday 10 December 2015 11:00 EST; 16:00 GMT
1. General Updates, including grants
2. Technical Update (WU/MK)
- Third Party Links: I want to grandfather in the current ones and revise the collections policy to say we will not add any more (MRK)
3. Global Updates
4.Planning 12-14 April 2016 Global Meeting, Annual BHL Meeting, "open session", invitation list-building.
- Firm and committee coordinator for each of the days! I really believe we need this (MRK)
- Members' Meeting: budget planning catering / meeting room cost estimates
- All meetings: Save the date? Members' Meeting - Save the Date out by Jan 1 (?)
6. AOB
On the Call:
Nancy Gwinn, Martin Kalfatovic, Constance Rinaldo, Carolyn Sheffield, Jane Smith, William Ulate
Meeting Notes
1.General Updates (MK)
- MRK reported that the Smithsonian has received unofficial confirmation from CLIR of being awarded a $US 431K for the Collaborative field notebooks project; and most of the partners in the project are BHL institutions.
- CR reported an invitation to proceed to the next stage for the collaborative Laura Bush Grant to seek funds for 5 resident fellows to work on a variety of BHL projects and would be based at Harvard, Field Museum and Chicago Botanic, LA, Smithsonian and Missouri Botanical Gardens.
2. Technical Updates (MRK/WU)
- The Technical Team updates meetings are taking place. With the addition of Susan Lynch and Joel Richard forming a management team to produce guidance and work plans for 2016 to Mike Lichtenberg and colleagues. WU will also be on the meeting calls to support the transition. Bianca and Trish Rose Sadler will be on the meetings to support documentation. Items will be brought to the EC and Members’ Meetings as required.
- The final plan for the transition of the portal to Smithsonian has been delayed during the recent US holiday period and on track now to go up at the Smithsonian by 20th January for internal testing and launched on February 1st 2016.
- WU reported that the current technical “wish list” is being worked through for the Technical Group to recommend which items go forward to be worked on or not.
- WU reported that a working solution has been found for the recent problems with emails.
- Update from WU on the Purposeful Gaming Project: there was a “challenge” event (DataDash) over recent days, looking at the results identifying ways to find and correct errors.
- Update from WU on the Mining Biodiversity Project: IMLS has agreed to grant a 1-year no-cost extension and WU is coordinating with project partners to complete outstanding tasks. A meeting will take place in Glasgow by the end of January with representatives from each project partner.
- Third party links: The current Collections Policy refers to BHL supporting links to third party content and indicates BHL still able to continue adding links. The existing 7 links, mostly set up through Citebank will continue (including for example SciELO, AMNH DSpace, Zookeys). New links have not been added for some time. Adding additional links at this time is not possible. No dedicated resource is available to developing/maintain/manage links; test the value of the third party content; index the content on BHL.
DECISION: EC supports the recommendation to the BHL Collections Committee not to add more links to third parties at this time and to make amendments the statements relating to third party content in the Collections Policy.
3. Global Update (CR,CS,MRK)
- Report on the BHL Workshop in Mexico, December 2015: attended by 17 delegates from 6-10 participating institutions and hosted by Patricia Koleff (CONABIO). The workshop was held over three days and intended to be an overview introduction and technical workshop for colleagues who will be staff contributors to BHL. There were some language barriers and pre- workshop conversations or information may have helped participants to understand the context and expectation of their role in BHL by their respective senior managers. An initial review of the workshop evaluations shows positive responses. Some participants requested more Spanish content, opportunities to translate documentation into Spanish; there was interest in the implications of Mexican Copyright legislation.
- BHL-Europe – successful test ingest of a BHL-E items into BHL central repository, the aim is to achieve 10 items. This has been a proof of concept, to show that the ingest is feasible. It may be slow if the transfer of data is over the internet in large volumes. May need to download to hard drives and ship to US. Also metadata changes to identify as BHL-Europe content. Setting up a different account may help with ingest speeds and attribution.
4. Planning 12-14 April 2016 Global Meeting, Annual BHL Meeting, "open session", invitation list-building.
- The meeting discussed the programme requirements and logistics for the 4 sessions taking place and who would lead on each area of the planning. The concern is that a level of details and leadership/coordination in place to ensure the smooth running of each session on each day and that all participants are supplied with a conference brochure by 1st March 2016). Also, there is sufficient detail to send a communication by 2 January 2016 at the latest to book the dates and confirm travel arrangements.
- Actions/Decisions
- JS will confirm estimates costs for catering and confirm with MRK and CS what BHL and what NHM/Kew will pay for.
- CS will set up a planning/task template on the wiki to capture planning tasks and who responsible for each. JS and CS/MRK to populate and then any gaps can be identified.
- Planning:
- Save the date email:CS to draft, sent out by NG, EWallis, JS.
- Logistics (meeting rooms, social events, tours, information about accommodation, travel etc.) local organising committee led by JS and David Iggulden (RBGKew)
- Session Agenda leads
- Global meeting (am Tues12th) –NG, CR, EW
- BHL Day (pm Tues 12th) - JS
- Partners meeting (Wed 13th) – NG, MRK
- Executive and members sessions (Thurs 14th) - NG, MRK
- Open day invitation list – open on wiki page to add suggestions
- CS to join EC calls when meeting planning on the agenda.
- JS.CS to set up regular brief update meeting for BHL Sec and local organising leads to make sure all preparations on track.
5. No AOB
6. Date of next meeting 7 January 2016