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Cullman Materials Procedures

Cullman Materials & "Medium Rare" Procedures/Workflow

For "Medium Rare" materials

Medium Rare materials are those destined for the Cullman, but that are not yet part of their collection. Med. Rare books will be identified positively by Leslie, however, all items which may be of interest to Cullman (by virtue of pre-1840 date, hand colored plates, exceptional provenance, etc.) should follow a similar procedure and remain in the BHL scanning room during processing and once scanned, go to Leslie for review. Items positively identified as medium rare - either those 'gleaned' from the stacks by Cullman staff or those found in the stacks with acid free tags in them - should follow the general procedures for Rare items and should not leave the building, and should go to Cullman when scanned. A list of these gleaned books moved to Cullman should be provided to appropriate Reader Services staff to assure all curatorial users are aware of location change.

Gleaned books procedure (kt - based on sketchy notes taken during mtg with MK, LO, DW-M, KT, GD, ET on 2/5)
This procedure has changed as a result of a subsequent meeting. As I recall (please correct me otherwise), 1) Cullman will now send barcode lists to Keri. 2) Cullman will then check out books to "Cullman Transfer" patron. 3) Keri will later de-dup from the Cullman Transfer list. Note: Cullman Transfer list cannot be batch changed until Keri has de-duped. 4) A pick-list will ultimately be generated based on de-duping process. (dwm 2/25/09)
-Cullman staff will send list of barcodes for items gleaned from [location] and will set them aside on a cart in the Cullman workroom.
-Grace/Erin will de-dup items on list to determine if any are of interest to us, if any are, will notify Daria and will physically inspect books for scanability.
-items rejected for scanning (dupes or unscannable) should be marked as such on the picklist for the original location.
-books that are to be scanned will be checked out to BHL per rare materials procedures.
-books will be then scanned per rare scanning procedure, and returned to Cullman when scanning is complete.

For Items that are part of the Cullman Collection (CULL)

Below are the procedures for handling Cullman materials being scanning in the NH Scribe room. All regular BHL handling procedures should be followed, these are IN ADDITION TO. It is presupposed that these items have been added to the picklist, reviewed by the SIL conservator, etc.

