This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


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Lead: Bianca Crowley
Notetaker: Carolyn Sheffield

Charge: Biodiversity Heritage Library Staff share the collaborative responsibility for the daily operation, improvement, and promotion of the BHL as related to the mission and goals of the Library and its participating institutions. Staff participate in project communications, including monthly conference calls, BHL's issue tracking system, and various outreach and engagement activities. Staff are responsible for the digitization, discoverability and maintenance of content contributed to the BHL repository by its participating institutions.

Table of Contents

Round Robin




Regrets: Diana Shih, Matthew Bolin, Diane Sands, Leora Siegel, Alison Harding, David Iggulden, Cathy Buckwalter,
Attendees: Bianca Crowley (SIL), Carolyn Sheffield (SIL), Jackie Chapman (SIL), Suzanne Pilsk (SIL), Julia Blase (SIL), Michael Neubert (LC), Diana Duncan (Field), Joe DeVeer (MCZ), Mike Lichtenberg (MBG), Grace Costantino (SIL), Don Wheeler (NYBG), Chris Cole (NAL), Randy Smith (MBG), Matt Person (MBLWHOI), Connie Rinaldo (Enrst Mayr), Keri Thompson (SIL), Lesley, Tomoko, Susan Lynch, Daria Wingreen-Mason (SIL), Keiko (NYBG), William, Trish, Richard Hulser

Round Robin

CBG: *Grant proposal for digitization of 5,000 pages of manuscripts was submitted *Grant proposal for a start up for digital exhibition was submitted *we have joined IA and are reviewing McCaw procedures and plan to upload one item as a test soon
NHM: No updates but yes, Alison has an IA login
AMNH: No updates
CAS: No updates
ANSP: No big updates here, except that we received a shipment back and will get another ready to send out. I am very interested in seeing if we can scan to Macaw, so I will check that documentation also.
Smithsonian, Jackie – Keri has IA login. We add to biodiversity collection. Login that we use for uploading through Macaw as well
Going fine
Field Book Project, Julia – documentation onto BHL wiki. Cataloging, preservation, and digitization. Lesley, Joel, and Keri – 49 items. Quarterly newsletter
Session conference proposal in February
Library of Congress, Michael – ceased using FedScan facility at LC. Logins for IA, Do not edit or add BHL tag. Will request that from manager
Field, Diana – good news moving books back. May be able to scan by request. Not sure if we have login
MCZ, Joe – Do have IA login. And add to Biodiversity collection under Joe’s name. Sent 200 items to scanning facility in Boston
Connie – We had a grant to make IA materials compatible with Harvard Digital Repository service for permanent storage. Big barrier was that OCR was generated differently. Programmer to harvest files from IA, parse OCR, align with proper text and deposit in Harvard repository.
Joe - Hired new Intern, Patrick, Purposeful Gaming, Transcriptions and Social Media
NYBG, Don – Great to have Susan on board. IA login, Don has one and believe can add to Biodiversity collection
Susan – I have an IA login and for BHL Admin portal. Got first group of submissions using Macaw went into BHL. Focused on Seed & Nursery catalogs as part of PG. Things going smoothly, some minor issues with S&N collection without manual editing
NAL, Chris Cole – Still working out procedures for getting stuff into BHL. Checking selection criteria with our classification schemes.
Some NAL content already in BHL thanks to harvesting based on LCSH and call numbers
MBG, Randy – status quo. IA login, yes, not sure about adding to biodiversity collection
MBLWHOI, Matt – IA login, yes. Will check if can add to biodiversity. Responding to Gemini requests, continue to tweet once a week on MBLWHOI content in BHL
HUH, Keiko – connection cut out, Keiko to email the update to Bianca
NHM-LAC, Richard – IA login, not sure about biodiversity collection. Los Angeles River, might be a good addition to BHL. Going to Internet Librarian meeting to present on BHL. Will visit Alison. Last week talked about BHL at online conference (put on wiki). La Brea tarpits site

Pleased to share that the Pan-BHL scanning funds are now open again. The Dues funds that were added to the FedLink contract have been processed and that $29,550 is now available to Members to resume scanning. As a reminder, these funds are available on a first come first serve basis. Those using the funds must follow BHL’s deduplication policies. Bianca will be sending around documentation on those requirements so please be sure to review that information.

Cornell, Marty –Only availbel to Members?
Carolyn – Correct

Marty -- submitted another proposal to scan rare materials that have been requested for BHL
Carolyn – Please document all grant proposals and awards related to BHL by entering them here:
This document can be viewed on the BHL private wiki here: Proposals

Giving a presentation? Please tell us about that, too! - BHL Presentations - Thank you!

BHL Administrative Dashboard user roles updated
For accessing backend, reports and edits
Mike edited user roles
We have portal editor role and the user role
Most are users so you shouldn’t notice any changes, can’t delete collections but should be able to make any edits you need
Any who have interns, should only have access as portal editor box, edit titles, segments, names. Run two reports. All they have and probably all they need.
Contact Bianca for those user roles
Web traffic stats box, admin only

Improving Documentation
Bianca has been updating documentation
Help wiki page
If you have questions about how to do something, please start there

Gemini update (Jackie)
Please check in on your issues
Right now Jackie doing some analysis
Received 10% issues over last year
Closed 72% of issues
Most issues are prior to FY14

Grants – fill out this sheet please! For proposals and awards

BHL and OCLC (Suzanne)
BHL as publisher of data to meet with OCLC to see how BHL data can best integrate into their available products
Meeting scheduled for Nov 19, 1pm EST
Suz will send info for WebEx
Email Suzanne if you would like to join that call:

Social Media (Grace)
October 27 – 31, Monsters Are Real social media campaign
5 blog posts
Pumpkin carving patterns
Will be emailing social med reps next week
Links will be live next Wed
Does your institution have resources have materials on these? Grace will tweet, Facebook posts, on any resources at your institutions, email Grace

Don’t forget to nominate a book for Grace to put together a blog post or to volunteer to submit a blog post on a book. Don for next month – thank you!

Tech Updates
Trish Rose-Sandler, MBG – Two projects that Trish manages, Art of Life and Purposeful Gaming
Art of Life
Image finding algorithm, those pages show up as having illustrations
We are continuing to add classification volunteers
Thank you to BHL Staff who are actively recruiting volunteers

Last month a huge upload of IA images to Flickr
2.5 million images went up
BHL included
Continuing to talk with IA on how to identify those associated with BHL

Opportunity to work with Zooniverse, customized interface for crowdsourcing descriptions of these illustrations
Not all BHL images, primarily from 19th C periodicals

Purposeful Gaming – scanning and transcribing William Brewster materails. TiltFactor completed prototypes for gamers and non-gamers

Michael – So in reference to material loaded into Flickr, given relationship with IA, expressed to IA that we would like to see representation of holding institution as well as things like BHL. IA understands and so now figuring out how to do that

Metadata that was not part of image uploads. So whether to add in to existing or re-upload. Working out details of that with them

William – Mining Biodiversity
IA login but no permissions to add to biodiversity collection
Mining Biodiversity – Grace attended Social Media in Society, with social media lab colleagues.
Semantic implementation for using information, conducting interviews with focus groups and getting interesting feedback and recommendations
Added the tool AddThis to track usage of some content
AltMetrics – track things with DOIs and hopefully also URIs for pages and where discussing.
Attending the Biodiversity Inofrmation Standards meeting, Martin, Carolyn, Connie and William – Workshop on Literature and poster on DOIs