This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


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"BHL Staff share the collaborative responsibility for the daily operation, improvement, and promotion of the Biodiversity Heritage Library as related to the collective mission and goals of the Library and its participating institutions. Staff participate in (internal) project communication activities, including monthly conference calls and BHL's issue tracking system. Staff are responsible for the digitization, discoverability and maintenance of content contributed to the BHL repository by its participating institutions."

Bianca Crowley, Carolyn Sheffield, Becky Morin, Trish Rose-Sandler, William Ulate, JJ Ford and Roslyn, John Mignault, Keri Thompson, Joe deVeer, Chris Cardin, and Gwenn, Connie Rinaldo, Gilbert Borrego, Alison Harding, Don Wheeler, Matthew Bolin, Matt Person, Michael Neubert, Martin Kalfatovic, Jackie Chapman, David Iggulden, Diana Duncan, Diana Shih, Suzanne Pilsk

Proposed Staff Charge
Discussion of the proposed staff charge which will be used in new membership document and other official BHL documentation

Add selection and overlap with collections committee charge ?
We might want to reference that there are collections
We could integrate with the existing language by saying “Staff are responsible for <Insert selection> digitization, discoverability, and maintenance.”
Is there a reason why we can’t repeat this in the charges for both staff and collections committee?
If we have other groups, they should be all supporting the mission of the overall BHL charge
Is including selection making the charge too detailed?
Curated collections is the strength
We also want to keep digitization because it is one of primary activities
It is already implied in the charge that there are other groups.
This is not meant to stand alone, not the only piece of info that people will see. The idea of curated content will be covered elsewhere.

Outreach and promotion --- is the wording here strong enough?
Becky -- Outreach is a stronger more hands-on term
Jackie – promotion, or making people aware, is a very important part of what we do.

Outward facing communication and internal communication component
Is it necessary to specify both?
People may feel they can join the consortium and not feel obligated to participate in internal calls and other communication
While a lot of outreach is shouldered by BHL staff at SIL, outreach is responsibility of all
Bianca -- Communication both internal and external. This part of the charge is meant to cover the full breadth of types of things staff are expected to do.

In person meetings
Covers it all already
Fairly decent explanation of what responsibilities of staff are

When we talk about BHL institutions, we are now saying “participating institutions” versus member institutions. The new membership structure distinguishes between members and affiliates.

JM: Is there a document somewhere that states something about the calls
In the staff charge we talk about monthly calls?

Carolyn has reworked the list of participating institutions to reflect the new membership structure and added a prominent link to the page on the sidebar menu of the private wiki, under the BHL Membership section. You can access the page directly here: BHL+Participating+Institutions

Bianca was able to pretty much gather the info she needed to finalize the wording on the Staff Charge. BC and CS will work together to bring the outreach piece together.

Gemini Update
There is some work we need to do on facilitating the upgrade
Hoping to have completed in time for 2014 scanning fund
It looks like it’s going to be great. Should be more streamlined.
Looks like the interface is designed a lot better for looking at specific issues

Please let Bianca and Jackie know if there is anything you would like to see as a user of Gemini.

IMLS award
MOBOT received an IMLS National Leadership grant – Purposeful Gaming and BHL Official page for project here
Grew out of an idea of Chris Freeland’s on gaming for enhancing digital texts.
Cornell, Harvard, NYBG are the partners.
Two year award, begins Dec 1, 2013.

Communications Plan
The Communications Plan is now available on the wiki; link is available above in the Call agenda.
BHL Audience Targets are great not just for Communications plan but for framing a lot of our goals.
Highly recommend checking out that part of the Communications Plan.

We are still seeking support from BHL staff to help with keeping up our Facebook presence (per Outreach Light guidelines in the Communication Plan) starting in November. Please contact Carolyn at if you are interested in helping out.

Round Robin
Michael (LC) – just returned
Matt (MBL) – all’s well. Nothing new
Matt B & Diana Shih (AMNH) – just sent shipment to IA for scanning about 120 items. Other shipment successfully returned
Don and John (NYBG) – we’ll be shipping out some materials. Issues with © and due diligence, almost all BHL records have been corrected. A couple more issues to dig into. Regarding shipment, we have not heard anything in some time. All shipments to NYBG have been suspended until they get to the bottom of the issues.
Alison Harding – currently in a slow period & fold-out camera not working, experienced a Wonderfetch glitch recently; talked to Gemma and it sounds like IA is converting to new Partner Meta App format from Wonderfetch anyway? BC has not heard anything back regarding new template that was sent to Jude over the summer. If anyone else hears that their Wonderfetch is being converted, please let Bianca know
Joe (MCZ)—pretty much is business as usual, shipment at IA scanning cntr. We’re doing a reclassification project in library. Flagging things that could be scanned for BHL if not already
JJ (HUH) – making progress! working in coordination w/ MCZ and 1st shipment out; looking for more funding for scanning; has help for metadata curation and pagination; willing to do a blog post
Jackie (SIL) – same as before shutdown, uploading issues to IA from in-house Macaw scanner - now that gov back will be able to work on correcting
CS Still no word on London rates but now that FedLink staff are back in the office I’ll be following up again
David (London) – rearranging new branch at library so nothing new to report re: BHL
Becky (cal acad) -
on hold and under water b/c preparing for implementation of new ILS system (converting from Aleph to World Share management system), has books pulled but needs to fill out scanning spreadsheet; getting to scanning requests on the horizon, things are really busy, Will be presenting at IAMSLIC : “Getting big things done in your small library”; Also, Library 2.0.13 tomorrow 2pm eastern time
Diana (field) – also busy migrating ILS just like Becky going from Aleph to World Share mgmt sys., sent data last week, a lot of configuration work; still has volunteer doing BHL pagination
William – added some points on technical progress to the Agenda and Notes page.