This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


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Meeting Notes: (please edit notes as necessary)
Lead: Bianca Crowley
Notetaker: Matt Person

Charge:// Biodiversity Heritage Library Staff share the collaborative responsibility for the daily operation, improvement, and promotion of the BHL as related to the mission and goals of the Library and its participating institutions. Staff participate in project communications, including monthly conference calls, BHL's issue tracking system, and various outreach and engagement activities. Staff are responsible for the digitization, discoverability and maintenance of content contributed to the BHL repository by its participating institutions.

Attendees (All) - TYPE DIRECTLY in the google doc



Meeting Notes: (please edit notes as necessary)

Bianca's welcome to staff – she mentioned that the BHL annual meeting is taking place in Singapore this week.
Any new staff members to the call? – no.

Outreach updates

Round Robin Updates / Open Discussion (All)
-Rick Ferrante of SIL archives: 100+ titles ready to be loaded into BHL – expected by April
- Bianca Crowley – big news to share with all: she and her husband are expecting a new baby baby – Congrats ! Bianca will need BHL staff will need assistance with some of her roles (staff calls, Gemini) while she is out. BHL members will discuss this.
Follow up from IA PDF quality issues
-Bianca: Some progress made on this – and please document ! Bianca has received info from Cornell and AMNH on problem is with PDF’s downloaded via BHL from IA, see link above please note comments, directions of how to edit items in IA, you’ll need an IA login which all should have (see Bianca if you don’t ) – directions are to re-derive items in IA.
-Mai’s issue – Bianca: take note of items – if issue is a bulk issue it can be sent off to IA with IA item id’s , single items, please edit as you discover.
In any case, please inform Bianca when you encounter this type of issue.
- Joel weighs in: we have not seen patterns yet to anticipate when this issue will pop up. Bianca reemphasized the need to document and let her know when you encounter this.

User feedback management: aka "Gemini" (Bianca)
Bianca reported on lots of 2016 analysis – see Feb. staff call notes to refresh yourself. In preparing for Singapore meeting – she has seen great successes and challenges.
Richard Hulser: wonders if volunteers might be used to assist in parsed out tasks…? Bianca thinks volunteers could assist in correspondence, triage…etc.

Grant Projects:
-Mariah: 4399 volumes from 500 titles = 500000+ pages; 67 new contributors, working on increasing the workflows leading to...
- Susan Lynch : BHL – DPLA ingest going well
-Susan Eubanks – nursery catalogs – copyright questions – Patrick Randall asked Susan to contact him to resolve.
Joe: Please check out the NSDR blog , NSDR RESIDENTS will be at DPLAfest, at the NSDR symposium, and have put in proposals to present at TDWG …
Adrianna – SIL field book project (Arcadia) – tech position is filled , 699 items digitized as of Mar 14, 1900 to go to be done by July. Former catalog coordinator _ is mentioned in current issue of American Archivist.
BHL field notes project – interim report submitted to CLIR on March 1 – Partners digitited 8000 pages from 1000…items 21488 pages total expect 100 participation by the 5th quarter of the project. Adriuanna will present at DPLA fest in April .
Plans on applying to CLIR for further funds to continue the field notes project and to hire developer to develop way to bring in transcriptions into BHL.

Committee reports:

Joel: Thanks to all for your patience with MacCaw issues; a few issues been taken care of, looking into some connection difficulties issues which were brought to his attention.
We have been talking about collections analysis, Alicia at Chicago Botanical Garden has done some excellent work on this. She has found a tool for doing LCSH subject heading analysis. Also discussed binding issues, moving wall issues. Bianca does continue to work on moving wall titles – will contact as necessary.
- Diane Rielinger – working on letters project: Biostor articlizing letters. Diane is working on documentation of this.

Cataloging (Diana D.)
Susan Lynch NYBG reporting for Diana in Singapore: MJ Hahn and Diana Duncan will work on doc for editing creator records in BHL.
Mid 2015-2016 metadata with diacritics pulled via Z39.50…diacritics garbled – Cat Committee looking at this to fix.

Documentation FYI (Bianca)
Bianca -reemphasized the importance of documentation of any workflows/projects.
Mariah: MacCaw training video has updated information on EABL youtube: Bianca please add this video to BHL youtube as well.
Macaw YouTube video links now in BHL help wiki and here:
  1. Getting Started with Macaw
  2. Macaw Walkthrough

Thanks to all ! end of call.