This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


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Lead: Bianca Crowley
Notetaker: Carolyn Sheffield

Charge: Biodiversity Heritage Library Staff share the collaborative responsibility for the daily operation, improvement, and promotion of the BHL as related to the mission and goals of the Library and its participating institutions. Staff participate in project communications, including monthly conference calls, BHL's issue tracking system, and various outreach and engagement activities. Staff are responsible for the digitization, discoverability and maintenance of content contributed to the BHL repository by its participating institutions.


Diana Duncan (Field), Mariah Lewis (SIL), Carolyn Sheffield (SIL), Martin (SIL), Bianca (SIL), Grace Costantino (SIL), David Iggulden (Kew), Jackie Chapman (SIL), Matt Person (MBL), Leora Siegel (Chicago Botanic Garden), Diane Sands (CAS), Julia Blase (SIL), Lesley Parilla (SIL), Keri Thompson (SIL), Alison Harding (NHM-London), Suzanne Pilsk (SIL), Joe DeVeer (MCZ), William Ulate (MBG), Marty Schlabach (Cornell), Trish Rose-Sandler (MBG), Mike Lichtenberg (MBG), Matthew Bolin (AMNH), Cathy Buckwalter (ANSP), Richard Hulser (NHM-Los Angeles County), Randy Smith (MBG), Tomoko Steen (LC)

Leora Siegel, Library Director at Chicago Botanic Garden – Delighted to join. Lenhardt Library, 125,000 items on botany and horticultural and rare book collection from Mass Horticultural Society.

Lesley Parilla, Cataloger on Field Book Project. Been with the Field Book Project since 2011. She holds an MLIS from University of Hawaii.

Julia Blase, Project Manager on Field Book Project. She holds an MLIS from Denver University and Master of Management Studies from Duke University.

Mariah Lewis, Catholic MLIS candidate in cultural heritage program. Codifying cataloging and best practices and Gemini

Scanlist Update
Bianca Crowley
Tool for serial duplication
Had a tool that we determined was no longer useful
Discussed using Gemini, Gemini plus serial title list,
Small group of staff got together to discuss and we took comments on last call and discussed again to come up with a plan.
In the meantime, we discovered that we can now search in Gemini with Boolean operators – Capitalize OR, AND.
Scan list web form – book title, you’ll start to see a list of titles and not just a list of issue numbers
Special thanks to Mike!

Always need to search BHL first. No getting around that.
Gemini provides ability to search what’s in progress

Right now we’re just doing this for serials

Gemini Update
Jackie Chapman
Email notifications seem to be under control
Let us know if you’d like training, or if have questions about additional features let us know

Designated a primary contact for every institution
So if you can’t remember who is primary contact, it will be indicated in the list of Gemini contacts. E.g., Jackie Chapman (SIL)

Matthew Person, MBL: Tremendous improvement, especially visibly helps with workflow
William, MOBOT: Tried searching. Helps filter quickly on the issues

Tech Update
William Ulate
Order of article authors, Some of the authors were out of order for Pensoft OAI harvested articles. Found out from our users. Now resolved.

BioStor was down for a couple of weeks, up now. Issues resolved.

Purposeful Gaming: Analyzing some results, Reported some errors to Ben Brumfield on FromThePage

One pagers that were developed for the projects, now available on wiki at Impact+of+Technical+Projects, Hopefully helps
Marty: URLs have MOBOT email info at beginning. William: will correct.

Jackie Do we need to manually correct those authors from the Pensoft issue?
Mike – No, reharvested via OAI and they’ve all been corrected

Global Names Recognition and Discovery background info – some of the things on our site are services provided by third parties and GNRD is one of them
Text of each page, GNRD service finds taxon names
Used to use TaxonFinder, now migrated to GNRD project
Provides more / finds more taxon names and sources of things are being updated
We did this improvement with help of Global Names Architecture project (see 1 pager linked above)
With monitoring it, one of things that happened, System went down. Couldn’t find any names - If open page that was processed lately, wouldn’t find any names
- lipscombb lipscombb Jul 22, 2014 some notes that may be helpful from previous discussions via WU: "we are indexing pages of new items with GNRD, as well as any page that hasn't been indexed in more than a couple years. We are NOT refreshing pages on-the-fly as users browse pages in the book viewer. We found that doing that generated more traffic than what the current installation of GNRD could handle... even after some optimization and resources dedication to GNRD was done."

BioStor background info
Rod Page site that provides service that tells us boundaries of articles in BHL content
That’s how we can see within viewer some of the metadata about articles contained
- lipscombb lipscombb Jul 22, 2014 you'll notice articles in the BHL found by Biostor via the "Table of Contents" feature in the left page navigation menu of the book viewer. You can also do an article title search using the BHL advanced search which pulls up articles contained in BHL books 'discovered' by BioStor

Art of Life
NEH funded project
Running algorithms against BHL pages to tell us where illustrations are
Working with volunteers now to tell us what kind of images they are, are they maps, drawings, photographs?
If you have volunteers who are looking for things to do and they love natural history illustrations this is something they can do. All they need is a browser, contact Trish if any interest

NEH Program Officer
Interesting video about connecting worlds of art and science
Talk about Art of Life in there, about 14 minutes in.

Purposeful Gaming and BHL
Improve places where OCR fails, through gaming
Selected TiltFactor at Dartmouth as the game designing lab
Expect to be public May 2015

Art of Life: Has the algorithm gone through all the pages in BHL?
About 4 million at this point
We proposed 35million
A lot of delays, including personnel problems at IMA
We got a 1 year extension
Also, cluster at MBL no longer available to us
That was going to be way to run efficiently, now running on multiple servers. IA is one server to run it, a server at SI, a server at IMA.

We’ll be pushing out to other places such as Wikimedia Commons, where we’re looking for the crowd to help us
Nothing will be showing up in BHL until final step is taken? Or when viewing pagination?
We already have info showing up now
For things that have been identified or classified, you can view it in book viewer but cannot search on it

Will it be available next year? Around Tree of Life?
Don’t have a date at this point but will definitely yet you know

Classification tells if it’s a map, that’s first phase
Second phase is where scientific name is added

Discovery Layers and invite to join OCLC call
Suzanne Pilsk
We're using Summon, Field is using OCLC, Some are using ExLibris
At ALA met with a couple diferent people to look at how BHL might be better sent out and shared
BHL is like a publisher
Where should it live?
Susannah? from OCLC open to conversation with any BHL folks
How our data might fit in and be used in the OCLC model
Help us understand how OCLC approaches publishers and where we might be best suited
Trish- what OCLC products?
Suz – they have so many prodcuts, WorldShare, WorldCat local, more discovery layer thing, and also
Also have FirstSearch but that will be going away

Bigger picture – one of goals was to promote BHL through other platforms
Cornell interested in better Summon tool
Will benefit both BHL partners in integrating into local tools
But also getting BHL cotent through thousands of library systems
KBART standard...not worth going into detail about this on call

Would be good to have multiple people involved in the discussions of how we can go forward

Round Robin
Diana Duncan (Field)– Field Shipment at SI. Did a little with Art of Life with volunteer. Both Christine and DD would like to be on OCLC call. Bianca will be in touch regarding shipment

David Iggulden (Kew) – Haven’t had much time for BHL with restructuring and hopefully back to BHL things very soon. Running Symphony. Not members of OCLC, believe membership suspended for moment.

Jackie (Smithsonian) – Moving along. No strong updates. Keri – yes, we’ll talk with OCLC

Matthew Person (MBL) – will be sending a shipment to IA in near future. Would be happy to listen in on a OCLC call like that when it happens

Diane Sands (Cal Acad) – No changes. Yes to OCLC call

Field Book Project update (Carolyn) -- 9 SI field books now in BHL submitted via Macaw (7 diaries, 2 photo books), also in SI transcription service center, to explore ramping up and mapping of field book data to BHL

Alison (NHM-London): Gemini – Enjoying the new interface. Scanning as normal. No on the OCLC convo. New catalog system just released.

Joe (MCZ): Last shipment around last call still at IA & new shipment to go soon. Shipment also at in-house facility (Widener). Field books on Connecting Content in IA and transitioning to BHL (William Brewster) and number of those being used on Purposeful Gaming
Macaw is going great for us. OCLC – would love to join that convo. We use Primo

Marty (Cornell) – don’t have too much to report or update on. Working on Purposeful Gaming. Working on first batch of seed nursery catalogs. Vast majority in BHL scanned by NAL and harvested. Did send note to local board watching, notebook, Brewster. Will see if anyone from Cornell might participate in OCLC call. In general, we’re very interested in seeing BHL records be more acuurately and completely incorproarted into Serials Solutions. July 1- we implemented new library catalog, three to pick from… Classic catalog, WorldCat local, and now also locally developed interface and catalog and grabbing content from Classic

Matthew Bolin (AMNH) – things are pretty much same here. Nothing out at IA at present. QA continues. Will ask Diana Shih if she will participate on OCLC call

Cathy (ANSP) – merging with Drexel’s Summon. As soon as get shipment back will be able to send another. Losing two staff members. No on OCLC

Randy (MBG) -- Status quo. Working on Gemini issues. OCLC happy to listen in

Tomoko (LC) – We disconnect relationship with IA so still figuring that out. Looking at alreay online collections that can be migrated to BHL. Not much else to update. Yes OCLC.