This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


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Lead: Bianca Crowley
Notetaker: Carolyn Sheffield

Charge: Biodiversity Heritage Library Staff share the collaborative responsibility for the daily operation, improvement, and promotion of the BHL as related to the mission and goals of the Library and its participating institutions. Staff participate in project communications, including monthly conference calls, BHL's issue tracking system, and various outreach and engagement activities. Staff are responsible for the digitization, discoverability and maintenance of content contributed to the BHL repository by its participating institutions.



Carolyn Sheffield (SIL), Chris Cole (NAL), Grace Costantino (SIL), Randy Smith (MBG), Bianca Crowley (SIL), Matt Person (MBL), Joe DeVeer (MCZ), David Iggulden (Kew), Don Wheeler (NYBG), Diana Duncan (Field), JJ Ford (Harvard Botany), Keri Thompson (SIL), Alison Harding (NHM-London), William Ulate (MBG), Trish Rose-Sandler (MBG), Connie Rinaldo (MCZ), Cathy Buckwalter (ANSP), Tomoko Steen (LoC), Jackie Chapman (SIL), Marty Schlabach (Cornell), Laura Siegel (CBG), Suzanne Pilsk (SIL), Richard Hulser (LANHM)

Round Robin:
NAL: digitizing through IA. Rolled out new search interface called PubAg. 40-50,000 scholarly articles mostly authored by USDA employees, And recent agricultural articles, we’ll be using this to load articles in coming years.

Marty – how it relates to Agricola now?
Chris - This is items that have been indexed there but for which we have the full text. Have links. Eventually will have in PubAg, but we’ll have millions of index entries in Agricola that we don’t have full text; PubAg will be full text
Marty – some in PubAg without full text?
Chris – yes. But with improved quality of index. Eventually Agricola will be folded into PubAg.
Tomoko – I’ll share with everyone here.

MBG: pretty much same as left time. Hopefully today we’ll have a blog post up for an e-book on BHL now that contains Mary Pomeroy & father’s botanical illustrations. A Wild Flowers and Landscapes of Ecuador: The Way We Knew It , will go up next Thursday

MBLWHOI: Continuing weekly twitter posts. MBL has new director, Huntington Willard, geneticist, Duke University. MBL remains private institution and now affiliated with University of Chicago. Remain joint library

MCZ: Shipment at scanning center. Just started on it last week, sent in October. Another one ready to go. One of Library Project Assistants who has worked on BHL is moved on to another project so replacing position and that will work on Purposeful Gaming as well.

Kew: Pretty much status quo. Hoping to get involved with Garden Stories campaign.

NYBG: Putting together a shipment to IA. Working on nursery scans to BHL through Macaw. Some issues with bad OCR. Working on organizing a site visit to Princeton scanning center

Field: Sent a shipment, working with volunteer (Rebecca Wilke) on Art of Life.

Harvard Botany: shipment ready to go once other one comes back

SIL: Some permissions work. Field & ANSP Fedex shipments, working our way through those. New conservation tech. One day a week on items queued for BHL. Looking for things to scan. Going through Gemini and seeing if there’s anything assigned to partners and if we can take it on. Starting to look at pagination practices.

Reminder – please let Bianca know who at your institution is doing pagination
NYBG Don, yes.
Harvard Bot JJ, yes
Field Rebecca at Field, yes.
SIL, yes
MCZ Joe, yes with Macaw items
Please send Bianca an email if you or anyone else at your institution starts paginating.

NHM London: Not a great deal to report.

ANSP: Waiting for shipment to come back. 2 students working on Art of Life classification

LC: still waiting to establish new digitization workflow; writing the proposal. Identify collections that we want to digitize and make a guide on the topic. Users can then go to guide to find the scanned items. Send Bianca an email to set up a site visit. And to follow up on LC landing page.

Cornell: Going to meet to get up to speed on Macaw use. I sent out an email asking that special collections items at Cornell, esp Kroch Rare & Manuscripts, not referred to us. New catalog interface, about six months. Focusing on Purposeful Gaming project and scanning for that.

Bianca – all, feel free to re-assign Gemini issues if you cannot scan or close as won't fix. Also, thank you to Holly for the presentation for deduplication.

CBG: Received a grant to digitize 5,000 pages of original manuscripts, 19th century notebooks, 18 month project with OCR. Illinois Digital Archive as main portal, step 2 getting into BHL

Seed & Nursery Catalogs
New collection in IA, facilitate additions to collection in BHL
Send Bianca an email if you’d like to add that collection, whether for material already in BHL or to be added. New collection metadata element to add.
Marty – Susan Lynch at NYBG is incredibly grateful as she was manually tagging in Macaw and this makes so much easier

Gemini Update
Stats, praise, and update (see agenda above for details)

For Gemini questions, you can also check out the Help page on the wiki
(1) the homepage, scroll a few lines down where there is a link, or
(2) from the sidebar navigation on left of wiki homepage, or
(3) from the admin dashboard there is a help link on top right
Thanks, Marty and Matt for helping folks find those!

Segment Metadata Guide – step-by-step process from start to finish, article level metadata for items already digitized within the BHL
Feel free to contact Bianca or Randy if any questions

Goal is to keep these in our Google Drive, so update from that; Bianca will give Randy edit permission for this document

Marty – is there any chance that the BHL ingest structure support the ingest of article level metadata. We do in-house but of little use to BHL because no way to accept during ingest process.
Bianca – there is no way right now. Has to be in BHL first.
William – confirmed.

Documentation of descriptions volumes in serials and monographic series
Descriptions tend to be all over the place
e.g., volume 1 and a date
How to encourage standardization of that
Links on agenda
Examples of non-standardized and standardized
Prepared some documentation to assist in the standardization
Link to tutorial on agenda as well
Documentation is there and very helpful
Partner meta app -- Volume and date in one column, although date column in spreadsheet, IA doesn’t really use. They take from bibliographic record.

If contributing a volume or two, please try to follow the standard in tutorial
If only a few volumes, if you could fix that would be great

Copyright Metadata Updated
Old license 3.0 has been outdated. Now we’re using 4.0 Same attribution, same license but now has international element to it
If scanning any in-copyright, please use 4.0
Documented and requested change in Macaw
Eventually will update all 3.0 with 4.0

Garden Stories Social Media Campaign
BHL's next campaign will explore gardening and history, seed and nursery catalogs.
Takes place 23-27 March 2015
NAL, NYBG, MBG, Harvard Bot, Harvard MCZ, SIL, Cornell
Planning document linked in agenda
Add any online resources to that sheet

First day of spring, Twitter Chat scheduled as part of the campaign
Will send out Doodle poll next week

If you know of institutions that could help cross-promote, please let Grace know and she’ll reach out them.

AddThis Update – If still seeing recommendations, try clearing your cache. Link to instructions in agenda.

CONABIO is new BHL Member! See our blog for more info

Technical Update
Art of Life 1.8 million pages with images identified 15,000 classified
Joel working on IA images in Flickr, updating metadata
We’ll start pointing people there once finished
Asking for common name tagging
Zooniverse, about to transfer large amount of data to them
Soon we’ll ask for testers
Purposeful Gaming, transcribing Brewster materials
Testing OCR output
TiltFactor made more progress, another round of testing
Mining Biodiversity, virtual servers at MBG, then we’ll be able to carry on with applications already developed. E.g., ngram application
Developing gold standard of mark up to train system
General BHL Tech Updates, development of Notes and Abstracts can be accessed from bibliographic pages of segments
Also, for the CONABIO meeting in Mexico, it was a very successful meeting. In addition to signing the MOU, they were very interested in text mining of content that we’re doing. CONABIO could provide documented uses of the biodiversity in the text. William invited to workshop in April in Brazil for GBIF nodes for digitization, literature and images and so on, to talk about BHL experience as international endeavor.