This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


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Lead: Bianca Crowley
Notetaker: Carolyn Sheffield

Charge: Biodiversity Heritage Library Staff share the collaborative responsibility for the daily operation, improvement, and promotion of the BHL as related to the mission and goals of the Library and its participating institutions. Staff participate in project communications, including monthly conference calls, BHL's issue tracking system, and various outreach and engagement activities. Staff are responsible for the digitization, discoverability and maintenance of content contributed to the BHL repository by its participating institutions.



Grace Costantino (SIL), Joel Richard (SIL), Diana Duncan (Field), Carolyn Sheffield (SIL), Bianca Crowley (SIL), David Iggulden (Kew), Matt Person (MBLWHOI), Cathy Buckwalter (ANSP), Michael Neubert (LC), Alison Harding (NHM-London), Randy Smith (MBG), Pat Murphy (NAL), Patrick and Joe (MCZ), Suzanne Pilsk (SIL), Leora Siegel (Chicago Botanic Garden), Tomoko Steen (LC), Matthew Bolin (AMNH), Marty Schlabach (Cornell), Diana Shih (AMNH), Connie Rinaldo (MCZ), Trish Rose-Sandler (MBG), Susan Lynch (NYBG), Daria Wingreen-Mason (SIL), Richard Hulser (NHM-LAC), JJ Ford (Harvard Bot)

A snail species has been named in honor of BHL! Check out the blog post:

Round Robin
Field, Diana Duncan: Small shipment going to Fort Wayne. Volunteers still working on Zooniverse and pagination

Kew, David Iggulden: Was in Portland, OR at SirsiDynix conference & leave so nothing to report for now

NHM-London, Alison Harding: Plugging away at Gemini requests, table-top scanner acquired, training material and scanning technician on the way

MBLWHOI, Matt Person: Working on things in Gemini, continuing with social media work. Can get a lot of visibility or response especially in combination with the BHL twitter feed

ANSP, Cathy Buckwalter: shipment coming back relatively soon, Ria working on Gemini requests, looking into getting started with Macaw since they might have a staff member able to work on this, they have in-house digitization equipment but no staff

LC, Tomoko Steen & Michael Neubert: preparing for site visit; meeting with newly appointed Associate Librarian

MOBOT, Randy Smith: Scanning, status quo

NAL, Pat Murphy: Scanning as usual, nothing new but they are frequent scanners with 3 Scribes on site, approx. 2000 items/mo.

MCZ, Patrick and Joe: Still have a shipment at IA sent last month, which they started digitizing this week = Boston scanning center busy! Continuing to put together another shipment. Tabletop scanner should be set up in May or June, costed $13K for equipment and calibration/set-up + extra foldout package, then it's a cost per page/per foldout
Connie and Joe: we had a developer create a tool to automatically ingest all of our content in IA to Harvard Repository Service (DRF); parsing OCR and matching with Image browse for each page; has been completed
NHM-London, Alison: also have a tabletop scribe

Chicago Botanic Garden, Leora: Nothing new, busy with other things like grant funded scanning,

AMNH, Diana Shih and Matthew Bolin: getting ready to send a shipment this PM and to start another one soon. Also using Macaw to digitize rare books

Cornell, Marty: Digitizing seed catalogs using Macaw to upload but going slowly (not Macaw, workflow pace - deduplication takes a long time), seems like there's been a "Gemini storm" lately, active on Garden Stories; reference question on invasive species, searched by name in BHL and sorted by date to get some of the earlier references on introductions; did order a scanner for in-house digitization but likely not a table-top like others have stated.

In addition to purchase price, it’s $0.04 per page?
First 10k pages free?
Other packages available, e.g., for foldouts
Marty mentioned that Martin was supposed to be talking to IA about a group price for table-tops?

NYBG, Susan Lynch: Going to send a shipment to IA soon, for Gemini requests. We had some that were languishing and we now have additional people trained to use Gemini and optimistic about clearing backlog. Determined that we had a network switch that was very old, causing slowness with Macaw; should be replaced in a week or two. Very interested in IA tabletop scribe machine; interested in hearing how many pages per hour or day
Is the DRF dev tool able to be used elsewhere? MCZ reports that the purpose is to share it eventually post further testing, currently not a user friendly UI but potential for one

NHM-LAC, Richard Hulser: Major cosmetic renovation at museum, put in budget request for membership in BHL; will be in DC in Computers in Libraries. Also interested in tabletop thing; would be good to get a summary of specs and costs and ongoing costs; Museum President went to Field at beginning of week to decide how to cooperate better, emphasized to them that already doing through collaboration with BHL; Martin and Richard discussed scanning all NHM-LAC publications and getting into BHL. Giving a talk about BHL
One technical question – 2 requests through Gemini about a book in collection; I think Field solved that request; not sure how to close it out. Bianca will follow up.

SIL: Keri in Brazil attending digitization workshop and providing info about BHL; Jackie out

Harvard Botany, JJ Ford: Excited to get table-top IA machine, not using DRF themselves, sharing shipments with MCZ

Update from Discovery Tools Group: A few weeks ago now, diving into KBART standard, holding metadata, looking at what we have versus what KBART requires. Once we have that, we’ll have a better sense of how that might work out, Serial Solutions, EBSCO, etc

Macaw Google Group – please join if you use or plan to use!!forum/macaw-discussion

BHL Migration to SIL
Two weeks ago met with Mike and William to talk about migration of BHL to SIL, investigation of what will need to change or be modified,
Everyone will need to re-do their password; Basically login component is tied to something at MOBOT and we’ll need to extract that for the move. Hoping that we’ll make the switch in September, to be as transparent and seamless as possible. Putting tickets in Gemini so can monitor what’s going. Planning documents will go on wiki. BHL is moving pretty much as is, no major changes will be implemented as part of the move.

Gemini update – Issues coming in faster than we are closing them!

Also, permissions being managed through Gemini

Matthew: When I’m on Gemini issue page, and I click into an actual issue that the page I’m on changes to the issue, could it be such that when you click on a link in the issue that it would go into new window?
Bianca: It’s not recommended for UI/UX

[Note from Jackie 4/23: I also don't like this behavior in Gemini, so I right click and open issues in a new tab as a work-around, FWIW]

Note fields from MARC 500s now available in BHL
Found to be particularly helpful for field notes,
These note fields are not indexed so can’t search on them but helpful for understanding item that you’re looking at

Garden Stories
Finished couple of weeks ago, evaluation linked in agenda
Performed very well in comparison to regular stats and monster stories
Thanks to everyone for your help!

Staff Meeting: Doodle! Please let us know your availability

Art of Life – tagging common names, 22 in BHL flickr, almost 300 in IA collection
3800 volunteers have completed about 183,000 classifications in Zooniverse
April 30, end of this month, Managing that and volunteers and we’ll determin what to do beyond that

Purposeful Gaming, continuing to upload seed and nursery catalogs and transcribing in FromThePage
Still planning to have games live in late May
Expect to have ready for testing in next week or so

Training webinar: Bianca and instructional design intern invite you to join April 29 11 EST! Stay tuned for details!