This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


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Becky Morin, Cal Academy
Jackie Chapman, SIL
Tomoko Steen, LOC
Marty Schlabach, Cornell
Joy Paulson, Cornell
Alison Harding, NHM, London
Keri Thompson, SI
Daria Wingreen-Mason, SI
Randy Smith, MBG
Mike Lichtenberg, MBG
Matt Person, MBL/WHOI
Chris Carden, Harvard, MCZ
Joe DeVeer, Harvard, MCZ
Matthew Bolin, AMNH
John Migneault, NYBG

Checking in on the new User Interface
Anyone still noticing any issues with slowness, etc?
-Chris: Occasionally slow this morning
-Becky: Intermittent slowness
-Matt B: Slowness, especially when doing QA
When PDFs being downloaded as a file
-Mike: User generated PDF or ready-to-download PDF, as in ‘download book’?
If ‘download book’, that comes directly from IA, so would not be a BHL issue
Remember to submit feedback about any problems you encounter
-John: In contact form, link to scanning request guidelines requires downloading a .doc, rather than providing guidelines on the web page.
-Keri will check with Grace and/or Bianca about changing that.
What's up with usage stats? They are different now
-Mike: the change in architecture resulted in use being logged in a different way, not necessarily comparable with the past
-Marty: Where are the stats found?
-Mike: Google Analytics, not sure who all has access, Grace includes in Qrtly Report

Permissions issues
Becky & Bianca had a discussion about this, and here are some of the questions & issues.
For a list of current third-party in-copyright content that we've obtained permission to scan, please see this page on our public wiki
For BHL member Institutional Publications, this page
Assistance with getting more permissions
Assistance following up on permissions
-Becky: Some would like more current literature in BHL
No formal agreement between members about providing
A potential conflict between the member MOU and the permissions form
-Joy: Perhaps not a conflict, and could be corrected by modifying or amending the MOU
several types of content: public domain, permission received from copyright holder
-Matthew: Agrees, that an additional agreement would solve it
-Marty: Are all MOUs the same? Bianca and Grace will need to reply to that later
-Becky: increasing permissions for additional in-copyright material has been discussed in past Institutional Council meetings
A subgroup needed to assist Bianca in developing a permissions request letter
-Becky: Does anyone have contact with copyright holders of interest that could be pursued?
-Joe: Has 400 exchange partners, who could be approached
-Marty: What has the reception been, when approaching copyright holders for permission to add to BHL?
-Allison: Some reply with a yes, and others very wary
-???: Perhaps we should focus on Open Access journals, since they already are receptive to broad, free access
-Marty: Could we use Open Access journal’s metadata for discovery
and use the journal’s native delivery system to get the content to the patron?
-John: Is the BHL Europe model, more of an aggregator, might be an technical issue with how we index specie names
-Tomoko: has contacts with Japanese scientific societies
-Becky: Everyone can submit suggestions to Becky, and Becky, Tomoko and Joe will work with Bianca
-Joy: suggested formalizing the protocols, for consistency
Some 1923-1963 material is out of copyright
Peter Hirtle, Cornell, might be willing to review the draft BHL protocol for permissions
-Becky: Oh, Peter Hirtle, the copyright rock star!!
Who can help with drafting the protocol?
-Keri: SI also undertaking a similar effort, so could share
-Matthew P: offered to help Bianca draft this for next staff meeting

IC Meeting
Draft agenda is at 2013+BHL+Institutional+Council+Meeting
Becky per Martin: will finalize the vision/goals/etc
Do you have expectations of what will happen there?
How are Staff concerns communicated to SC/IC? Does there need to be something different?

Round Robin

Marty (notetaker)