Attending: Bernard Scaife, Don Wheeler, Kevin Nolan, John Mignault, Joe DeVeer, Diana Duncan, Matt Person, Diane Rielinger, Tom Baione, Diana Shih, Matthew Bolin, Doug Holland, Bianca Lipscomb, Grace Duke, Erin Thomas
BHL-E update
- Met with all partners at Berlin meeting, some scanning, some aren't -- the focus for BHL-E is infrastructure over scanning
- NHM leading 2/5 of work packages: 2) bid-list development (August) - Kai [new employee to start over summer] 3) hard-ware infrastructure and preservation - Adrianne 4) IPR issues - Nancy Chillingsworth
- technical meetings turned out to be more project management oriented
- need to expand the bid-list quite quickly - this will get messy before getting better as it's "limping along with the current technology"
- 2 stages of upload down the road: 2-upload BHL-E serial recs 1-adding monographs
- Bernard working on mapping MARC data as was the case with BHL-US/UK (Bianca interested to know more...)
- goal to produce a working prototype of German material in BHL within a year -- need to demonstrate multilingual capability of BHL
- some confusion re: German materials already scanned - some BHLers have held off while others haven't, communication about whether or not to scan German materials was unclear from the beginning, will be interesting to see what overlap exists if any...
- For now, keep going with German lang. titles
- GOBI (confirm link) workflow scanning management system being implemented and is intended to be shared among all
Round Robin
Staff member doing portal editing, joining vols. w/ year #s
sending cart on 6/11
full QA on recently returned cart found that most problems centered around having light pages & images with text occasionally cut-off; having less of a problem with missing pages; checking QA via JP2s and OCR files; full report to come
sent cart on 5/11, another to go very soon -- operating at a "brisk pace" (every other week) to burn through remaining $
sending lots of fold-outs
experiencing shipment complications due to van issues
no regular QA, but noticed problems with borrowed vols. = Phytologia borrowed from MOBOT -- had 10 missing pages
no portal edits
cart sent 5/27
no QA, no portal edits
just sent first < 175 pager (@ 39 pages); rule of thumb: ~20 per cart @ <175 pages ok -- Tom B. to post on wiki under rejects criteria page
Scanning center (Fedscan) has asked that they ramp down, now sending 80-100/week vs. ~200 previously
still no foldouts being scanned (other than small in-house) operation
shipment sent today and regularly 1/week
minimal portal editing
QA improving, last test passed @ 100%!
Working on big folio stuff
Positive feedback re: BHL from Council of Botany Hort. Libraries conference (Martin attended for BHL)
operating at the following ~2 carts/3 weeks
sent 35 books through in-house boutique scanning process, mostly oversized foldouts; no digital copies avail. yet -- to be sent to Chris for ingest...
QA completed for permissions titles; like MBLWHOI, finding light pages, only looking at JP2s [need to address image contrast standards with IA]
portal edits for permissions titles w/ vols. & years (waiting on a few edits b/c of gap-fill issue)
Business as usual, scanning ongoing; no QA, no portal-edits
(Diana: I rudely forgot to ask you to chime in. I'm so sorry --Bianca)
QA Summit
Decided that Stacy A. should not be included at this meeting b/c she would not be able to provide a holistic perspective on IA's QA procedures, nor does she have enough power to voice BHL's concerns to the wider IA group. Grace & Erin @ SIL confirmed that the IA centers do not seem to all be on the same QA page. The group decided that it would be best for BHL to come to a consensus first then approach IA with a unified statement to engage in a more productive dialogue re: QA issues.
Action Item: Prior to attending the summit (or "QApalooza" as J.Mignault describes)
we must understand what the QA procedures are for each of our scanning centers - namely Boston, New Jersey, and Fedscan.
Is it possible to get this info for the other locations: UIUC, NHM, other?
Some folks voiced concerns about ownership/IPR and legal issues associated with the deal TBD. Bernard suggested Nancy Chillingsworth as a possible person to help address these issues.
New BHL Members
Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia (ANSP)
California Academy of Sciences
How will we go about integrating these institutions into our process...?