This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


January 12, 2009
Suzanne P. (SIL), Chris F. (BHL/MoBot), Matt P. (MBL/WHOI), Tom G. (BHL), Bianca L. (Guest), Matthew B. (AMNH), Bess M. (SIL), Kevin N. (NYBot), Doug H.(MoBot), Don Wheeler (NYBot), John F. (MBL/WHOI), Michele (MoBot), Keri T.(SIL), Erin R.(SIL), John M. (NYBot), Bernard S. (NH), Diane R. (MBL/WHOI), Tom B. (AMNH), Charles D. (Heaven)

1. Suzanne note taker with as Michele note reviewer.

2. Standing call scheduling on a monthly basis.
Suzanne will doodle the group to set up a day once a month at 10 eastern time for a standing call.

3. Portal Updates from Chris Freeland
A. New features were sent out in an email announcement. Highlights include the PDF generator, copyright and sponsor, and back end administrative pages.
Editing is now available: Choose “about” and then log in at the link at the text below. Instructions will be placed on the Wiki. If you need access, please email Chris Freeland directly.
Editing includes now applying the volumes and years and the titles properly. Harvard has had this request for these edits in for some volunteers they have that want to do “hand” articlization. IA has had difficulties delaying the hiring of the programmer that was going to be working on an automated way of marking up serials into articles. Tom Garnett might be talking to the programmer (Xionan) soon.

ALL STAFF need to log on and edit mistakes they know. If they have problems logging on, please let Chris know.

B. The BHL Portal is going to be bringing in data from other IA partners; specifically California Digital Library, Toronto, and other California libraries. IA now has some Google produced scans but BHL is not harvesting that information.
The goal is to collect relevant information for BHL and work out a way to properly insure we do not duplicate materials
Relevant information: Review of the LC call numbers most frequently used by BHL material was attempted. Subject headings used by BHL and IA users have been examined as well. The wiki has the results of some information that would be “missed” by these limitations and some issues with call number ranges that might need to be included. There is only a tiny bit of Dewey call numbers in IA.
It was discovered that BHL has scanned items without LC call numbers. Woods Hole does not classify in LC journals. NH London also has unique call number issues. NYBOT has used specialized form of call numbers to suite local needs.

DUE 23rd of January
ALL STAFF need to check out the information on the wiki and comment on the call number ranges and subject headings to assist in the harvesting of with-in scope material from IA.

C. With the influx of IA material and the future ingest of BHL Europe, dedupping is going to be important. The monographs from IA (and BHL Europe?) can follow the Botanicus model of a large date load.
Serials are more difficult since the matching is hard and a lot was done “by hand” before. We do not know actually how many titles would be ingested since most IA partners did not scan serials.

DUE Decision and process report on next month’s call
John F. and Chris will talk about the monograph load from IA into the Monographic DeDupper

Bernard, Tom G. and Chris will talk about working on serials

4. Round Robin Updates - Status of your work

Keri mentioned that the IA calls with the various scanning centers and representatives of BHL has not happened yet.
Martin K will be arranging these calls.

Near completion of the funds. One shipment a month. Wonderfetch (™pending) is working. IA quality is improving with a new system in place for “quarantine” books are waiting for NYBot to approve instead of complete rejections. Internal workflow at the garden is getting better and not sending as many volumes that could cause problems.

Working through the priority list and dedupped all of those already. Starting on the folio collection and dedupping is starting on those as they are pulled.

Staffing changes - Priscilla Watson retired. Matthew is stepping in as head of acquisitions. Diana Shih will be becoming involved in BHL. Diana will be joining our calls once she gets up to speed. Finished up the ornithology. Moved on review bibliography Mammals of the World and Darrell Frost’s list of amphibian’s species of the world.

Potential topics that AMNH could scan:
• Don (NYBot) bid on serials early but stopped scanning serials. Bids on serials are in the queue and maybe there are serials that be scanned by AMNH.

• Tom G. Decapods community – has some monographs that could be a potential.

• Diane has a list on the wiki. Not all titles are consolidated.

Bernard, Tom B. (Matthew / Diana,), Suzanne (or someone at Smithsonian) talk about topic areas.

Matthew and Tom B. will talk with (John M. or Kevin?) NYBG to talk about Wonderfetch (tm pending) getting implemented at AMNH.
Update: this discussion took place the week of Jan 12 - NYBG provided copies of their scripts and we discussed what was needed to get WF working for AMNH. Implementation should not be too difficult, as AMNH also uses Innovative and NYBG provided the fields and ordering that needed to be exported from the ILS or the script to work correctly. Keri's helpfulness proves that no good deed goes unpunished, as John M recommended that AMNH contact her for WF pre-flighting. John will continue to provide technical assistance if necessary.

Two broken cameras were replaced quickly. No progress on the foldout issues as reported before. A meeting needs to happen with NH and IA.
NH has begun more “Do Diligence” work contacting publishers of older materials for approval. On the whole very positive to scan beyond the date of 1907. Issues have come up: licensing of use of the materials, the difference between IA and BHL, who can grant commercial use, who owns the rights to the digital product, etc.

Bernard and Tom G. and Erin (?) will talk about copyright issues.

Continuing scan rare in house. Shipping to the FedScan 60 to 100 items once a week. They do not keep completely up with our quantity. IA has done a review and “overhaul” on their end. We found errors in review but moved away from 100% to now a statistical sampling and still finding errors that we send back for re-scans. We have two library technicians on staff now for pulling and processing.

Continuing scanning and will be finished with the money by June. Next shipment will finish monographs in stacks. There are serials still needing to be sent to be scanned. Monographas nad serials from the rare stacks are being sent. Shipping every 6 weeks.

Don and Diane to talk rare material work flow.

5. Wonderfetch (tm pending) Success stories

NYBot is now Wonderfetching (tm pending). Keri and John worked on it together. Keri has the benefit of having the IA scanning facility on site to see the screens and trouble shoot. See above for action item of NYBot working with AMNH to get them to fetch wonderfully.

6. Tool review:
a. Serial Bid List status and need for a separate call or discussion?
- Matt P. suggests 2-4 interested people get together via email to craft language for bid definitions, bid issues, and the "box".

Pin down definitions on bidding. Emails were sent out that lead to a phone call.

Matt, Suzanne, Bernard, Joe DeVeer, Michele form a serials bidding taskforce to work out some of the details needed.

Matt will contact the group to schedule a meeting time etc.

b. Monograph DeDuper status and need for a separate call or discussion?
• We may have discovered an issue with the deduper tool involving multiple editions of the same work. I will bring this up at the call and we can either discuss it or decide to deal with it offline. John M, NYBG
NYBot noticed that the DeDuper dedups within the same list and does not “allow” one title even the first one, to be considered not a duplicate. This was a known duplication process. No item is ever “not allowed” and all duplicates are flagged based on the matching algorithm. It does need to be reviewed by a person to choose to un-dup flags or remove duplicates: editions or exact duplicates.

7. Status from November Metadata meeting:
Report if you are working on/completed your assigned tasks

Completed : BHL Portal has been modified to show the multivolume different. We all should have seen the new redesign.

8. Vetted taxon bibliographies and how to best use them for the BHL:
Species specialist are identifying bibliographies and wanting the material scanned. Tom G. is meeting with the Biosynthesis group of the EOL at the Field Museum. More discussions to follow.