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BHL Institutional Council Conference Call September 15, 2010

Judy Warnement, Nancy Gwinn, Graham Higley, Tom Garnett, Connie Rinaldo, Martin Kalfatovic, Doug Holland, Susan Fraser, Becky Morin [I came in a bit late so let me know if you were on the call--these are the voices I heard)

1. Scanning Allocation recommendation:

Approved. As soon as Tom returns from WH, he will submit the paperwork for the subawards. Should be ready by mid-October.

2. There are a series of meetings that many of us are participating in.
-- notebooks project: Judy, Connie, Susan will be at the Smithsonian to confer with Rusty Russell regarding a digital registry for field notebooks/ CLIR grant. CAS will join by phone. Want to harmonize the planned results of the CLIR and IMLS grants.

--Sept 16-17 there is an RLG meeting regarding collaboration of museums and archives. Tom will give a talk.

--Sept 21-24 Global Technical Architecture meeting at Woods Hole: South America, China, Australia, Arabic language

--Sept 24 afternoon in WH--Field book followup meeting. Rusty Russell and Carolyn will be there and wants to do a quick de-briefing with Chris. Informal get-together.

--Sept 26-30 TDWG meeting begins in Woods Hole. Chris will be taking a major role at the conference.

--Sept 28-29Library of Congress meeting on digital storage architecture. Martin and Tom invited.

--October 21-22 sponsored by IA in San Francisco centered around books and browsers--ebook industry, trends. Chris Freeland, Martin, Nancy Gwinn and Suzanne Pilsk will be there.

--unscheduled but maybe October: EOL Biosynthesis meeting about automated mark-up and journal literature and online publication. Zookeys and Phytokeys (Zubo), Donat of Plotzi, BHL will be there, probably in Chicago

--Judy will be going to Shanghai to talk about the BHL at a botanical meeting.

--Doug is on a panel at TDWG about literature, ICBN electronic only publication of plant names and how digital publication affects libraries.

3. Tom's visit to China by China North American organizing committees for digital library. National Library of China, National Science Library of China, Directors of Chinese libraries, Utoronto, UBC, Lib Congress, Harvard

Tom presented on digital preservation and BHL. It raised the profile of BHL China within China--maybe will open additional funding sources.

Want to upgrade existing libraries and functions. Many libraries are not well-stocked--want to use internet to deliver libraries/services to communities with little library support.

Also attended meeting with colleagues at Institute of Botany: installed a scribe and starting to scan. A few workflow details need to be resolved to get material to flow into BHL. Scanning and making accessible worldwide!

Also working on BioInformatics and geolocation (Zheping Xu?). Tom is seeking funding to bring some of the librarians working on the scanning to visit some of the BHL libraries.

Tom was very encouraged by this visit. Any news on Yenching library scanning at Harvard? Apparently scanning is already happening (funding from China) but no status. Availability of scanned material is unclear.

4. Connie noted that she spoke with Mary Ochs at Cornell. Tom also spoke with Anne Kenney from Cornell while in China.

Oct 14 is next call at 11 AM: ( conflict with ARL) ACTION: Tom requested requested that those with conflicts email him to see if we need to reschedule.