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BHL Institutional Council Conference Call May, 2010

HL Institutional Council Call
May 13, 2010 Agenda
Eileen, Doug, Tom G.,Connie, Judy, Jean, Martin, Graham, Cathy, Christine, Susan, Chris on call
Tom B, Chris Mills, Nancy G, can't make it

1. EOL Steering Committee Meeting April 2010 – Graham Higley

Well organized and business like components group meeting. The presentations were very good. More money requested by several.

Jim Edwards has resigned due to ill health. A search for a replacement will begin immediately for an Executive Director of EOL. While searching for a replacement, Christian Sampar will be acting ED and Bob Corrigan will be assistant director.
Global governance discussions resulted in a revised EOL global governance model. This process begins in the fall.
Graham elected as chair for EOL steering committee.
Very focused meeting--discussions on major issues, minutes coming.
EOL BIG has life desk in maintenance mode. Citebank will become more important.

2. Reallocation approval and next steps – Tom Garnett
a. Not to steal any thunder from Graham’s report but the EOL SC approved our requested reallocation. I attach it for your consideration.
b. Additional funding not approved by EOL Steering Committee: Susan asked if we could bid for funds to be used outside of IA. Graham noted that first priority should be maximum number of pages.Connie noted that it might be useful to scan highly desired items even if it costs more. Tom noted that Bianca said that we are getting permissions at a rate that outstrips our ability to get these scanned. This may be an excellent opportunity to get post-1923 content into the BHL. Martin suggested that instead of just taking the 100,000 and scanning whatever, dole it out in a targeted approach so titles can be done in a timely manner. Tom noted that there is a lot of administrative work involved in each award. Cathy noted that MBL has permission to scan FAO publications. Martin said we are getting close to content deposit to IA--may be able to avoid orange bag problem.

ACTION: Tom will sketch out how awards will work administratively and issues by next week.

3. Review of Available Funding

Most of BHL funding is allocated for salaries and scanning subawards. Contingency funding available for year 4 (not 5). See spreadsheet. MBL has whole BHL corpus. We need to supply some funding because there are real costs to MBL. This is an improvement in terms of sustainability. Now BHL is replicated (IA and MBL). MBL is hosting 70 TB. 2-3 months worth of work but this level of work should be reduced. MBL Library is absorbing costs such as climate control but needs to support systems admin position part time.

Tom noted that Chris and Tom discussed similar hosting at the Smithsonian but it was too expensive.
4. BHL ILL agreement

The list of 12 members added to list. Approved.
Now have a BHL Fed X account for shifting materials for scanning to other BHL libraries.

5. Connie: Potential new members: Cornell, NAL, Los Angeles Museum of Natural History Library have application documents. (attached)

6. Susan: Communication plan--have a proposal to review. Moving slowly but moving.

7. Unlikely that Harvard will get a scribe.

8. Tom will send a questionnaire to each of us about possibilities for conference calls, please provide as much information as possible.

9. TL2 are willing to grant permission. Chris and Martin will meet with Tod face to face. Martin noted that SI has submitted an internal grant to rekey the files. Then work with Chris' team to get a web deliverable product. It will be open access.

10. Vibrant proposal funded at 6 mill. euros and will provide a better lifedesk and more.

11. Chris is program chair for TDWG (literature is a big theme)

12. electronic publication of Sandy Knapp's paper. Botany librarians working on consensus. Who qualifies as deposit library? Need some standards. Doug started a google doc to list questions and identify procedures and suggestions. Are they rare?

Next call is June 10 at 11 EDT

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