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BHL Institutional Council Conference Call March, 2010

BHL Institutional Council Conference Call
March 11, 2010

Martin Kalfatovic, Susan Fraser, Tom Baione, Connie Rinaldo, Graham Higley, Tom Garnett, Christine Giannoni, Doug Holland, Chris Mills

A. Tom sent out an email about nominations, reallocations and March 22 agenda. Comments?

Reallocations document was clear and we will discuss at the IC meeting next week. Doug noted that there should be more detail about option 1 in the reallocation document so that it is clear what the developers will be working on. Tom said he would send a revised version with more documents for the Council meeting. Susan suggested that we discuss the reallocation in conjunction with strategic plan discussion

ACTION: Tom will send documents before IC meeting: BHL Financial report (to date spent and MacArthur funds for the next two years); Summary of member contributions; DRAFT SWOT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) required by EOL SC, Dinner details for Sunday at 7, details on how to get into AMNH, current strategic plan, current governance document,

Tom encourages everyone to make nominations for Secretary and Vice Chair Send to Graham by March 18

B. Tom noted that there is a way for us to have a shared FedX account for ILL that is for shipping for scanning.
C. Doug asked about free interlibrary loan among partners. Good idea but have we implemented? Martin sent a quick summary of charging. No one charges real money. Some of us use OCLC IFM for ILL. Doug noted that MOBOT had been charging MBL.

ACTION: Martin will draft a proposal for free ILL among BHL libraries.

D. Doug asked about the PLOS meeting and its potential. PLOS is one of the highest ranking digital publishers. Funded by Gordon Moore foundation and is exploring innovative publishing methods. Organized a forum for new directions. Tom and Chris planning to go to learn about PLOS. After they were invited, Tom received an email about a new venture for a Biodiversity hub in PLOS. It is self-organized and create an editorial and review structure for pubs. Tom was asked if BHL was interested. So our development curve should fit in with PLOS--markup etc. Because Moore is funding both global BHL and PLOS, Moore encourages us to work together.

E. Duracloud? Interesting. A project within Duraspace (Fedora commons and dspace groups--long term repositories). Lots of hype and publicity about cloud computing and cloud storage but not a lot of hard data. We participated in pilot to get hard data. May not be robust enough for our use. The pilot will provide hard costs for storage in cloud that we can compare to hardware costs. It seemed to be promising for transfer (BHL to China, eg) but it may be easier to load on hard drives and ship. Working with NYPL digital library and WGBH on image transfer, also. BHL, WGBH and NYPL have radically different use cases.

F. New Metadata Librarian at MCZ: Chris Carden

G. TL2? Martin, Bianca and Tom had a meeting with Larry Doerr to review how TL2 might migrate to a different online environment. Larry will go back to editorial team with a proposal for completely digital TL3. Moving away from Brill. Will scan entire TL2 and put through IA workflow. SI will look for internal grant to do parsed re-keying and turn rekeyed and coded version over to Chris and put in CiteBank. In combination with Index Animalium and (dare we say ZR) this will be powerful. A better version with services! Index Animalium was about $30,000 TL2 is more complicated, maybe $75,000

See you March 21! Isabella's for dinner.