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BHL Institutional Council Conference Call July 12, 2010

Subject: BHL IC conference call July 12, 2010

Tom G., Martin, Nancy, Judy, Connie, Tom B., Graham, Jean, Doug, Christine, Becky, Susan
Two topics:
1. Scanning allocation methodology
Allocate to target specific titles rather than through subawards for the $140,000; too much paperwork with the subawards and not able to reallocate easily. Put the money on the one current contract through FedLink so that scanning could be done anywhere in US. Tracking through Bianca and Smithsonian--billing through central office. The staff agreed that this would work technically. However, lack of overhead that goes back to the libraries with the subaward would be missed although less than the original allocations. Connie noted that we need to be sure IA bills for MCZ goes to MCZ, not BHL. Smithsonian is using two streams and it works; have to put billing in appropriate metadata. Susan asked about the overhead. Martin noted that in the new model there would be no overhead (which NYBG uses for shipping). There is no option for shipping in the new model.
Martin and Susan discussed the potential of using FedEx ill model but it is not as cost-effective. Susan has big concerns about sending materials through FedEx since we do not know the warehouse conditions. Nancy asked if the primary purpose is to work from the requests but Martin noted that there is not enough material to fill up the scanning centers, even with permissions titles--it is more the flexibility of assigning requests. Judy suggested that we keep some money to be handled as subawards and also noted that we need to be sure good reference work behind the requests. The flexibility in the new model is scanning assignment but there is no flexibility with overhead through subawards. Tom asked if we could make an allocation for shipping but Martin noted that this requires a lot of extra paperwork. Is paperwork the problem? Yes, but also, Martin said that the other issue is that a library can't give back money it can't spend. We have a small amount of money right now. How important is the overhead to others? Doug noted that MOBOT and Field would not be eligible for money because they do not use IA. Connie also noted that the subawards provide a certain amount of political capital for the libraries that receive them. Perhaps we should rethink allocation and include in-house scanning. Many request items are fragile or otherwise unsuitable for IA scanning.

We need to be sure that this last $140,000 be spent on important items. Thus if we return to subawards, we need to be sure we are allocating so that the most important items get scanned. The Smithsonian has funded SIL with $1.5 million over four years to create a folio/rare book scanning facility and do other related BHL scanning.

Becky asked if we could use more of this money on permissions titles. There is a permissions working and wish list and Bianca sends items to holding library.

Graham--how close are we to having a list of materials to a value of about $140,000 for requests/permissions that we are aware of and then break out the allocations according to who has the materials? Martin noted that that was a suggestion from the staff.

Tom said that he can request an extension for the $$ so that we can build a plan. RESULT: Graham noted that we can meet everyone's needs if we develop a list that would cover the $140,000 and then libraries can bid and get the funds how best it suits their institution--subaward, for boutique (in-house) scanning, and through the single payer through Smithsonian.

Martin noted that Smithsonian has analyzed reject rates and will send out to group and have everyone fill in to develop size of universe and portion that can't be done at IA.

ACTION: Martin will send data and others should contribute.

Susan noted that we need to start rustling up new money!

2. Publicity Plan/Communications plan

Opportunities were presented through BHL Europe and BHL Australia for a unifying logo with work done in Europe/Australia --Connie will pursue logos with Jiri (BHL Europe) and Australia. Publicity noted that we need to establish branding and present it through presentations, letterhead and etemplates. We need to be flexible but we need some branding.

Need a logo that is strong and memorable. ACTION: Connie will pursue options with Europe and Australia.

The BHL webpage could use better usability and better presentation. The page has remained static because we were waiting for the results of the user survey. Judy noted that she sometimes gives the Europeana site as a place to start with BHL but it is not updated in real time. If titles in BHL are linked to TL2, it will make searching better.

Need a print brochure and electronic press kit.

ACTION: Nancy will prepare text this month and then have Smithsonian designer develop brochure ready for logo.

Testimonials, press clippings, photos, videos, articles, mission statement....much on the wiki. Needs to be organized into a press kit. Turn the raw materials into an electronic press kit. Assemble this on the public wiki and label it a "press room" that is accessible.

ACTION: send Tom G. examples of press pages on own sites for ideas.

Keep reviewing the public wiki. Electronic press kit will live there.

What about a press release to promote the ACLTS award or just BHL.

ACTION: Tom G. will draft a press release for the "Press room".

Should have reports for next conference call.

3. Cornell
postponed: Executive committee recommends adding Cornell.

ACTION: Everyone should review the application and think about the specifics of Cornell and the general of adding new partners.

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Enter the “Meeting Room Number”: *2105306* (make sure you enter the star key before and after the numbers)