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BHL Institutional Council Conference Call January 8, 2009

BHL Institutional Council Call

On the call:Diana Duncan (FMNH), Judy Warnement (Harvard Botany), Doug Holland (MOBOT), Tom Garnett (BHL Program Director), Connie Rinaldo (Harvard MCZ/BHL secretary), Tom Baione (AMNH), Chris Freeland (MOBOT/BHL Technical Director), Susan Fraser (NYBG) , Cathy Norton (WHOI/MBL/BHL Deputy Director??)

Chris reviewed the meaning of rankings 1 (critical) to 4 (remove from list). Please speak up if you have questions or want to discuss the priorities as drafted by the Exec. committee.
Doug asked if IA has any redundant or mirror sites. There is one static site in Alexandria. IA is encouraging participants to keep copies of own data.

Redundant repository: 1, In discussions with Smithsonian as site for redundant repository with funding from MacArthur.

Production Mirror sites: 1 global access can be quite slow

Improvement of dedupe tools: 1, --included in BHL Europe funding bid and will know in February about the bid.

Article Repository: 1, safe harbor deposit, also for BHL content; This allows us to serve at the article level. At least 2 other methods are in process: PDF-generator interface; articles generated in this way will be deposited in the Fedora repository; Also working on automating "articleization" of serials. Nancy asked how we will identify who will be allowed to deposit? This is a policy issue that Tom is addressing with EFF and Smithsonian General Counsel. Should we set up a group to review the policy issues? Yes, but when. Tom noted that there is an enthusiastic endorsement of the user-generated content and Tom would like to see it implemented sooner rather than later. There will be a document available regarding the safe-harbor at the March meeting. Once it is drafted, we can review, change, discuss.

Handles implementation: 2, persistent identifiers but without redundant repositories, assigning these is risky

JP2 server: 2, underway, IA images in JP2 but browsers don't support so need to de-code. Currently use proprietary software and it is failing because it is being overwhelmed. There is a new open source JP2 server (djatoka) and the swap will be made in the next 2 weeks.

Wiki for text correction/markup: 2

Management of specialist bibliographies:2, look at using existing solutions (endnote, refworks)

User accounts/open source ILS front end: 3 (nice but not now)

BHL Admin: 2, allow staff to edit bibliographic content, functionality in hand

BHL UI: 2, part of BHL Europe funding bid. The back up plan if BHL Europe is not funded, we will have to reprioritize

Taxonomic Intelligence--key point of integration between BHL/EOL, ubio, taxonfinder:
Data Mining: 1, doing in conjunction with EOL

Service, PDF generator: 1,
Resolvers= emerging work: 2

Content ingest: 1 Content is KING. Could double the content of BHL.

General agreement to above.
Chris will put together timing and deliverables for this document.

Tom gave a brief update on MacArthur/Sloane proposals. Jim Edwards is working on putting the document together from the EOL components. BHL has also submitted some supplemental funding requests. In March Tom will have discussions about funding awards/subawards with each library. From the funders standpoint, this is a new proposal so for accounting we have to close the books on the existing awards and open on the new one. We may have to expend unspent money and so some money may be transferred for scanning.

There was a question about the collection manager--is there a job description available for us to review? Originally a high level position but was not finding anyone. Tom has found a library student working with a botanist at the Smithsonian. Tom would like to hire her on a temporary basis until she graduates from library school and then if she works out, promote her. Tom will send the draft position description and duties. She will need to travel for collection coordination.

Tom and Nancy and Susan had a conference call to outline a draft for a strategic plan for review in time for the March meeting: goals, implementation, timetable, draft budget.

Chris sent BHL usage stats.

Next call is February 12 11 AM EST, 10 AM CST, 4 PM GMT

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