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BHL Institutional Council Conference Call August 13, 2010

Judy Warnement, Martin Kalfatovic, Chris Freeland, Tom Baione, Tom Garnett, Connie Rinaldo, Eileen Mathias, Jean Farrington, Graham Higley, Chris Mills

A. Chris: Technical report: Ongoing: hired new programmer using remainder of Moore foundation grant for fedora development (David heskin); working on auto ingest of publisher content into citebank; work with search and indexing (citebank and portal); Upload to IA (articles) will link to content and hold copy at IA; Fedora integration on back end preservation). Working with Collections group to determine content ingesting--workflow and technical.
Data analyst position expects to make an offer tomorrow
Enhance search functionality across BHL and Citebank--need to have single point of entry and enhance search and finding experience.
NEW:: Discussions with Crossref about assigning DOIs--not as easy as originally thought. Working with Bob Corrigon of EOL.
Working with Patrick Leary on nomenfinder looking for nomenclatural acts.
JStor wants to link to BHL--already do with plant. JStOR is now one of the top referrers. Also talking about letting us index their content and make available via citebank. JSTOR members would get access, nonmembers could possibly buy articles or single subscriptions.
Admin report: Chris reported Moore foundation work. Chris Martell from Moore was enthusiastic about work that is happening and the relationships; He wants to put us in contact with other industry/academic groups that have big ideas about literature. Gaming--making articleization into a game (think farmville), for instance.

Plays into a discussion several of us had earlier in the summer. Parsons School has a great game designer. Flipboard operation integrates social media and may expand into gaming. Could lead into a meeting of some sort. Graham noted that NHM is interested in this topic as well. UK is second largest producer of games in the world. Should be good connections there.
Global Tech meeting is moving along. Chris is finalizing the agenda. Being built on wiki. Introductions from all the international nodes.
Chris is participating in an NSF proposal bioinformatics call- Rich Pyle, Stan Blum, Paddy names index and expanding citebank.

B. New membership applications and the Cornell application. Attached is the document that I sent for Nancy Gwinn earlier. Normally discussed at face-to-face meeting. Tom had conversations with Nancy Gwinn and Doug Holland. Cornell did not document what they would bring to the table; we need to have documentation for any new member.

Nancy noted that we need to address sustainability and governance before new members added. Doug concerned about expanding the membership but was ok with Cornell.

Judy noted that she makes valid points. Cornell could contribute without being members. We don't know where we are going.

Jean noted that Cornell has a good track record with digitization.

We need to clarify governance and where we are going.

Graham noted there is nothing wrong with the application. But we do not know what we are endorsing--we need to deal with governance and sustainability. We need to tell new applicants that we are involved in this process.

Eileen wondered if Cornell will add strength to our grant applications.

Connie noted that Cornell's materials may create an "orange bag" problem.

Judy noted that the strategic plan should help inform this process--governance and sustainability.

Eileen noted that we are encouraging the rest of the world but not North American partners.

Martin noted that the international nodes are self funded and self-formed.

ACTION: Chris, Connie, Graham, Cathy and Tom sit down and plan a work schedule

ACTION: Postpone application pending internal documentation and discussion re governance. Connie will contact Mary Ochs.

Chris noted that more than 50 libraries have contributed content via ingest through IA. There could be different tiers of membership.

We still need to hear from Susan.

Application is fine but timing is not good.

C. Scanning allocations. Please see the background document that Bianca Crowly has prepared. I will discuss progress from the Collections working group that should assist us immensely here.

Tom reminded us that one of the problems with the subaward process is deciding up front where to put the money. It is difficult to reallocate. Collections group is working on developing core titles. Botanical titles are ready; zoology nearly so. Can use these core titles to assign allocations based on what libraries have volumes and is willing to let them be scanned.
ACTION: by next call Tom will have a description of the process and a preliminary analysis of who has the titles. ACTION: By October, allocation decisions can be made.

Judy explained that the botany lists came from all the cites in IPNI sent from Kew. All that had 100 or more citations attached were searched in BHL. Good list but not 100% accurate.

Connie explained that the zoology lists are derived from Smithsonian/MCZ catalogs, Zoo REcord, ISI. Citations to journals are noted in Zoo Record, impact factors from IsI and rough species citation counts from Index Animalium. Lists are divided into pre 1923, published through 1923 and since 1923. URL are noted if the title is already in BHL. Not complete yet.

D. Eileen noted that the President of the Academy left in January; George Gephardt is new president and started recently but will put off the hiring of a head librarian until the new president is on board.

E. Connie is at IFLA with a poster and there has been interest in BHL from Sweden, France, Germany, UK, US, Finland, delegates

F. Judy has been invited to Shanghai to give a talk about the BHL in October.

G. Graham noted that we discussed a second library/laboratory conference in the executive call. Graham said that some have noted that it is difficult to get foundations to fund these kinds of events. However, ebiosphere is possibly interested and may be able to get funding. Late autumn 2011 in London. EOL2, Citebank, etc. May be able to get some funding from BHL Europe dissemination group.

H. Next call September 9. ACTION: Tom will canvas and confirm.