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BHL Directors Meeting 2008.03.21

2008 Directors Meeting March 21, 2008 Boston



Dinner Thursday evening

If you are here Thursday evening and want to meet with other directors, plan to meet in the lobby of the Sheraton at 7 pm. Dinner is included with your room if you are at the Sheraton.

Hotel Accommodations:

The Sheraton Hotel Commander info - map
16 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

Meeting Location:

Agassiz Room, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University map - walking directions from hotel

Agenda for the BHL Institutional Council Meeting
March 21, 2008
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge Massachusetts
Chair, Graham Higley
Secretary: Connie Rinaldo

I. Continental Breakfast 8-9
II. Welcome , Introductions-----Connie Rinaldo, Graham Higley 9-9:15
III. The State of the BHL Program (Handouts to be distributed prior to meeting)
a. Digitizing/Metadata/Internet Archive Cathy Norton 9:15 – 9:30
b. Portal Development Chris Freeland 9:30 – 9:45
c. Agreements Tom Garnett 9:45 – 10
d. International Developments Graham Higley 10 -10:15
e. Finances Tom Garnett 10:15 – 10:30
IV. Status Report on the Encyclopedia of Life – Jim Edwards 10:30- 10-45
BREAK: coffee and tea
V. Feedback from Architecture meeting/Data model for roles 10:45 – 11
VI. Bylaws (to be sent and discussed before) Nancy Gwinn 11 – 11:30
VII. Cooperation and Communication – What is working and what is not working. 11:30 – 12:15
VIII. LUNCH 12:15 -1:15
IX. Next Strategic Steps: multilanguage/common names 1:15 - 3
a. Collections/analysis/selection Tom Garnett
b. Long-term sustainability Tom Garnett
c. New Institutional members and new partners
X. Future Fundraising 3 – 3:30
XI. Wrap up and assignments. Graham Higley 3:30 -4

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