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August 6, 2013

Monday Aug 6, 2013 From 11am Central / 12noon Eastern to 12noon Central / 1pm Eastern

Attendees: Trish Rose-Sandler, Mike Lichtenberg, William Ulate.

Location: Skype call (mobot.cbi)

Art of Life
2nd board meeting – went well, didn’t’ seem too concerned by being behind on timeline.
Budget – IMA sent us an invoice for In Kind contributions – currently $2,300 less than the budgeted $15, 200 amt (due to changes in personnel - project management is less, lead developer)
William will followup with Nathan at MBL to push Anthony’s focus on the algorithm and cluster – will find out how many hrs spent so far and how many left.
Funding for an Art of Life meeting in fall? Under Travel – budgeted 12k only used $4k. 8K left for conferences and face to face meeting. Mid October or mid November timeline. Could invite some board members to attend (depending on agenda).

Position paper on BHL link outs
Martin will review while Nancy is away, EC will review early Sept
Trish needs to add stats on how many citations will migrate. And from which providers
Advantage/Disadvantage section can just include the opinions of all 3 groups – don’t need to break out by group.
Trish will review again - Resource considerations, executive summary

TDWG conference
can get certain hotels available at government rate. Book as soon as possible.
BHL symposium approved 1.5-2 hrs – details still being worked out. Speakers – BHL Europe Jiri, William, Trish, BHL Africa. Overall conference theme e-science and virtual communities
Can also do a paper separately if we want

Global Names Project
NSF proposal from Rich Pyle – he has completed a draft of GNA part two. MOBOT would only get $25k a year over a 4 yr period if we participated. William has to get buy-in from both Chuck and Martin to participate.
Disambiguation – what constitutes a match? Exact or certain percentage of similarity. Compared Citebank content with BioSTor. Mike is leaning towards only considering only exact matches at 100%. Essentially we are saying we want to favor precision over recall. If we find a match what do we do with it? Chris said bring it in and group them rather than reject them. A related segment relationship would then be created for them. Bianca has never seen complaints from users about duplicate titles (authors yes but not titles). Deduplication functionality needed for Global Names – we will provide scores to them and they have to determine what is a match.

Macaw progress
Brazilians haven’t uploaded any examples yet, Grilo left, Fabiana starting from scratch
Kenya wanted to install, loading files too big and wanted to see if Macaw install helps
Updates on use of Macaw from global partners needs to be communicated back to Joel. William has been bringing up questions and issues with Joel that he hears from Partners.
SIL Tech review board has approved the cloud installation, but not sure on when it will be ready. Need to make sure global partners using Macaw are aware of progress. BHL Macaw – google group has been set up and everyone should join.

MacArthur grant is closed. Trish will be funded soley from NEH and William from BHL funds
Names Service - Mike asked if William knows status of Dima and Anthony? Mike Would like to turn names service back on.
Partner meta app – (IA changes in wonderfetch workflow)
Next steps: We need template on how we will use app going forward. Mike wants to make sure things are appearing in metadata where we expect them to.. Need a BHL guinea pig to test this. Probably Joe at MCZ would be good. Bianca will followup with him.
Analysis of user contributed PDFs - bring in user generated PDFs and how and whether they are segments, flag as user generated content. Anytime after Aug 20th is good to discuss. Bianca will setup a date.