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August 26, 2013

Tech Review meeting 8/26/13

Present: William Ulate, Mike Lichtenberg, Trish Rose-Sandler

Art of Life
Status of running algorithm on cluster –
bookreader on cluster not working, William sent link to Anthony of page in IA about installing bookReader and Phil’s page about how he had set it up. Mike says he’s not sure this will be the info to help him fix the problem. He doesn’t so much need to download the bookreader to get it to work as to resolve the addresses the book reader uses to retrieve the images.
Anthony believes we need to debug in PHP but Anthony doesn’t know PHP. Patrick Leary at MBL knows PHP and could help. Mike commented that Phil did not know PHP either and was able to work with person at IA to get it running.
Martin will talk to Bob Corrigan this week (Nathan’s boss) about whether MBL can contribute time to this.
Can Kyle send more JSON samples representative sample (1000) so Mike can start testing how to ingest into BHL and output for Macaw.
Anthony back from Australia in 10 days.

TDWG session – set up Google page for BHL symposium that will not probably be on Wed. Don’t need title and abstract yet just post ideas for talks on google page
Image classification – Trish will get back to Robert Pless about a date to meet. Mike is willing to attend if we meet here at MOBOT.
Face to face meeting – Trish waiting on Mary McNamara about housing

Citebank migration – continue cleaning data to be moved over and ready for decision on Sept 5th by EC.

Synchronization of content files between BHL global nodes –
Need to focus on this again. Could OAI help with this? Recall a new proposal for OAI to handle content files? Not sure but none the less it’s a proposal so wouldn’t adopt it until its more stable.
Mike says global partners could get updates via OAI - the metadata via OAI will tell you which content has changed. They could then go to OAI to get the content files. We had said we would use OLEF as the common format all global partners would use. We have not set this up yet.
Things we ingest from other providers via IA, example, Univ of Toronto would not be a part of our OAI feed and would be missed.
This is a Topic to be discussed with Egyptians and Europeans. Also how can they provide their metadata to us? We prefer MODs
Timeline – Europeans won’t ingest our stuff until March 2014. Egyptians can do anytime. This something we need to have worked about in time for next global meeting last week of January 2014 in Australia. Not sure who will attend other than Chinese.

Mexico (CONABIO) has expressed interest in joining BHL. William and Martin will do a presentation for them this week. Not really appropriate for them to join with Brazil. They have funds to do this.