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August 23, 2011 BHL Executive Committee notes

Tom Garnett, Martin Kalfatovic, Chris Freeland, Connie Rinaldo, Cathy Norton

A. Global Names meeting at Bishop Museum: Rich Pyle (Zoobank, Bishop) Jay Page, Chris, Stan Blum fromCal Acad and Paddy, David Shorthouse and Dema? from MBL; Chris presented about Citebank. Zoologists are probably going to follow botany and go to electronic publications. They want BHL and BHL Citebank to be a repository. Metadata at least and PDF as well. So primary need for Citebank is to get metadata and article deposit up and running. More from publishers, less from authors: code view. How do we know where metadata resides and that it is published. Chris thinks we have a version of Citebank to support Zoobank. ICZN commissioners are preparing a proposal for Oct and vote in Dec. Get content, deposit into IA. Show we have the metadata in one place and files elsewhere and keep them in sync. Already doing this with Pensoft. Working with PLosOne. Other publishers may be willing to feed us metadata. Workflow--from publishers, not from individual authors. ZooBank is registry of zoological names. There is a legacy component for entering new species if the genus has not been entered before: Manual additions to register new genus. We grab Pensoft metadata via OAI and dropping into Citebank. Citebank is not the place for nomeclatural acts. BHL holds the facts. Validation is not our role. We are not publishers. Content should be published elsewhere. Depositing in BHL is not a publisher. We are a repository/digital library.

Need copyright advice: EFF (new lawyer) can give us advice about adding in copyrighted materials. ACTION: Tom will get EFF contact info to Chris.

Also interested in Portico model. Suggestion that BHL be like Portico (funded by Mellon foundation)? ACTION: Connie will get a contact for Chris.
Martin suggested that a good person to talk to might be Stephen Abrams (now of Cal Digital Library, __Stephen.Abrams@ucop.edu__)

Putting some boundaries on Citebank: build around depository for nomenclatural acts.

Zootaxa might be an interesting fit--but technology is a bit old.

Who will be communicating with publishers about ICZN--Chris? Will make their decision and then communicate to publishers via libraries. What can Mendeley help us do if anything? ONce we have secured the open access publishers--then commercial publishers would be interested in providing metadata. Once a decision is made, we are in a better position to discuss with commercial publishers.

B. Update to user interface to be introduced. Doesn't include Australia code because it misses a few things like links to EOL. It also misses the annotations and collections that present Darwin Library. So more work to be done. What will be added now: donate button; social links --"connect with bhl"--flickr, blog, tweet this, fb etc. We hope this will increase our profile; new logo. Martin noted that the new logo is on the brochures but logo had to be tweaked. Chris is working on it.

C. National Museum of Australia opening exhibit about Scott sisters (bugs and things). Depositing these into BHL. Complicated because Australia and BHL data are not in sync.

D. Cathy sent a note about the elections.

E. Martin noted that we are moving forward for the staff meeting after life and literature. Connie noted that Joe, Chris and JJ will attend. Cathy noted that Matt will attend from MBL.

F. Chris and Martin submitted a draft proposal to Sloan and based on comments, need to work on it a bit--more science, less humanities.