This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

Aug 31 2015

8/31/15 Tech meeting
Trish, Bianca, Mike, Martin, William

BHL general
AMNH feed – they resolved the bug on their end. Feed is working fine now.
Mapping of volume information in MODS – issue came up in Discovery Tools discussion. Trish forwarded how we are currently doing it put in <location> and how we could do it - put in <part>. DPLA prefers it in Notes but we’re going to see if they will accept it in <part>
SIL Met with Nicole, BHL Australia colleague – collection coordinator role. They are working on field notes
BHL Collection on IA was dark for about 12 hrs last week. Prevented folks from uploading via Macaw to IA. We’re not sure yet what happened.
Collections Committee considering adding item-level descriptive info “this book is incomplete” debated 2 fields. Mike says Item description field is best place to put copy specific information. Any parameters on length? Mike says no limit right now. Lets look at use cases to see what types of information folks will want to put there and then we can mock up how it will look in the UI. Bianca says This change is not urgent should we put on wish list? Mike doesn’t see this as requiring a major change so could be slipped in with his other work
SIL got Approval to purchase servers and licenses and assigned an engineer to manage installation. They are reviving specs, recommending solid state drives.
De-emphasis of content that is not BHL members(– e.g. Canadiana) Bianca wants to know - does it affect all sorting or only relevancy ranking? Mike says relevancy ranking only
Why is there a Difference between stats for contributor item in adm dashboard vs. public site? lIbrary stats are compiled weekly so adm site may not be updated yet. Home page stats are updated more frequently. Mike will look into and verify for sure. WE should document this somewhere so when question comes up again Bianca know where to go get answer.
Macaw documentation questions
Year- enter as YYYY
Volume – enter integers only
Piece – choose from prefixes: issue, No, Part or blank
Bianca will update the pagination documentation for Paginator to align with Macaw documentation

Mike is working again on DOI process
Testing fuzzy queries vs exact. Fuzzy queries is probably best way to go but getting weird results for monographs. Once Mike pins this down we can start assigning DOIs to segments.

Mining Biodiversity
Nathan working on DISQUS implementation. Riza still working on automated extraction of relationships.

Art of Life
Science Gossip – met with project team and uploaded 5 new periodicals. Because of the way Zooniverse platform works those sets will not be live until the current sets are reduced down to below 10k. We’re going to do a challenge to try and get users to finish the current sets in order for the others to be released.
We talked about the future of the site – ConSciCom folks can stay involved through 2017 when their funding ends. Zooniverse folks said they can support the site at least through next year and probably beyond so its really up to BHL folks as to whether they have staffing resources to continue beyond 2015.

Purposeful Gaming
Working to increase players of games - Trish Did a blog post on BHL last week updating whats been happening with them. Have talked with IMLS and they will repost on their blog. DLIB magazine has also said they will let us do a followup post on their InBrief section. Have asked BHL staff to promote the games to their volunteers as another way to get involved with BHL.

Trish to Send email to Martin about tasks from all project that project staff will no longer be able to manage once projects have ended (e.g. running image finding algorithms, classifying in Macaw, interacting with users in Science Gossip). We need to add a discussion at staff meeting in DC to determine if other BHL staff are willing to continue
Martin and William will setup meeting to discuss how to incorporate all transcriptions into BHL UI
Hotels/Flights for staff meeting in Nov – meeting will end Friday by 4pm. Should be enough time to get to a flt at Reagan by 6:45
IMLS grant – still not public. Keep internal for now.