This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

Aug 17 2015

8/17/15 Tech meeting
Trish, Bianca, Mike, Martin, William

BHL general
Collections committee meeting question – items in BHL that don’t have volume information. Bianca confirmed with Mike that when db is missing volume info it displays as “no volume description” Can we change this wording? Mike say yes – just let him know how it should be changed.
AMNH OAI feed – changed platform to DSpace and has some bugs. They are on version 5 which is known to have bugs but they don’t have the new version yet. SIL just upgraded their DSpace platform and even in the newest version there are bugs. Until they fix we’ll just have stale data from early August. Martin suggests a hiatus on harvesting from them until they can resolve.
Freezing of code in October affecting projects. Need a list of Project deliverables that will be impacted. William will provide to Martin.
Mining Biodiversity
Not much since last week. People working on OCR wanted our corrections from game but we don’t have much corrected at this point - only 1 book so far so not very helpful.

Implementation of discus – trying to do before October. Number of hits is limited.

Art of Life
Trish Shared out final report. Hoping to discuss at staff meeting
Science Gossip – trying to get new content in. Lots of vacation’s in August have delayed for now.
Last set of data from Joel was problematic – incomplete. He tried to re-export but it didn’t work. Team determined the amt of data was insignificant so we will not worry about.
We need to have a discussion about what do we want to do going forward with identifying pages with images. Do we want to build the algorithms into BHL workflow moving forward – what resources do we have for this?
Trish to Send email to Martin about tasks from all project that project staff will no longer be able to manage once projects have ended (e.g. running image finding algorithms, classifying in Macaw, interacting with users in Science Gossip). We need to add a discussion at staff meeting in DC to determine if other BHL staff are willing to continue

Purposeful Gaming
Trish held a meeting with Tiltfactor and PG team to talk about how we could get more people playing the games. Will focus on gaming community since BHL community hasn’t expressed a lot of interest in playing them.