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Aug 10 2015

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August 10, 2015
Attending: Mike Lichtenberg, Martin Kalfatovic, Bianca Crowley, William Ulate

One BHL disk has been transferred to new server - holds OCR files
Admin Dash transition seems to have gone smoothly
MOBOT security is obsolete for me now
Yeah I’ll get email with new users requesting Admin accts, I’ll need to set user roles
Rod Page broke APIs for BHL but ML fixed
No news on TDWG panel yet…TBD Carolyn talking to Gale
BC to schedule time with ML to go over suceeding/preceding title issue, TUESDAY
ML hoping to have some time this week to follow up on DOI issue
Soon to have Bess Missell helping out with DOIs for SIL - may be able to support BHL as needed
BC sent request to ML to get list of articles w/out ISSNs in BHL
ML traveling to St Louis and meeting with WU, Chuck and Tech Team on Thursday
Lib Journal posted 2 articles 1) BHL is great and 2) BHL and Purposeful Gaming
Glitch in monthly exports was related to a disk space issue which has now been resolved; mo. exports have been updated
Collections Committee to discuss de-emphasizing external links today, would only apply relevancy ranking

Purposeful Gaming: met with intern who is going to investigate Disqus implementation
Mining Biodiversity: Manchester folks looking into OCR correction and experimenting with a new process, need particularly bad OCR to test, WU sending bad OCR from PG project that was too poor for games
Canada group was working on n-gram algorithm OCR correction, but hasn’t reported for a while, hoping to hear from them at the monthly Mining Biodiversity mtg on Friday
Trish to send Art of Life report, MK would like to post to multiple places
MK asked Joel to write a summary about what has been done/still needs to be done re: Art of Life algorithm = Kalev algorithm
ML remembers something about a process that failed, possibly needing a redo…regarding the IMA algorithm
MK reports that Joel has worked to get BHL images uploaded but IA will need to pick up on algorithm to get the rest of IA images uploaded...

More BHL
BC reported on Macaw documentation information gathering, met with Mike twice last week to discuss: 1) MARC data to BHL mapping 2) “Article Start/Stop” page types and whether or not they are really necessary
BC, MK would prefer to drop article start/stop but BC to check with BHL Staff first
ML says he looked into frequency of article start/stop usage and found it was a lot more than he thought, thousands
At present for BHL, page type “Text” auto suppressed if another term is selected as a page type
May want to turn this suppression off but need to consider more details
Table for now, but keep in Macaw documentation that folks select multiple types since down the road we may want to use the “text” page type alongside an “illustration” page type
ML reports that sometimes IA inconsistent with page types assigning “text” even if just a plate so it’s more complicated than just stopping the auto suppression on our end
BC to keep Macaw documentation as is for page types!
BC to post Tech Notes for today and circulate
Great news: WU feeling better and done with PT early!